A Man from the Past

An hour after Amelia's interview with Beatrice, Poul, and Jonathan returned to their office, feeling a sense of relief as their day spent helping the engineers had come to an end. As they walked towards their desks, they noticed a woman standing by Poul's desk, her smile greeting them.

"Good evening, Mr. Axelsen, Mr. Nielsen. How was your work today?" Amelia asked warmly.

Poul replied, "It was the usual, Amelia. Did you have any updates on the new receptionist you interviewed earlier today?"

Amelia nodded, "Yes, she meets all of the qualifications required for the position. I have a good feeling that she'll excel as a receptionist here."

Jonathan added, "That's fantastic news. When will she start?"

"Tomorrow," Amelia replied. "Her workday will begin at 8 AM and end at 5 PM, as per our company's policy."

Poul inquired, "Do we have any appointments scheduled for tomorrow, Amelia?"

"Not to my knowledge, Poul," Amelia answered.