Phone Caller

Silence and absolute darkness greeted me when I regained consciousness. What happened, and why is it so dark here? Ah... right, I died...

I noticed that the ground I was lying on was very hard... even in death, you can't get a good mattress. Not wanting to strain my back, even in death, I stood up and touched my face. One and two, yeah, both eyes. So, I really died?

Man, if Wanda finds out I died, she will resurrect me and kill me again afterwards...

Since I could only see darkness and nothing more, I wasn't sure where I had ended up. Definitely not heaven... maybe hell, and this eternal darkness is my punishment...

"He remembered. Did you see that? Finally, a step forward..."

Turning around after hearing someone speak, I could see two blurry figures, sitting there and observing something like a big screen.

Did they just appear, or were they there the whole time? I walked closer to them and looked at the screen, where I saw a guy sitting in what seemed like a swaying wooden cabin of some sort.

"Is this Noctis? Do you folks even play Final Fantasy in the afterlife?"

The blurry figures turned around, or at least it seemed like it, as their bodies shifted strangely.

"There's a soul standing next to us... Did you summon him, father?"

"No idea... wait a moment." Suddenly, he pulled out a godly phone that I recognized well since I had the same Nokia.

Then he, or it seemed to dial something inside, and suddenly my Nokia started ringing with the City bird sound. I took it out.

On the screen was the name Azathoth, so I answered the call and said, "Hello?" But Azathoth didn't respond and simply hung up.

"That was rude..." I put the phone back in my pocket and observed the outer god in front of me, what looked like staring at me.

After a few seconds of silence, Azathoth said, "So, after losing to that brat Tamat, your soul somehow ended up here?"

"I think it was the phone that brought him here. I told you not to make it so powerful... The last time you dropped it, it destroyed an entire universe..."

"I know, I know. So, tell me, soul, what do you want here? We're kinda busy, as you can see."

Their conversation left me stunned for a second. First, my phone is truly divine, and secondly, what the hell?

"I have so many things I could remark right now, but since you guys seem to be busy and I'm in a hurry, let me ask you a few things real quick."

The blurry figure that called Azathoth father shifted its body again and appeared to concentrate back on the screen, while Azathoth remained motionless. So, I began my Q&A.


"You are outer gods?"


"And Tamat too?"

"Yes, but he is... let's say special."

Yeah, I noticed that...

"So, I'm dead?"

"No, it seems your body is in a hibernation state to heal its wounds. It's basically a death-like state, which allows your soul to wander around it seems."

I nearly dropped to my knees upon hearing this, as my body or soul momentarily lost all strength. I still have a chance... "Good... that's a relief... Phew... One last question, why did you send me to the MCU world with anime powers?"

"That wasn't specifically me. It was the phone. I created those features to showcase the immense power of outer god technology. However, after a 'few accidents,' I had to halt production. Somehow, an empowered phone ended up in your hands, and you know the rest. In fact, I wasn't even aware of your existence until you appeared here, and I delved into your memories. As for the connection to the MCU and anime... I have no idea. Perhaps you had a strong affinity for both, who knows."

"So, you're not the one who stole my figures?"

"What figures?" asked Azathoth, perplexed.

"Never mind... it seems you're innocent of that. So, will you take care of that Tamat guy? He's become quite uncontrollable out there."

"No, we don't interfere in the affairs of other outer gods, even someone like Tamat.


"You seem worried, soul, but remember, you're in the MCU world. There's more than just the Sharingan that can help you, don't you think?"

... That's right.

Suddenly, I felt a pull from behind. It seemed that my body was ready to awaken.

"It's time for you to go... give Tamat a taste of his own medicine, and never return here again. This is no place for souls."

As he finished his sentence, the scenery abruptly changed, and the outer gods vanished as if they were never there...


"Yeah, that hurts..." I found myself once again on the hard ground, and every inch of my body hurt like 'Hel'. Luckily, my healing factor saved me.

The bad thing was that my eyes were still gone, and I couldn't see shit... But I could still feel my chakra and the remnants of my mangekyou, which gave me hope.

I concentrated my remaining senses on the surroundings and realized I was still in Hel, left behind like some dying meat. But there was something else, fragments of it, but still there. I walked unsteadily to the place where Alioth was last before getting destroyed and focused on our connection, absorbing his remaining energy.

'We are... alive?' Asked Alioth perplexed.

"Yeah, a bit beaten up but alive. Sadly, we have no time for rest. Tamat is on the way to Earth. Do you think you can manifest again in the near future?"

'No... but I can still... provide help when... the time comes...'

"I understand. I will count on you, then."

Letting Alioth rest, I concentrated on the runes I left behind on Wanda's necklace, and luckily, my body hadn't severed the connection to her... and since the safety rune wasn't activated yet, she seemed to be safe.

Fighting against the slimy creature in this state would be even worse than it already was, so I sat down, started to meditate, and recover as much chakra as possible.

One thing was clear, even at full power and with my mangekyou, I wouldn't stand a chance against Tamat. I mean how do you fight against something that can shatter every energy source?

Without the help of Yao, and even though I didn't like the thought... Wanda, I wouldn't be able to beat this slimy fuck. They are the most powerful people I'm close with, except T'Challa, who needs to protect Wakanda, Strange, who probably has his own problems, and Bruce, who is not really a fan of me.

Deep in trance, I tried to figure out how to deal with it when *Zinnnnn* I felt the rune on Wanda's necklace react... damn red flags.

I immediately jumped up and teleported right away.

Using my sensory ability, I could sense the scenery changing, and I appeared somewhere that looked like a bridge, but was made of divine energy.

What is Wanda doing in Asgard on the rainbow bridge? My confusion lasted only for a few seconds when I noticed a giant necrosword hurtling towards my highly pregnant girlfriend.

Reacting quickly, I activated the remnants of my mangekyou, and my white and bluish Susanoo started to form. I caught Wanda with one of its arms as she fought against Hela in the air. With the other arm, I grabbed the necrosword and sent it back towards Hela, catching her off guard and catapulting her away.

Below us, the Ex-vengers and some other guys were fighting against a skeleton army, which felt empowered by Tamat since I could sense his slime chakra on them.

While Hulk and Yao were fighting against Fenris and a giant snake, the latter was undoubtedly made by Tamat since it had the same chakra signature as him.

Wanda was initially stunned when she noticed my Susanoo, but as I managed to place her inside the half-formed Susanoo, she finally recognized me.

... Even without eyes, I could see her tears falling down her pretty face at the moment.

"Hey, it seems you started the fight without me," I said and opened my arms for her, creating some fake eyes to not completely freak her out.

Without a word, she jumped towards me and hugged me.

"Don't worry, I'm here. Everything will be fine now." I said, while caressing her back.

"What happened to you... and your eyes... you were gone for nearly a week, and... I... I couldn't feel our connection anymore! I was so afraid... that... that..." Wanda tried to form a sentence but with all the sobs she couldn't really.

It seemed the healing process took longer than I thought... and of course, I couldn't convince her with some fake eyes.

"I'm sorry... Let's deal with this situation, and I will make it up to you," I said with a smile.

Wanda only nodded and rested her head back on my chest.

Summoning a swarm of ravens, I sent them out towards the battlefield. Tamat will wish he killed me on Hel, because now I will be coming for him, but this time I'm not alone...