Chapter 82 - the high elves council

Around the same time the Demon King sent his declaration of war across the world, the Queen of the Elves summoned a meeting of the High Elves. Such a gathering hadn't taken place since the first Great Continental War, which had occurred three hundred years ago.

The meeting was to be held at the foot of the World Tree—a majestic behemoth that pierced the clouds. Inside the lush greenery surrounding the tree's roots, a large circular table had been set up. The natural beauty of the area rendered any additional decorations unnecessary.

"Eldith, why have you called for a council meeting? As queen, you don't possess the authority to convene the High Elf council on a whim. This better be serious," a tall elf spoke, casting an inquisitive gaze upon the elf queen. She sat in a seat perpendicular to the Mother Tree, a chair noticeably taller than the others, signifying her position of power.

Fixing the tall elf with a determined expression, the queen responded, "Taruén, sit down before you regret it. I would not have summoned the council unless it was absolutely necessary. And I believe the current situation warrants such a gathering," her eyes briefly flashing with intensity.

As time passed, more High Elves from different tribes arrived and took their seats, totaling twenty-four members, including the queen.

The High Elves, or simply Elves, differed greatly from most societies. While they did have a single royal family governing the elven kingdom, their leaders did not possess absolute authority over their subjects, unlike the Empirical Dominion or the Demon Kingdom. Instead, the Elves employed a pseudo-parliamentary system, where the High Elves discussed and passed laws. The only aspect that prevented it from being a proper parliament was the absence of elections. The members of the parliament consisted solely of High Elves, with every one of them required to serve. The council, on the other hand, comprised the heads of the twenty-three original High Elf tribes who had aided in the kingdom's establishment.

"I'm certain that some of you have already heard the news, but it is my duty to inform all of you. That's why I've called for this meeting... The demons have invaded the orcish territory and have requested that we refrain from interfering, lest we face 'consequences,'" the queen announced once everyone had settled in.

A moment of silence fell upon the room as her words sank in. For most, the news came as a shocking surprise, requiring a moment to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Others wore solemn expressions, well aware of the dire implications.

"I haven't summoned this council to discuss interference or non-interference. As the rightful monarch, I've decided that aligning ourselves with the demons would be utterly foolish. Instead, I've called this meeting to prepare for what many of you likely anticipate in the coming years," the queen continued, leaning forward on the table, her gaze somberly fixed upon the council members. Most nodded in understanding, while a few displayed terror on their faces.

Those with terrified expressions were the survivors of the last Great War, the eldest members of the council. They had experienced the true horrors of war three hundred years ago, memories that continued to haunt them to this day. Despite their reluctance to discuss the past conflict at any cost, they unanimously agreed to refrain from interference. After all, being the sole survivors could be more traumatizing than death itself.

"I have also received a missive from the emperor. He, too, will not interfere in this war, instead sending volunteers and equipment. He has requested that we do the same, so as to prolong the assault on the demons, granting us time to prepare. However, I have no intention of agreeing to his proposal," the queen stated, producing a letter from the emperor that had arrived moments before the meeting commenced.

"What do you intend to do, then? We can't simply stand idly by and let the demons expand. Even if we strengthen our military, there are limits to how much our people can grow without actual battlefield experience," a council member from the right side of the table inquired.

"Good point. There's nothing we can do about experience. Even if we intensify our soldiers' training beyond the challenges they already face against the creatures of the Avondale Forest, they would be ill-equipped to face the demons' tactics," another council member remarked. In response, one of the older council members who had fought in the last Great War added, his voice trembling with emotion.

"Those demons… They don't fight conventionally, you know. They employ horrifying tactics—poisons, bombs, mental attacks, illusions, and countless other abominations I wish not to recall. They disregard any notion of fair play. If we don't prepare for such methods, we might as well surrender when they arrive," the elder councilman revealed, his hands trembling. While he was indeed the oldest member of the council in terms of age, by High Elf standards, he was relatively young. However, he held the distinction of being the council's oldest member due to the deaths of his comrades during the last war, leaving younger Elves to assume their roles.

"Elder Camith is absolutely correct. We must prepare ourselves for the demons' unorthodox methods. Those fit for battle at present have yet to witness the horrors of war, rendering them defenseless against the demons who are constantly embroiled in their own internal conflicts. Thus, I have a request for the esteemed veterans who fought in the last war," the queen declared, her countenance etched with determination. After a brief pause, she continued, "I implore you and the other veterans to journey to the Empire alongside our most elite units. Make your way to the Duchy of Valoria, where you shall train the younger generation in the art of war through military exercises, alongside the troops of the Grand Duke. To my knowledge, they remain one of the few remaining armies that still employ such tactics on the battlefield. Since the Empire is a close ally, engaging in joint training with their formidable military force would prove invaluable should the need arise."

The queen's proposition hung in the air, shrouding the room in momentary silence. The veteran council members, initially skeptical, recognized the inevitable truth—they themselves were high on the demons' invasion list once the orcs were dealt with. Reluctantly, they consented to the idea of venturing northwest alongside the troops.

With that decision made, the meeting persisted for several more days. The elves had a great deal to discuss, considering that tensions across the world had reached an all-time high.