Governments at Play

And that was what the group did. The next morning, they wasted no time and made their way to the United States Embassy in Paris. Aware of the urgency of their situation, Morgan had called ahead to schedule a meeting with the ambassador, emphasizing the gravity of their purpose.

As they arrived at the embassy, they were ushered in with priority. The receptionist recognized Morgan's name and influential status, allowing them swift access to Ambassador Smith's office. Nerves tingling with anticipation, Morgan, Jonathan, Sara, and Caroline stepped into the room, where the ambassador awaited them.

"Mr. Ambassador, thank you for seeing us," Morgan greeted, extending his hand in a firm handshake. Jonathan, Sara, and Caroline followed suit, acknowledging the ambassador with respect.

Ambassador Smith, a seasoned diplomat with a warm demeanor, returned their greetings. "It's my pleasure. Please have a seat."