An ambitious plan to restore the economy

Urgent steps to restore calm & continue with payment of taxes, evaders must be hanged in place. What the hell! The Grand Prince is waging a war! Defending the state! There is not enough money! But serfs have money?

The Grand Prince of Moscow Basil III at a meeting of the Committee for the Restoration after the Crimean Khanate aggression.


"Ivan Ass," Nicolas answered.

The tax investigator found the relevant case.

"You owe the Grand Prince 3 coins."

"Deal!" Nicolas croaked.

"Not so fast, dodger! You will pay 15 coins," the investigator grinned at him.


Nicolas was taken off the rake and dragged to the table. He signed and paid. Two hefty investigator's assistants threw him out of the Secret Office house.

Wo soll ich hingeh'n?

Wo bin ich zuhaus?