
After I restored my timeline, everything looked normal again and even when Tamat read my memories, he didn't change anything.

That makes me worry. Why wouldn't a being like him change the outcome of New York and take my eyes there?

It felt like I was following his sick plan or something like that and I didn't like that feeling.

Anyway, I didn't tell Wanda about this whole TVA thing. Why make her worry about something that never happened?

The only thing I need to explain to her is the rune thing, when she sees them. However, that shouldn't be that difficult since she gave up trying to make sense of my powers long ago.

It also seems that some people have started to notice us. Normally I would shield us from detection, but there were two situations when I couldn't.

The first time was when I got unconscious after the battle with Dormammu and the second was when I returned from the past.

Through my ravens, I saw that Matt and the X-Men visited the hospital and the Sanctum. They couldn't enter the latter one, because Strange didn't allow it.

Even if I wanted to speak to Matt about New York, I decided against it for now. Because I simply wanted to relax, after all this stuff that happened over the last weeks.

I'm pretty sure I need a vacation after this vacation...

So we decided to leave for Sokovia earlier to avoid challenging our luck more.

After sending the Wakanda jet back to Shuri since we didn't need it any more, we created a portal to travel to Novi Grad.

We were amazed at how lively and happy the city was as soon as we arrived. Sokovia appears to have recovered and begun blooming in the last few months.

Over the next two weeks, we travelled throughout the country and mostly ate delicious food like Pelmeni. Pelmeni are meat dumplings, but on a whole different level.

Wanda promised me to make me some, when we returned to Wakanda. When I asked her how she knew how to do them, she said that Eastern European women are born with the talent to cook anything they want.

Of course, I believed her and didn't mention the times when I saw her using YouTube to see how something was done. Like with TVA, it's better to keep this hidden from her...

Mainly because I don't want to starve to death...

We have also done a lot of hiking in the snowy landscape without being attacked by the Yeti or some other mythical creatures.

So Sokovia was an absolute success and I had enough time to process the stuff that happened in New York.


Today was the last day of our vacation. We were lying right now in bed and didn't want to leave the comfort of each other. However, we had to check out, so we put on some clothes and began to pack our stuff.

After checking out, we threw all our stuff through a portal to our house in Wakanda and decided to stroll a last time through Novi Grad.

As we walked past a jewellery store, we decided to go inside since I wanted to get her something pretty.

"It's all so expensive. Maybe we shouldn't buy here?" said Wanda quietly when she saw the price tags.

The prices are fine since I opened a Swiss bank account, when I travelled through Europe a few months ago.

During this time, I also used my Sharingan to ask a few crime families I met accidentally to transfer all their cash to my account. Which they happily did.

Basically, I had more money than I could ever spend and we don't need to look at the price tags. So I told her, "Don't worry, just pick something you like."

She was still unsure but then looked through the necklaces until she found a pretty one. It had a long white gold chain that held a long ruby.

As soon as I saw it too, I bought it. Because I was sure it would look stunning on her.

She wanted me to put it on her and while doing so, I placed a small ᛜ-Inguz rune on the back of the ruby.

Despite the price concerns, she still liked the gift and kissed me afterwards. Then she urged me to buy something for myself too.

So I bought a set of three black bracelets with some gold on them and we continued our stroll until it became dark outside.

Then we walked into a dark alley... to create a portal to Wakanda, obviously.

After passing through, we entered our room that was filled with souvenirs for the others.

Wanda wanted to clean up a bit, but I grabbed her waist and brought her closer to me, to kiss her. I was simply too curious to see how the necklace would look if she didn't wear any clothes with it.

But after falling on the bed, I noticed something strange and we sadly had to stop.

"Is something wrong?" asked Wanda, who had already lost her top.

"Yes, it seems that someone is attacking the Golden City and your brother is trying to help them."

This made her eyes widen and she started to put on her clothes again.

My sensory ability told me that Steve, Bucky and Sam fought some people at the city's west entrance. In the meantime, Natasha and Bruce dealt with people who seemed to possess the same wild chakra as T'Challa.

That can't be good...

It was hard to track Pietro down, but he was somewhere in the mine for some reason with another guy with the Black Panther chakra...

After sensing all this, I followed Wanda's example and also changed my clothes. I put on a T-shirt with cargo pants, then summoned a tactical vest, fingerless gloves and battle boots.

While Wanda wore a black dress and a red jacket that she liked so much. She doesn't care about the protection and goes more for the style factor... but since I wear these military-style clothes for the same reason, I didn't complain to her.

After we both were finished, we opened a portal and stepped into the city.


We appeared in the city center and I was frozen in place, when I looked around. The comic book store I had so much hope for was burned down. Who does something like this?

I was shocked to my core...

"This looks horrible. I hope everyone is OK." says Wanda when she looks at the burned buildings.

I closed my eyes to calm down, then spread out my sensory abilities again and could feel many people a street away. It appears the fire started at the comic book store and then spread from there. So most, if not all, people had time to flee.

"They seem to be fine and Okoye is looking after them. Let's go to your brother and check something out on the way there."

She nods, so I pick her up and we jump towards Shuri's lab.

I choose to take a small detour and we fly past the palace. It seems that Natasha and Bruce could beat up the bad guys already and everyone was fine in there. Strangely I could sense Ramonda in the palace, but not T'Chaka or Shuri.

As with T'Challa, Shuri and her father have a strange hidden power in them as well. It seems to be derived from the T'Chaka family lineage.

So I tried to track it down and found them close to Pietro and the fake Panther guy. I could already guess who this guy was...

"Is Pietro in there?" asks Wanda while looking at me.

But I shake my head. "No, it seems that someone kidnapped the old king and Shuri, while your brother is trying to save them right now at the mine."

Hearing this, she uses her magic to speed us up even more and we arrive shortly after on a cliff.

Looking down, we could see T'Chaka and Shuri sitting on the ground, while Pietro tries to find something on Killmonger.

Suddenly, T'Chaka stands up and says, "Save my daughter." then jumps down the cliff.

Which shocked Wanda and me.

Thanks to my Sharingan, I could see that he was wearing a blinking collar, that didn't really suit his style, so I could guess why he did this.

"Wanda, save T'Chaka and get rid of the collar he is wearing."

She nods and flies in the air, stretches out a hand and the old king stops falling. Then she swipes with the other hand and the collar comes off.

At the same time, Pietro managed to do the same and throw Shuri's collar away.

Seeing that Killmonger wanted to run away, I jumped down and landed in front of him. I wasn't sure until now, but he really wore T'Challa's old suit...

He tries to swipe at me when he sees me, but I manage to evade it easily. Then I concentrated some chakra into my hand and gave him a neck chop, which dropped him to the ground.

After stepping on him in case that he wakes up, I look over at the couple on the ground. Pietro looked like he would faint any moment and breathed heavily.

"No, father!!!" screams Shuri, but then suddenly looks confused and says, "Father?" because the old king comes back flying up the cliff.

They all seem to be confused, but other than that fine, so I ask them,

"What the hell is going on? We are away for a few weeks and when we return, my favourite comic book store is burned down and a T'Challa cosplayer is running around."