Old Friend

Seeing the ghostly dragon towering over me, I didn't think something like that would happen here. I mean, how the hell should I fight this thing.

Maybe I should escape... But that would take away the chance to deal with Tamat and could also bring him and Legion to Earth.

I sighed at the creature in front of me and said, "Let's get it over with so I can concentrate on the guy who brought you here," and activated the Lightning Armor, waiting for the creature to make a move.


I didn't need to wait long because the dragon looked up to the sky, roaring, and green lightning started striking the ground everywhere. So, I began evading it, by leaping from place to place as fast as I could.

But it seemed this was only the warm-up phase for the dragon. After seeing me evade the lightning, it opened its mouth, and a wave of fire stormed towards me.

With no other choice but to counter it, I inhaled as much oxygen as possible, fused it with my Katon chakra, and spat out a wave of flames towards the dragon, on my own.

My red flames collided with the dragon's green flames, and from the start, I could feel that his were much stronger... Sooner or later, they would overpower mine. So I had to decide whether to pour more chakra into my flames or use my Mangekyou and get probably blind faster.

"Son of a bit---" *Pang* But before I could make a decision or curse, the sky lid up and a lightning strike hit me from above and threw me off balance for a second.

I sustained no real damage thanks to my lightning armor, but it gave the dragon enough advantage to completely overpower my flames, leaving nothing but melted rocks where I had been standing.

Legion then looked around, confused. He probably sensed that I was still nearby but wasn't sure how I hadn't been killed by the flames.

While I sat relaxed at the cliff where I first arrived, watching it look around, contemplating how to deal with the creature. I probably couldn't tame it since it was made up of the people I killed since arriving in the MCU. So I doubted they would be eager to be my friends...

Since it was somewhat of a ghost and likely made of some sort of energy, I could possibly seal it with runes. However, I needed a vessel for that, and I didn't really want to become a Jinchuuriki or something like that.

Sighing again about the situation, I didn't really want to use one of my new trump cards since I wanted to leave them for Tamat. It seemed I had no real choice, but to unleash an old friend and let him play...

But first, let's see if I can inflict some damage or at least anger the creature a bit.


At the same moment Legion managed to track me down, I summoned a sea of ravens and let half of them scatter around the battlefield.

Once they landed in different places, they started to glow blue and transform into the rune ᛟ-Othala, representing homeland.

At this point, I deactivated my Lightning Armor to preserve my chakra and also because it was not necessary for the upcoming actions.

I jumped forward, and the ravens surrounded me, creating a massive swarm that headed towards the dragon. It looked like ants approaching a literal dragon to fight, but I didn't really care about it.

In response to it, Legion sent lightning towards me, decimating my swarm little by little, but I simply summoned more to its annoyance.

*Raaahr!!!* "Do you think you can hide from me? Let me show you how our hate has empowered us."

The dragon looked up again and shot hundreds of fireballs into the sky. Knowing what would come next, as I had used a similar attack to destroy the TVA headquarters, I prepared myself to get the 'Hel' out of here.

The next moment, colossal green fireballs came crashing down on me, resembling massive meteorites. I scattered my raven swarm, to avoiding their complete destruction, and braced myself to confront the meteorites head-on, like a real man.

However, before they could strike me, I visualized the rune ᚱ-Raidho in my mind and used my connection to the nearest ᛟ-Rune, to swiftly teleport away. Just as I had done previously when the dragon attempted to engulf me with its fire wave.

While training with Wanda and Yao, I discovered a new method of teleportation using these two runes. Wanda was slightly annoyed because creating portals had been our thing till then, but when I explained the limitations of this kind of teleportation, she became happy again because I still needed her for normal portals.

The first thing to note is that this teleportation technique required marking a location beforehand, which meant that I couldn't instantly travel to any desired destination. Secondly, maintaining the active state of the runes consumed a significant amount of chakra, making it impractical for day-to-day teleportation.

Nevertheless, I made the decision to permanently mark Wanda's necklace with the rune to ensure her safety. Her necklace now bore two runes. The ᛜ-Inguz rune, which I had placed there when I first bought the necklace, would serve as an alert system, notifying me if she were in danger. The newly added ᛟ-rune would grant me the ability to teleport to her instantly afterwards.

Or I could use the rune on her necklace, in the situation a cosmic being would lock me up in another dimension again...

Back at the battlefield, I appeared outside the inferno and directed my remaining swarm towards Legion. However, the dragon continued to gradually decimate the ravens with fireballs and its lightning.

To gain its attention, I amplified my voice using chakra and screamed. "Is that all you've got after coming back to life? Up until now, all you've done is slightly raise the temperature here. Come on, don't mimic climate change. Strive to be better!"

*Raaahr!!!* "Who gave you the right to taunt us/me if you can't even come near me without fleeing immediately? Let me show you what true hate is, motherfucker!" roared the dragon, making the air vibrate. It even sounded like Fury at the end, which was amusing and made me chuckle.

Disregarding the swarming ravens around him, Legion grew furious upon hearing me chuckle through my amplified voice... So It opened its mouth wide, while releasing a colossal fireball into the sky. Then it suddenly started to slowly diminish in size, as if being compressed into a blazing sphere. Simultaneously, lightning struck the ball, causing crackling energy to surge within, making it visible stronger every second.

And then, the dragon swallowed it...? Did I unintentionally kill someone who was also transported into this world? Or why does it plan to use a Bijudama on me all of a sudden?

Without paying attention to my current state of confusion, it looked directly at me and unleashed the enormous green blazing ball, obliterating everything in its path.


Awaiting the 'Dragon Ball' (pun intended), I remained calm, as my ravens were in place, ready for the spectacle I had in mind.

Summoning additional ravens, I commanded them to take flight and form a colossal ᚱ-rune in the air before me. As the blazing ball hurtled towards us, it collided with the rune. Instead of exploding or continuing its advance, it gradually sank into the runic symbol.

I was sure a certain yellow haired hokage would be proud of me after seeing this.

Without a delay, I vanished alongside the ball, leaving Legion bewildered as it scanned its surroundings in bald fury.

"Here, you can have this back!" I exclaimed, appearing above the dragon with the stolen Bijudama. I shot it out from a massive ᛟ-rune created by my ravens, aimed directly at the perplexed dragon.

The ball crashed into the massive creature, sending it hurtling to the ground, before detonating like an atomic bomb. I must say, it was thrilling to launch such a thing back towards an enemy, but the heat nearly burned away my brows and hair so I needed to teleport to safety and sadly could only watch the explosion from afar.

Within seconds, the smoke and heat dissipated, leaving behind smoldering chunks of flesh scattered in every direction. Puzzled by the outcome, as I hadn't expected it to be fatal, I shrugged and turned my attention to finding Tamat.

But suddenly, my alarms blared, alerting me to impending danger. Reacting swiftly, I leaped aside to avoid whatever was coming my way.


In the next moment, the meaty chunks began to reassemble, forming the massive dragon once more. As soon as its head formed, it lunged towards me with its jaws wide open, attempting to bite me while its body reformed.

Recognizing that it was not yet at full power, I chose not to evade the attack and allowed it to approach, to annoy the creature further. In the next second, its jaws clamped down on me as it continued its forward charge. So to prevent it from biting down, I used my feet and hands to hold back its massive teeth, while soaring through the air.

"What's wrong, Legion... summoned from the depths of Hel only to be this weak? I've encountered beings that would trample you without looking back!" I taunted, while activating my lightning armor once again, as I noticed green flames emanating from its newly formed throat.

In an attempt to demonstrate its strength, it unleashed a point-blank blast of flames upon me. However, I refused to release its teeth, reinforcing my body and lightning armor with additional chakra to endure the attack.

Feeling my inner Alucard emerging, I continued taunting, knowing that an enraged enemy makes many mistakes. "Hahaha, yes, that's better! But it's not good enough! Allow me to show you the strength of a true beast."

I teleported away from its mouth and appeared a few hundred feet above its head, where my raven was moments ago. With tremendous speed, I descended upon its head feet first, delivering a forceful blow that sent the dragon roaring back to the ground.

Before teleporting to a nearby cliff to see the dragon struggle to stand up. After a few seconds, the dragon rose, seemingly unharmed, and fixed its gaze upon me. Mockingly, it laughed and said, "Hahaha, you call yourself a beast and sought to display your strength, but your attacks are nothing to me!"

This caused me to raise an eyebrow, and as black smoke began to storm out of my body, I responded, "Who said I was referring to myself? Alioth, it's time to play!"

'Yes... I will help you... Partner!'