Next Move

The flight test of the aircraft was a resounding success for Poul and his team. To celebrate Timothy grabbed a crate of beer and handed them over to the team one by one.

"This is all for the success of our aircraft!" Timothy cheered. "Mr. Nielsen, I can't still believe that we can make such another miracle. You and your partner, Jonathan, are maybe the brightest minds of Avalonia…No! The whole world!" he exclaimed.

Poul could only smile at his fervent praises. It's true, since the last ten years he had single-handedly introduced modern technology to this world and gotten rich out of it. The total valuation of their company is nearing its 750 million dollar mark. They have clients from domestically and abroad, all are seeking their products as they believe it is superior to others.

Competing companies could only crane their neck to catch a glimpse of Poul's success.