Precious: I'm sensing some pause remote
Racquelle appeared dressed in black and white with her cat headband
Racquelle: Hello, Spy Girls
Ann and Precious: Racquelle?
Racquelle: The name's Catastrophe
Ann: We know you're a mean girl or boyfriend snatcher but not a burglar or Villain
Racquelle: Say Goodbye, Spies
Precious stood in front of Ann, Racquelle used the remote
Racquelle: What? It didn't work
Ann: You can't freeze someone who has freezing powers, Duh
Precious froze Racquelle
Precious: We have to find the others
Voice: I'm so hungry
Ann: How can u think of food at a point like this
Precious: It wasn't me
Voice: I'm so hungry
Precious and Ann: It's Perpetual
Precious: Come on let's go
Ann and Precious came to a place and saw Perpetual locked up and her colour was lost too, it was all black and white
Perpetual: I'm useless, All I do is make bubbles when someone can make that with soap and water and also read mind and just eat
Precious: Perpetual, no don't give up yet. Read our minds and see if we're telling the truth
Perpetual read Ann and Precious minds
Perpetual: You guys are telling the truth
Perpetual was back
Perpetual: Where are the others?
Ann: We have to find them
Perpetual used her mind powers again
Perpetual: Gloria is just right there
The girls went to Gloria
Gloria: Hello, Girls I'm done bring a Spy. I want to go back to the farm and be with my dad and little Sister
Ann: No, Gloria don't say that
Gloria: I can make coffee and I loved making coffee
Precious: Coffee can't take u anywhere not even on adventures like magic adventures
Perpetual: Gloria, don't say that you're just like a sister to us and we love you. You're the most intelligent among us
Gloria was back
Gloria: I'm back, where are the others?
Precious: We have to find them
Gloria: I can hack into Kurt's ring and see where he and the boys are
Gloria hacked into the ring