
David's POV:

"That's good enough for me, so awake!"

I activate my Mangekyou Sharingan to tap into his dormant energy and unleash it within his body. His body immediately reacts, and steam begins to emanate from him as all his wounds, except for his right arm, rapidly heal.

In the next instant, black fur starts to sprout from his skin, enveloping him like a suit made of Vibranium. Other changes follow, starting with his head. His ears become pointed, and a snout begins to take shape on his face. As he opens his mouth, sharp fangs become visible.

His body grows more muscular and taller overall, while claws manifest on his hand and feet.

When the transformation was complete a hybrid of a human and a Panther stood in front of us. The last time I felt such intense energy was when Bruce finally embraced the Hulk...

I deactivate my Sharingan and stand beside Wanda, who is still trying to restrain Ramonda and Shuri from charging into the watery arena.

Suddenly, everyone watching the events unfold in the arena freezes. Killmonger, who attempted to kill T'Chaka, is sent hurtling through the air by the now transformed T'Challa.

Unaware of what just transpired, Killmonger crashes near the waterfall's edge. As he looks back to where he was, he sees the massive yet agile creature now protecting the old king.

Fear and shock could be seen on Killmonger's face, while the elders and tribe representatives appear to have found their long-awaited messiah...

T'Challa strides over to his severed arm, picks it up, and presses it against his stump. Steam emerges from the wound, and he releases his grip on the arm, moving it as if it were never severed and after a while it undergoes a transformation too, acquiring the same claws and fur as his other arm.

After inspecting his body, he starts to look at the still frozen Killmonger and walks towards him with what seems to be a newfound determination.


Seeing the transformed king coming closer, Killmonger finally finds enough courage to face his long-awaited enemy. He stands up and readies his weapons to fight against the hybrid.

"Do you think some fur and claws will save you? I will wear your skin as a coat when I'm done with you," said Killmonger while running towards T'Challa. His words sound brave, but before he starts running, I could see his body shaking in the presence of the formidable opponent in front of him.

T'Challa stops when he sees his prey coming towards him. Readying his claws, he waits for Killmonger to strike.

One thing is for sure: Killmonger is no pushover. Facing such an enemy, knowing you have no chance, everything for a dying dream... I can respect that, but I cannot give him a chance here. He is simply too dangerous and uncontrollable for that.

While I have my inner monologue, Killmonger tries to strike T'Challa with his sword and spear, but to no avail. T'Challa simply sidesteps every strike and slash, then uses his backhand to slap Killmonger back to the ground.

Spitting blood into the water, Killmonger looks at T'Challa with watery eyes and screams, "Why you?! Why do you get everything, while someone like me, who has the same right, needs to fight for what is rightfully mine?"

Killmonger stands up again and jumps, attempting to strike T'Challa with both his sword and spear at the same time. But T'Challa, once again, simply shifts his body to the side and evades the attack.

This time instead of slapping Killmonger to the ground, he uses his claws to strike down on Killmonger's left arm. In the next moment, his arm falls to the ground. It does not seem to bother Killmonger, or he did not realize it, because he slashes with his sword at T'Challa, who simply waits for the slash to connect.

Killmonger manages to slash T'Challa's chest, but it doesn't even leave a scratch on the hybrid king, making everyone in the arena gasp in shock at the display of power.

While Killmonger stands there dumbfounded, T'Challa uses his claws again to strike at the last remaining arm of his foe.

"Ahhh! What did you do! Ahh, my arms!" finally realizing that he has lost both of his arms, Killmonger drops to his knees in shock, staring down at his body in disbelief.


T'Challa lets out a monstrous roar that freezes everyone and makes them focus on him, especially Killmonger, who seems to forget about his arm when he hears the hybrid roar in front of him.

Then he speaks for the first time after the transformation, "It may be true that I have everything in life, but unlike you, I don't use it solely for my own selfish reasons. I think about my people and don't want to kill them!"

Saying this, T'Challa readies his claws to bring this to an end.

"Wait! I accept your offer! Let me go, and you will never see me again! Think about your honor, you are not a butcher!" These words seem to stop T'Challa for a moment, and he pauses before saying,

"Like you said, this has nothing to do with honor, and I should never have tried to forgive you for what you did. You are a threat that I can't simply ignore. Only if you are gone can my country, my people and family be safe."


Before Killmonger could say anything, T'Challa slashed down with his claw, serving Killmonger's head from his body and ending this threat to Wakanda forever.


Standing over his defeated foe, T'Challa began to revert back to his human form and looked at the crowd afterwards. The entire arena bowed to their reawakened king, except for two guards who had already left after witnessing their friend's victory in the trial by combat.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't intervene in this battle, and that T'Challa needed to learn his lesson on his own? Yet, in the end, you still aided him."

After returning home, Wanda scolded me for my earlier speech. I responded with a smile and attempted to calm her down by planting a kiss on her lips.

"Yes, I did help him, but only after he realized that he risked losing everything by following his honorable ways. Besides, didn't I assure you that he would be fine?"

"Yes, you did, but couldn't you have shared more of your plans before taking action? Being kept in the dark made me worry throughout the entire ordeal," she expressed while embracing me.

I gently stroked her head and responded, "I apologize for that. Next time, I will make sure to inform you of all my plans from the start."

Would she believe me if I admitted that I never really had a plan and simply improvised along the way? Nevertheless, it didn't matter as long as everything turned out fine right?

After remaining in each other's arms for a while, Wanda locked eyes with me, her expression filled with concern.

In an attempt to prevent unnecessary worry and avoid constantly wearing sunglasses to conceal my blind eye, I had used my transformation powers to make it appear normal. However, this trick didn't fool Wanda.

"You've used your powers again. How bad is it?" she asked, gently caressing my face.

"Don't worry, for now, I'm fine. It was only for a short time, so no real harm was done," I assured her, placing her hands in mine.

Although Wanda nodded, her worry remained evident. She didn't press further and instead led me to the bathroom to relax a bit.

The truth was, my eyesight continue to deteriorate, and if I don't find a solution soon, it would become a serious problem in the future. It will be difficult to deal with the upcoming events without my Sharingan, especially with someone like Tamat lurking around, doing who knows what.

Perhaps I should seek help from a bald sorceress. Let's see what insights she may offer in this matter.