
Seeing him attempt to activate his TemPad with his nose was very pathetic, so I stopped him by grabbing his throat and lifting him up.

He looks shocked and tries to wiggle free, but to no avail.

"Joining you? You can be glad that I didn't kill you when I entered this place.

You are only alive until now, because I thought there was more to this story than a pathetic man with a god complex, who is afraid of an uncertain future. Sadly there wasn't...

But don't get me wrong, you wouldn't have survived this anyway." I say and summon a sword in my free hand.

Suddenly a rumble and the whole citadel started to shake a bit. When I looked through the window, I saw the white time strand starting to split into countless branches.

"Hahaha... it seems we are still in the same cycle even with you here. You can kill me, but that won't change the fact that when everything happens again... I will be the one who remains and it will all begin from new."

The rumble continues and it looks like the citadel is about to collapse.

To end this, I ram the sword into his chest and nail him to the window, then say, "I don't believe anything is predetermined and my past experiences in this universe prove that to me. So forget your cycles and die at least with a little dignity."

He coughed up blood, then grinned, while saying, "You...will...see" and then his body went limp.

"I don't think so..." saying this I took off his TemPad and crushed it to prevent anyone from obtaining it somehow.

Then I took out the TemPad from the agent, who caught me and opened a time gate with it.

Before walking through, I turn around and can see that some time branches have started to break through the citadel.

It looked like it wanted to destroy the thing that had controlled it all this 'time'.

To not disturb it while it does its thing, I walk through the gate, to the place where it all began and probably ended.


I appeared in a dark alley in New York in the year 2008. In the same place and time, where it all began.

Nevertheless, there was nothing on the ground where I should have been lying right now. Because some TVA agents deleted me...

But everything leaves traces behind and I have the right tool to find anything related to time. I took out the Time Stone that glows again as if its batteries have been recharged.

Holding it before me, I close my eyes and concentrate on the traces the TVA left behind, when they played with time.

The stone reacts and I let go of it and it flies into the middle of the alley and floats there in the air. Upon walking up to it, I grabbed the stone and wanted to reverse what happened there, but it wouldn't let me...

It seems impossible with the time stone alone to reverse a timeline deletion. However, my instincts told me that I still could make it happen.

So the first thing I did was summon countless ravens that flew around the alley.

Following that, I transformed them into three specific runes that determine time and space. The same runes the fake time-keeper used. The first was ᛜ-Inguz, which I used to create the right space. Then <-Kenaz and >-Kenaz to get a better grasp of the past and future.

In an instant, numerous blue, glowing runes began to surround us. The Time Stone reacted to this new energy and became even more powerful. To the point where even deleted timelines should be no problem for it.

Its energy started to run haywire, so I activated my Mangekyou to remote control it and start to rewind the time.

First the surrounding area glowed in rainbow colors, then they began to get absorbed into a Reset Charger, that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, under the time stone.

When the colors completely got absorbed, my past self appeared under the Charger and it looked like I was unconscious at the moment.

Then a time gate appeared and two TVA agents stepped backwards out of it and picked up the Reset Charger.

I thought already that they would use the moment I arrived in this world to reset the timeline. I would have done the same...

When they stepped away from my past self, I stopped the time reversal and dashed toward them.

I decapitated both before they even realized what had happened and their lifeless bodies fell to the ground.

Then I took away their TemPad's and sent both bodies into the void with one of their batons.

After that, I simply wanted to close the time gate. But when I came closer, I felt nothing but emptiness inside it.

Hence, I threw the Reset Charger, the batons, and the two TemPad's from the agents inside. Then I used my TemPad to close it. These things are simply too dangerous to keep around.

Suddenly I sensed something abnormal and looked up, where I saw a raven sitting on a roof with glowing red eyes.


I spit a fireball in its direction, but it simply disappears before it touches him. Then he flies down, lands next to me and starts forming his creepy dark liquid body before me.

Afterwards he creates a smile with his finger on his faceless head and says, "Well done, I knew you would come sooner or later and fix things."


Tamat stood in front of me absolutely relaxed, as if everything was fine and he wasn't the most evil thing there is.

"So are you here to finish what you started and steal my eyes?" I ask him and prepare to fight.

But he said, "No, right now they are useless to me. Let's have this chat again in the future. I'm only here for him." and points at my past self.

I move between them, summon a sword and point it at him. But he seems not to care and says,

"There is no point in you being so hostile right now. Our time will come, but this is not your time right now and I'm pretty sure you want to return to your time and your beloved Wanda aren't you?"

Is he reading my memories?

"Yes, I do." He approaches me and my sword pierces him, but he only grabs the Time Stone next to me and ignores the sword in his chest.

"Go back now your past self needs to make a choice that he can't reject. But don't worry I'm pretty sure we will see us soon."

"Wait, you f---" before I could finish speaking, the surrounding scenery started to change as if time was fast-forwarding.

The next moment, I'm standing in New York Sanctuary and hear someone say, "So you are back?"

In front of me stood Strange. Who looked a bit annoyed and then stretched out his hand.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"The Stone genius, give it back."

I look at my hand and I really have the Time Stone in it, so I throw it at him and he locks it up in his amulet again, then sighs.

"Placing everything on one card was a dangerous gamble, but luckily everything turned out well."

This dude is an ass....

"I'm glad that you were fully convinced of my success. If something like this happens ever again, I will chill in the nothingness and you can deal with time people, monsters and crazy variants."

"I didn't chill in the nothingness, I did my work saving the dimensions and then you simply appeared with the stone here."

So like, this all never happened?

"Good to know, still your turn next time, bye." I activate my Raiton armor and dash out, to see the person I did this all for.

"Yeah sure... wait! Thank---."

I didn't get the last part because I was already too far away, but I was pretty sure it was something stupid...

After a short dash, I landed on my balcony. Looking inside, I saw Wanda sitting on the couch and inspecting the newly arrived Wanda figure.

I change my clothes and put away the TemPad, then walk inside. She notices me and comes to me.

"Hey where have you been? You simply disappeared. Look what we g---"

She couldn't finish her sentence because I suddenly hugged her.

"Wha--- is everything alright?" she asked concernedly.

I nod, "Yes... it is now." and continue to hug her.