
"It seems you both are having a good time right now."

When Wanda heard me, she quickly turned off the video of me being uncool and came over to me.

"David you are awake? I'm so glad, we thought you would never wake up."

Hearing this, I froze for a second and couldn't say anything... wait how long did I sleep?

"Wanda he was asleep for ten hours not for ten days."

Holy crap, did Shuri corrupt Wanda in such a short time?

This made Wanda laugh, but she still gave me a friendly hug. "Thanks for keeping your promise."

She seems to be in a cheerful mood after seeing that Pietro is safe.

I sighed at her a bit, but then patted her on the head and said, "I promised you that we would save your brother, didn't I?"

Wanda looked up and nodded happily.

Then suddenly, I felt a cold gaze coming from Pietro.

He stared at me with such intensity that I thought he would throw Haki at me at any moment.

I stop patting Wanda's head and after she sees him too she stops hugging me.

"Pietro, how are you doing? As you failed so miserably, we will double your training in the future.

He stopped staring at me and stood up.

Then he took off his shirt and I could see some black metal circles all around his upper body and back.

"Shuri said I would be fine in a few weeks and then I will kick your ass old man."

Wait, old man? I'm only ten years older than you... do the glasses have anything to do with it?

Wanda also said nothing about them. Do they look this horrible?

Keeping my thoughts to myself, I only smile stiffly at him and say,

"I hope that you can put your words into action."

He seems to have moved on from what happened a few hours ago.

Was it Wanda's or Shuri's work?

While I had a word duel with Pietro, Wanda made us some coffee and tea.

Then we sat there and talked a bit about what had happened to him when he attacked Stark.

I was surprised that Tony still created Vision in this timeline and even more surprised that Vision had beaten Pietro so easily.

He probably calculated Pietro's movement to predict where he would land and then he only needed to fire at the places.

It was good that Tony didn't know Pietro had a connection to me. Otherwise, he wouldn't have locked him up that quickly.

But he will soon know about it when he watches the video tapes from the Raft.

That is, if there are any left.


After an hour, a knock came on the door and Okoye entered

She wanted me to meet the king alone.

Seeing I didn't like it, she said I could also speak on Wanda's and Pietro's behalf and as they didn't object, I went with her to the king.

Arriving in a large tower, we entered the throne room. It was spacious and had a lot of Dora Milaje guards.

In the middle of the room was a small throne, where T'Chaka sat.

Directly left of him was his wife Ramoda and right of him was his son T'Chala. While W'kabi and Shuri sat in front of the throne on the right and left sides.

The strange thing was that no elders were present.

Okoye urged me to sit on a chair in front of them and I sat down.

It felt like I was called to the principal office...

"Welcome, outsider. I'm T'Chaka, the King of Wakanda.

I called you here to thank you for helping my son T'Chala in a very difficult situation.

For this, I would like to grant you a wish."

It was like he wanted to test me here. I thought for a second and then answered him.

"Thank you for inviting me here, King of Wakanda.

My wish is that I would like to stay for a while here in Wakanda to let my people recover and let things cool down a bit outside this country."

"No weapons or Vibranium to make you stronger?" T'Chaka asked as he raised a brow.

"No, just some time and a place to stay."

This made T'Chaka and T'Challa smile. He really tested me here...

"Your wish is granted. You can stay here for as long as you see fit."

Hearing this, I could only smile back at them and said, "Thank you for this."

He raised his hand as if there was no reason to thank him.

"It was nothing.

There is something else I wanted to talk to you about. Our research showed us some disturbing results about you. I want to hear from you what occurred in New York a few years ago that made you go into hiding."

Nodding at him, I told him about the Mind Stone, the black liquid thing and my fight against the Avengers.

Since they probably already know a lot from Shield's database, I see no reason to hide it.

My story shocked the others a bit but not T'Chaka who looked more concerned than shocked.

"An unknown entity... We people from Wakanda believe in ancient gods and not every god is kind.

Thank you for your time. Okoye will bring you back to your friends and then show you where you will stay from now on."

I nodded at him and said my goodbyes.

Okoye brought me then back to Wanda and Pietro and we moved to a spacious two-story house on the outskirts of the golden city.

Not far away from the open fields where we could train if we wanted.

Then she told us that even if we were not citizens of Wakanda, we could still use everything that the county had to offer by order of the king.

That was thoughtful of him even though they will probably watch every step of us.


A few days later, we got a surprise visit from Shuri.

She came with Okoye to check on Pietro and told me that she had already progressed in the transformation process. I sometimes forget that she is a genius.

She grabbed then Pietro and started to check him up in the room next to us, she looked somewhat happy? And Pietro seemed to enjoy her company too...

"Will they become a thing in the near future?" I asked Wanda who watched them too.

"No idea, but let's leave them alone."

When we turned around and tried to leave the house, Okoye appeared behind us with a stern face.

"I will not allow them to get together, because he looks like a womanizer!"

Huh? She looked quite scary there.

She even held her spear as if she could throw it at him at any moment.

I wish you the best of luck, man.

Grabbing my jacket, we walked around the future couple destroyer and left the house.

Stepping outside, we could see a full moon rising in the sky and we both looked at the beautiful view.

Wanda then hugged her body to keep herself warm and said,

"When I look at this, it makes me want to forget everything that has happened in the past and start a new life."

I removed my jacket and gave it to her, which made her smile.

Are women doing this on purpose? 'Forgetting' to wear something warm to make us care about them?

"Then why not start a brand-new life where you can live with your past?

It will always be a part of us, so it's better to accept it as it is and not let it control us."

I say this while still looking at the full moon, which seems to illuminate only us.

"And then everything will be all right?" she asks, looking at me worriedly.

Feeling her searching for an answers, I turned to her.

I wanted to say something like, of course, everything will be alright, but that would be a lie.

Life is always full of hardships that you need to overcome.

"Saying yes right now would be a lie, but I can tell you one thing, that you don't need to face the future alone.

Because Pietro and... I will be by your side to help you if you allow it."

Could she trust someone by her side except her brother?

She placed her hand on my chest and her eyes started to glow red.

Feeling her magic entering my body like in the Raft, it started to resonate with the chakra inside me.

"I always have this feeling that everything will be alright when I use my powers on you. Like when we met the first time or in Sweden."

I smile at her and let my chakra leak out of my body and engulf us both.

"These powers of you, are they the reason that you can face the future so easily?"

"Maybe, but I learned the hard way that power alone will not make everything better and that one misstep with it can destroy everything you worked for."

I could only remember Triskelion and New York, where I was used by my powers and even let myself be controlled by a slime...

Seeing and feeling my memories, she started to infuse more magic into me to calm me down.

I could feel my chakra mixing with her chaos magic and it started to turn purple.

It felt like we were one person.

I grabbed her hand, which was still on my chest and burst the purple chakra that was engulfing us. It turned into small particles, which flew around us and in the sky, making them sparkle beautifully in the moonlight.

"Maybe we both need people who watch after us." Wanda says while looking me in the eyes.

I raise her chin with my other hand, "You may be right."

"What will happen now?"

"What do you want to happen?" I bring my face closer to hers.

As she smiles at me, she grabs the glasses I nearly forgot I had on my face and places them on my hair.

She gets on her tiptoes and our lips nearly meet.

When a frustrated voice rang out from the side.

"Yes, it's pretty romantic I get it, but could you not do it in front of the door?

We've been here for like five minutes and still can't get past you two."

Looking to the side, we could see Okoye standing there with Shuri behind her.

"Wow! It was like a movie with the light effects and the talks, only the music was missing but I can place some in the background in post production."

She filmed this?

We let go of each other and then they could walk between us.

Afterward they sat down in their flying car and flew away, without saying another word.

This made me stand there in shock.

Wanda laughed at the look on my face, then stepped forward and gave me a peek at the check.

"Let's go in before Pietro starts a rampage." saying this she walks into the house.

I let out a sigh before entering the house too.

My next goal is to get the video from Shuri before she uses it against me!


End of Volume 2