LC 03

The two-hour mentoring session with Eric went swiftly as usual. Clover simply played a number of different and various types of violin pieces, ranging from the masterpieces of every well-known classical musicians to current popular songs that can be played with his favorite string instrument. Technically, Clover’s sessions with Eric could not be called mentoring anymore, especially now that Clover is a virtuoso himself, just like Eric. It was like a jamming and catching-up session of two highly-favored violin virtuosos from two different generations. Clover already knew everything he needed to learn about the violin and how to play the violin. Thus, he wouldn’t be a virtuoso if he wasn't.

In comparison with Aster’s session with Eric an hour or two ago, Eric was playing the piano along with Clover. Eric played the accompaniment of the pieces Clover was playing, which he did not do with Aster. Eric simply let Aster play the violin piece on his own. Eric simply listened while Aster was playing.

Like usual, Clover was moving his body with grace and full of confidence and looked so regal, as if he’s a royalty while playing the violin. They were almost done with the last piece when Clover heard the alarm coming from his wristwatch, indicating that his session time was done. Yet, they could not just stop playing. So, Clover played the last piece until the end.

After playing the last note, Clover stood still on his spot. Putting the violin and the bow beside him, Clover took his time to breathe freely while running his eyes along the empty seats of the amphitheater. The whole theater was filled with silence right after Clover and Eric finished playing. The silence made Clover relax from the things he was thinking about. It cleared his mind completely.

“Clover,” Eric broke the silence, calling for Clover’s attention.

Clover turned around and quickly glanced at Eric. Not opening his mouth, Clover hummed, asking Eric. The expression on his face was still the same; calm and collected yet halfway devoid of emotions due to the normal seriousness of his face.

“Tell me honestly, Clover, did you have a bad encounter with Aster?”

Clover was about to open his mouth and answer when Eric raised his right hand, stopping him from speaking. Eric closed his hand, leaving only the index finger standing. “Don’t ever try to deny it, Clover. I have been with you ever since you were a little child trying to figure out how to properly play the violin. I know how you interact with people you like and dislike, Clover,” Eric reminded.

Clover suddenly paused for a moment, thinking if he really would tell Eric the truth about his first encounter with Aster. He estimated what he would say without making himself the bad one because it really looked like Eric had a liking for Aster. Clover knew well that Eric would not praise anyone if the person did not amaze him with his talent and skills, in which case Eric gives more importance to his liking, just like how Eric accepted the offer to be his personal mentor and coach from the time he decided to take this path.

“You don’t need to know, Eric. All I can say is that Aster did not give a good first impression to me, and you must be careful with that guy.” Clover shrugged his shoulders as he walked back to where the grand piano was. “We don’t know what is running in his mind and what he is aiming for. And he immediately went to the wrong side the first time he approached me.”

Stopping right next to the grand piano, standing, as he did not bother to face Eric, Clover opened his violin case. He carefully placed the violin in his hand inside the violin case. He closed the violin case, and he locked it, securing the violin lying inside from being shaken or unexpectedly opening the case and making the violin fall.

Clover looked at Eric, who was now observing his actions. “By the way, I have a question to ask. . .” he barely mumbled due to the lowness of his voice.

A hint of amusement glistened in Eric’s eyes. It’s been awhile since Eric's been holding himself back from saying something. Eric waited for Clover to ask him. And this might be the one he was waiting for. “Ask,” Eric replied, pocketing the smile creeping through his lips.

“Will Aster play the same piece I played a few years ago in that same competition?” without even the slightest of hesitation, Clover asked. Although there were not much of emotions on Clover’s bare face, the deepening of his eyes spoke a thousand words that only a few people could notice.

Before Eric could answer him, Clover uttered again, “If he is, you can’t blame me for thinking that he is trying to follow and copy every step that I took. You can’t blame me for thinking he is trying to be me.”

Eric stood up. He went closer to Clover, tapping Clover’s shoulder as if he was giving Clover assurance. “Don’t think about it. I might not be sure of what Aster will play for the grand finals because he did not disclose anything about it. But I can assure you that he is not copying you nor trying to be you, Clover. I know that kid well, just like how well I know you. And to make you calm and relaxed, Aster also played a number of masterpieces before you arrived. Honestly, he could play any of those pieces.”

Clover took a deep breath while he closed his eyes for a second. He wanted to believe Eric’s words. He knew he could trust Eric. But, his mind was not totally convinced by Eric’s words alone. The words coming out of Eric's mouth were a contradiction to how Aster acted in front of him.

Still not that convinced, Clover gently nodded his head. He then turned his head, glancing at Eric standing behind him. He instantly saw the small yet reassuring smile from Eric. Clover felt another set of gentle taps on his shoulder.

“Clear your mind. Don’t mind a thing that is bothering your thoughts. Trust me. Aster has his valid reasons, and it’s not what you think,” Eric added when he saw the defiance from Clover’s eyes. “This is all I can tell you for now because it is not my right to tell you about Aster’s private matters.”

The serious look in Clover’s eyes immediately vanished. Clover stared blankly back at Eric. For a moment, he lost track of his thoughts. Eric flipped the situation, making Clover the one misunderstanding the whole thing. And Clover recognized the feeling that Eric was indirectly telling him that he was thinking about it the wrong way.

Clover remained unmoved in his spot. He weighed Eric’s words and his own on-hand personal experience with Aster. It took him more than a minute to finally bring his senses back. Eric gave him a genuine smile.

“I think I’ll take my leave first, Clover,” Eric said, checking the time on his wristwatch. “I still have an appointment in less than thirty minutes.” He squeezed Clover’s shoulder and tapped for the last time. “Aster is a good kid, Clover. Give him time to prove himself that he is up to good things. I can see that your first encounter with him must have been bad. So, take my apologies on Aster’s behalf.”

No words came out of Clover's mouth. Instead, Clover simply stared at Eric until the latter faced his back to him, taking his leave. Clover followed the retreating figure of Eric until he exited the hall through the same door he used to enter the hall.

Clover stayed alone for a couple more minutes in silence. He was having his time, still thinking, when his phone buzzed. Clover quickly fished his phone from the right side pocket of his pants. He saw Lizter was calling him. He immediately answered the call and told Lizter not to bother fetching him and that he would walk his way back to the penthouse.

At first, Lizter argued and insisted that Clover must use the car because he is a well-known personality. Given the fact that Clover came from the prominent and prestigious King Family, Clover’s safety is Lizter’s responsibility. But in the end, Lizter had no choice but to follow Clover’s decision. After all, Clover is the young master between them two. Plus, Clover is one of the Aces. Clover can still protect himself. He is not only good at stage performances, but he also has the skill at fighting and can still think straight whenever he’s put in difficult situations that involve his safety.

Clover did not just undergo musical training when he was young; he also underwent physical and mental training before he reached eighteen, just like his half-brothers. Through these trainings and their achievements as they got older, each one of them was evaluated and assessed if they were worthy to be one of the prides of the King Family --- the Aces, the big shot young masters of the family and the ones not to be easily messed with.

There are four Aces in the King Family, namely the Ace of Hearts, Ace of Clubs, Ace of Diamonds, and Ace of Spades. All these four Aces are capable and equipped with physical skills in fighting and have a sharp mind and intelligence among others, which are the most required to be an Ace. And the designation of what kind of Ace a certain young master of the King Family is depends on his personality and achievements in his chosen field.

He dropped the call, and he slid his phone back inside his pocket. He roamed his sight around the hall that gave him the vibes he loved the most, the calming and relaxing quietness.

Clover blew a heavy breath through his mouth. He then took his leave of the place, leaving the lights on. Someone from the utility staff will eventually turn the lights out when no one is using the place anyway.

Just when Clover pulled the door to open it, he heard a voice from behind, stopping him from exiting the building.

“Clover, wait a minute!”

The voice brought annoyance and irritation to Clover’s system. Clover gripped the handle of the violin case he was holding in his left hand.