
Waking up the next morning I could see Rahne still sleeping next to me.

Looking around, I see that my bedroom has been almost completely destroyed. Claw marks were on the walls and the ground.

The thing was, as soon as she became aroused, she started to grow claws... If it wasn't for my healing factor, I probably wouldn't have made it through the night.

You can probably beat even Thanos if you spend a night with her and survive it without having a healing factor of some sort.

I stood up from the bed and ordered a lot of food from a delivery service, since I assumed that werewolves ate a lot.

Afterwards I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

While I was in the shower, I got some reactions from some ravens. Through their eyes, I saw Selvig arriving in New York in a car with some other people, likely some brainwashed soldiers.

Using the raven I left at the Helicarrier, I let him sneak into the area where Loki was being held.

In the future, I will call him Raven Fischer ... or something like that.

In this room I could see Loki locked in a detention cell that was obviously built for the Hulk and Natasha was in front of him.

Natasha tried to find out his goals and he spit them all out... she is pretty good at this.

I continue looking till Loki says, "No you brought the monster."

Natasha turns to him and smiles.

"That's your plan? You after the Hulk? Good luck with this." after saying this, she walks away from him leaving Loki dumbfounded.

Looking at this scene I pity Loki a bit since he couldn't know that Hulk is basically the Kyuubi now.

Coming out of the bathroom I could see that Rahne was awake too. She looked around and was a bit surprised and said, "Did we do all this?"

But before I could tell her that it was mostly her because I have no claws, her phone started to ring.

"Yes Illyana? They're already looking for me? Shit!"

She jumped up from my bed, put her clothes on and hurried out of the penthouse. I only received a small pick on my cheek while she was running past me.

What should I do with the food now?


Placing the food into three ravens I watched Selvig move to the Central Park Tower.

While at the same time Barton started his attack on the Helicarrier.

I transformed into a raven and flew to the Tower.

Arriving on the roof, I could see Selvig and his team of three goons arriving there too. They had heavy machinery in their arms while Selvig had a metallic looking briefcase in his hand.

"Now put the parts together and we can show the world our new universe!" said Selvig with strange blue eyes and placed the briefcase on the ground.

"I'm still getting used to this universe and you want to show me already a new one?" I say while transforming back into my human form.

Selvig looked at me scared but his goons started to raise their guns. I concentrated some chakra in my feet and appeared behind them. The first two collapsed after I rammed their heads together. The last one was knocked out with a simple neck chop.

"No! We can live a new life if I accomplish my mission. You cannot stop me!" snapped Selvig, and then he tried to attack me... so I used my Ration chakra to taser him.

Picking up the briefcase and opening it I could see a blue glowing cube. With my Sharingan I could see an enormous amount of chakra flowing out of it.

Suddenly something screamed in me to get away from it as far as possible. When I looked at my hand, it was already trying to grasp the blue cube.

I closed the briefcase and jumped a bit away from it.

It was never stated that the infinity stones had such an effect on people, but that would explain why other beings are so drawn to them.

I noticed that my back was full of cold sweat. Was this fear?

As I thought about what might happen if I lose control again and have such a power source, I shivered. I must stay away from the stones or learn how to shield myself from this temptation.

Calming my nerves, I looked at the events on the Helicarrier.

First, I could see Coulson with Nick Fury on the flight deck so Coulson was safe.

When the raven flew further in, I could see Captain America and half-Hulk standing before a frightened Loki.

Bruce didn't want to use Hulk's powers, but it looks like he's not opposed to a small boost from time to time to save himself...

Since Natasha wasn't there she was probably facing off against Barton while Tony repaired the ship.

Where was Thor at the moment? Probably falling from the sky ...

The fight began and Steve threw his shield, but Loki parried it with his scepter. In the meantime Bruce ran up to him and tackled him, sending Loki flying backwards and crashing to the ground.

He stood up and screamed, "You insects! You stand before a god how can you even think about touching me?"

Then he used his scepter to shoot them both. While Bruce was sent flying, Steve could redirect the shot.

Then Tony suddenly appeared from behind and shot Loki with his repulsor, sending him flying into a wall.

When Tony came closer, Loki's body vanished in a green light.

Huh not even my raven could see when he created the clone. After I began to search for the true body, I noticed that the Tesseract began to react. It seems that Loki wants to use him to teleport.

So the other stones are really connected somehow to the space stone and if the other stones seek it out, it allows them to come. It's a really dangerous ability that needs to be sealed somehow.

The Tesseract started pulsing faster and faster shaking the case it was in. It seems to take some time for it to open the portal to the other stones.

Meanwhile my raven arrived at Natasha who just knocked out Barton but when the other 'Avengers' arrived Loki appeared suddenly behind her.


But Instead of killing her, he grabbed her by the neck with one hand and lifted her up.

"Move and I will kill her on the spot. Try to find me and I will flay her and send her corpse to you!"

Then a dark blue portal appeared behind him and he was sucked into it with Natasha.

Next to me the Tesseract energy breaks out of the briefcase and opens a portal from which Loki appears while still holding Natasha.


He is panting while Natasha is unconscious. This type of teleportation seems to burden the bodies of individuals passing through it.

He looks around only to see Selvig and his goons out cold and me standing next to the Tesseract.

"Who the hell are you and what did you do?" he screams while preparing his Scepter to shoot at me.

When it fires I simply shift my body and let it fly by.

"These eyes! Barton told me about you!" Then he points his Scepter at Natasha.

I already tried to catch him in a Genjutsu when he looked into my eyes, but the Scepter completely negated my efforts by sending some yellow chakra out.

"You lost Loki. Let her go and I will allow you to leave here in one piece." I said while stepping forward

"Really? I think you will do nothing to me." He presses the scepter on her neck.

I halt back and raise my hands. "Okay... easy there, I'll back off."

This makes Loki laugh.

"Ha! Humans and their behavior are so predictable."

But then, I snap my fingers while he looks at me, and a blinding flash of light erupts between my fingers, blinding everything around me.

"Ah! my eyes!"

Loki screams and lets go of Natasha while holding his eyes close. At this moment I dash forward and catch her while at the same time kicking Loki out of the way.

Loki slammed into the ground and rolled a bit till he hit the edge of the roof which made him stop abruptly.

"Like I said it's over."

Placing Natasha down close to the door I let her rest. As I walked closer to Loki, his chakra began to change. This trick again...

I turn around and grab the Scepter out of the air when Loki tries to stab me. Then I slapped him with my back hand, causing him to land again on the ground in front of me.

But he has not enough so he grabs a knife seemingly out of nowhere and tries to stab me.

However, I simply evade his attack and use the front blade of the scepter and ram it into his hand pinning him to the ground and making him scream.

I bent down and said, "Not so pleasant being stabbed right?"

Pulling out the scepter of his hand, I placed it on his heart to let him enjoy the same feeling his victims feel. His face becomes emotionless and he simply blanks out.

Suddenly, my mind went haywire as if there were two of me in my body.

{ It would be so much easier if I could use this Scepter more. If I kept it, I could handle so many problems. }

Wait! Those are not my thoughts. Why would I think like this? ... { Even when it could be so easy }.

No... something is wrong. As I stare at the scepter, the blue glowing stone starts to emit yellow chakra, which then flows into my body.

This is bad! I try to throw the scepter away but my arm won't listen to me. I stop my chakra flow but nothing happens... I feel the energy invading me more and more and my mind and body begin to freeze up...

But then suddenly everything is alright and my mind becomes 'clear'.

I placed the scepter tip closer to me and grabbed the blue glowing stone with my left hand. It quickly broke open, revealing a yellow stone that was inside it.

Grabbing the stone my chakra engulfed the stone and then it vanished.

Looking at the horizon, I realize the problem of this universe.

All the beings in this universe were misled and only I can lead them to the right path.