End of the TVA

While walking through the main building of the TVA headquarters, I tried to recover as much chakra as possible.

If I wanted to get to the main culprit of all this, I would need every bit of chakra I could get... but in the meantime, I wanted to visit the fake Time-Keepers to confuse him a bit.

It was very peaceful right now, because there were no agents left who could attack me. I could still feel some people here and there, but I would deal with them later.

Only after I arrived at the elevator did someone have the balls to face me. A portal opened before the door and a man stepped out of it.

He had ash-blond hair and a nose that looked like it had been broken countless times. There was also a belt on his torso, with strange-looking devices that looked like some strange grenades made out of glass with orange liquid inside.

If I remember right, these were the Reset Charges, the TVA used to destroy timelines. It is really convenient that he brought some here and I don't need to search for them...

He looks angry at me, then takes out a glowing orange sword and says, "Do you even know what you have done?! You destroyed the main defense against absolute chaos!"

His sword looked like the batons of the other agents, only pointier.

I shrug and say, "I don't give a fuck." and start walking towards him.

But he stopped me by pointing his sword in my direction. "This arrogance can only come from a variant. You people create chaos and never know what you did wrong."

After that, he swings his sword down, but I evade it and push him against the elevator door. The impact makes him groan in pain and he lets go of his sword.

"What gives someone like you the right to lecture me? You are only a tool a frightened man created and nothing more, so fuck off."

After saying this I take his sword and wanted to end this, but he grabs one of his reset thingies and says, while leaning against the elevator, "I can't let you pass." and presses the top button on it.

The thing begins to react and the liquid becomes violet and light starts to leak out of it. Mobius closes his eyes and accepts his fate.

But suddenly, he opens his eyes and stares at me in shock. The scenery changes around us and we stand again in front of each other like at the beginning.

The only difference now was that my sword was in his chest and I had his Reset Chargers belt in my left hand. He looks down at the sword and starts coughing up blood.

"Sadly the only one who knows nothing is you. At least you will die as a free man, unlike the others."

I dive into his head and restore the memories of his life before he came to the TVA. He was a world record holder for the longest travel by jet ski.

It seems even in his previous life, he was dedicated to the things he loved.

He smiles after remembering everything, then closes his eyes and collapses to the ground.

Walking past his dead body, I call the elevator and go inside.


As soon as the elevator door opened again, I saw a foggy ancient looking hall in front of me and stepped out.

But the next moment, two guards came out of the fog and hit me with their weapons. 'My' body began to disintegrate as soon as their batons touched me.

However, before the bunshin completely disappears, he transforms into countless ravens that start to surround the guards and simultaneously blow away the fog in the room.

Stepping out of the elevator, I grab one of the guards and throw him against the other. They crash to the ground and my ravens disappear.

As I walked past them, I casually stabbed through both of them and stepped closer to the three floating figures.

Suddenly, my Sharingan reacts to the runes behind them. I saw countless of them at the TVA, but this was the first time my eye reacted to them.

It felt like I could both understand and use them now. Reading the runes behind the Time-Keppers they meant, 'The cycle of beginning and end'.

That opens up many possibilities for me and... Wanda when everything returns to normal.

The Time-Keepers saw me and started to speak one after another, "Variant, what is the meaning of this? Your kind is an anomaly and must be deleted. Give up, or we will destroy you."

But I create a spear, then throw it at the middle one and nail him to the wall and say, "Stop this show. I know who you are."

"You know nothing." said the first and the second asked, "What do you want from us?"

Throwing another spear, I destroy the one who said that I know nothing and then say, "What do I want? I want to take everything from you."

"And you want to do that by destroying this place? I will simply rebuild it." says the robot relaxed.

I summon a sword and walk toward the last one.

"Make it easy for me and come here, or I will come for you and things will get ugly."

"Hahaha!!" but he only laughed, so I jumped forward and cut off its head.

The head rolls on the ground and says, "See you soon."

I walk towards the head and then stomp on it.

Then place the Reset Chargers on the ground and say, "Yes, see you soon."


The chargers power up and begin to disintegrate everything in their path.

Thus, the entire headquarters will disappear into the void, along with every person within it.

Then the energy from the charger envelops me and I disappear from the headquarters and appear in an open field.

Upon seeing the headquarters walls forming around me, I jumped away from the field.

Arriving at a nearby hill, I watched the whole thing appear, while sending out a bunch of ravens. They were mainly used to map the area and also for later actions.

Suddenly a giant black cloud appears on the horizon and forms something like a face with red eyes and flies towards the TVA headquarters. After arriving, it starts to consume it completely.

This will be the official end of the TVA... destroyed by the pet of their founder.

I stay away from it and wait till it's finished.

Since I needed to get inside this monster, my plan was to tame it somehow. So my Sharingan should hopefully do the trick.

If this does not work, then plan B, beat it up until it starts to obey... I'm still working on this one.

To increase my chances further, I take out the powerless Time Stone and start to transfer my chakra into it. This gives it a power source and it starts to glow again.

It was not as powerful as before, but it should be enough for my purposes.

After Alioth was nearly finished and only a few walls remained from the former headquarters, I summoned countless bunshins that would make even Naruto blush and sent them all out toward the being.

As its sole purpose is to eat, I give it food mostly to confuse and anger it and then catch it off guard with my Sharingan.

When Alioth sees the bunshins, it starts to chase after them and it looks like it gets angry whenever it catches a clone, but it simply disappears.

This was my sign to act, so I jumped closer and my bunshin drew its attention to me.

Then I activated my Sharingan while dispelling my bunshins and was now directly face-to-face with this monster.

So I tried to catch it in a genjutsu and... nothing?

The creature moves forward, then devours me and I die.

Man, I hate cosmic beings...