"Matilda" I yelled out once I got home. She hurriedly descended the stairs in a towel wrapped around her body.

"Si sorella" she replied.

"Did you leave this house?" I asked in gritted teeth with anger swirling in my eyes.

Her eyes went wide and she started fiddling with her fingers which annoyed me. "goddammit Matilda, did you leave this house and without your body guards" I yelled

"Y...yes sorella i just w...... I didn't wait for her to complete her statement, my palm collided with her face. "I warned you to never leave without my knowledge and your body guards and you snuck out to do what? Visit a boy?" I yelled.

I was glaring at her ready to hit her again.

"Sorella p...please don't hurt him h.."Shut up, I made myself clear when I gave that instruction and you went ahead and disobeyed me, because of your foolishness whatever happens to him.....I didn't complete the statement I just glared at her already frightened expression and walked away.

"Sorella, sorella p..please". I heard her cries from downstairs, I ignored it and continued my walk to my office.

"What did she say?" Gioia questioned once I got in. "Of course she fucking went to see a boy". I kept my hands on my hips my breathing hard and filled with fury.

"So you gonna kill him?" Alfeiri asked but it was more like a statement. I dropped my hands and stared at him blankly as I thought of what I'll do to the guy. "Let me see him".

"The cell?" Gioia asked.

"No my house here in my study". I replied and they both looked at each other communicating with their eyes leaving me out making me raise a brow at them.

"What are you two talking about with your eyes?" I narrowed my eyes at them.

"Are you being sarcastic claudia?" Gioia asked and I furrowed my brows. "Why should I be?"

"Because you've never brought your victims home" alfeiri answered in a tone filled with facts. They are both correct about that but i didn't owe them an explanation so I gave no reply.

I don't plan on killing the guy, I only want to question him and tell him to stay away from matilda because she wouldn't be good for him.

"Were you guys able to find the people who followed her?"

"We're sorry claudia but those people were really smart they left no tyre trace, no foot prints, the plate number was invalid and they were able to tamper with the street's camera".

Gioia explained and I smirked at the piece of information. It's really funny how people don't value their lives, they really love playing with fire and I'd be glad to burn them.

"Alfeiri call Arden we need to find them at all cost, I have a feeling it was the Lombardis". They gave me a confused and doubtful look.

"Why would they do that Claudia, yes they are our biggest foes yet I do not feel Javier will be foolish enough to do that" alfeiri suggested.

"Yes claudia, javier's focus isn't to take you down yet but to take over the spanish mafia and half of the Italian before he can focus on taking us down, that man is a very smart man Claudia, we need to be smarter and a step ahead of him" gioia said.

They're right, Javier is really smart so I do think tailing on matilda was a plan of his, then who could it be?

"Gioia, Alfeiri get members from each family in this our mafia clan and look them up"

"Si Don" they replied and left. Whoever this people are I'll find them at all cost.

A knock on my door made me stop working. "Si accomodi". The door slowly opened and someone walked in but I could only see the silhouette of the person. I narrowed my eyes and furrowed my brows trying to get a glimpse of the person but I couldn't.


I could see perfectly in the dark because we were trained to but this time I couldn't place the face. "Who are you?" I questioned. The figure moved closer and I became alerted immediately, I slowly took out my gun from my drawer and silently corked it.

I got up slowly and started heading towards the direction of the figure, once it came to a stop I realized it was a young male.

I tapped a button on my wristwatch and the lights came on. I was immediately captivated by his light brown eyes, he had a shiny brown curly hair, his lips a bright pink color and small.

As his eyes landed on me I saw fear and admiration cross them, wrong choice of emotions young boy I spoke in my mind.

"Who are you?" I questioned in a stoic tone.

"Ma'am I'm José, you called for me". I looked at him confused I ca....oh the boy matilda snuck out to see. "So you are the one" not a bad choice matilda, atleast she has a good taste for boys.

I went back to my chair and sat down crossing my legs and staring at him pointedly. "Why are you with my sister?" I went straight to the point.

"U...uhm ma'am I've liked Matilda ever since middle school, I tried asking her out but she kept rejecting me without giving me a reason I...

"So you've been stalking and troubling my sister?" I asked with a brow up.

"Not at all ma'am, I don't stalk her I just try to show her how much I really like her"

"And she is rejecting you, why don't you get the hint and leave her alone" I gritted out and he swallowed.

"Because I know she likes me too and there's something holding her back which I do wish to find out what it is". I tilted my head a little with a raised brow amused, he sure has courage.

"I think you should really leave her alone because whatever the reason is you sure don't want to find out". I said the last lowly and dangerously causing him to shudder.

"I....I know you care about your sister senorita but you can trust me, I'm willing to take the risk to get her" he sounded honest and like a love sick puppy but one thing we learnt as mafias is never to judge anyone by their words or looks.

"Trust isn't something I give so easily" he came over to me and grabbed my hands in his which took me by surprise.

"Please senorita, I'll do anything to gain your trust as long as you give me your consent" he begged. I pulled my hand away and got up. "Leave"

"she..... "I said leave, just go" he slowly got up and walked away.

When he got to the door he stopped and turned to look at me with hurt filled eyes. I ignored him and he left. I quickly picked up my phone, "Rio do a back ground check on the guy leaving now"

"Si senorita" I hung up, this is the first time I am being so lenient with somebody and a boy who is involved in matilda's life.

I have to be sure of who he is first before letting my sister date him. For fuck sake i hope i wont be making a mistake or risking any life.

Matilda's p.o.v

I really wish I could describe my feelings right now. I'm so scared for José, what if he doesn't come out alive.

I gripped my head tight and screamed into my pillow with tears gushing down my eyes. This is why i never wanted to give him a chance because I know his life with me will be in danger every second of his life.

I know my sister Claudia too well to know that José wouldn't make it out life.

Fuck me! I wish I could save him but that's what I've being doing for three years now but he just had to break my walls.

Claudia doesn't have a heart especially when it comes to things like this, the day I snuck out to see José I was being followed which caused her to find out else she would have never found out. I scoffed at my thoughts who am I kidding, there's no way Claudia wouldn't have found out she is too much of a smart pants.

Every second that passes my heart beat races faster than usual as I await to hear the innocent screams of José. For over 30 minutes there was no sound making me wonder if she decided to kill him less painfully and silently.

I realised that José is the first victim of hers that she has ever brought to the mansion does that mean....I shut the horrific thoughts off my head.

I was pacing around my room when a soft knock interrupted me. I rushed and went to open it, tina one of our maids stood at my door with a stoic look on her face just the way Claudia likes it.

"Signora, the boss calls for you". My heart skipped and I swallowed hard, my throat became dried and itchy. I gripped the door knob tightly causing my veins to pop out.

"I.....I..I'd be there soon" she bowed slightly and left. I was scared to my bones, I wonder what she did to him and what she plans on doing to me.

Mustering up the courage I walked to her office taking in a deep breath I knocked softly on the door and opened it slowly.

Her office scented like new leather mixed with oud perfume, the place was dark and cold giving off a dangerous and mysterious vibe just like her.

"Sorella?" I called in a whisper. I know she is standing by her floor length window probably with a drink in her hand.

"Come closer Matilda, I want to see your face" her voice dripping with danger and

slight anger and an emotion I couldn't detect.

I swallowed hard and walked towards where she was standing. I was behind her and she turned to face me.

Her deep violet mixed with gray eyes met my eyes, her face was blank as she stared at me making me nervous.

"Mi dispiace sorella" i apologized in a whisper. I know apology can't bring back an already dead José and can't take back what I did but atleast it will reduce my punishment.

"So tell me Matilda...."she started walking round making me scared and uncomfortable in her presence. "How much do you like José?" I stilled at her question shocked and confused. I didn't know how or what to say.

" "I want a straight answer" her eyes turned dark, I wish I could look away but I couldn't because the psycho might have my head for dinner.

"I'm sorry Claudia but I really like José alot, I only rejected him because of you sorella and i didn't want to risk his life"

"But you did that already by sneaking out to see him" She replied

"I'm sorry, I had to do that because he needed me sorella , if I didn't like him as I do I wouldn't have done it".