Chapter Forty Five

I need sleep.



Why am I so irritating again? Tossing and turning that’s been happening for the past one hour. Whenever I close my eyes she comes to mind. Her beautiful skin and loud moans. Whole day was a mess and my mind was still stuck around her. No one knows what that is? Someone mark her before me? I’m sure if I asked Neil he surely came back with some result but I don’t want to.

“Please let me sleep.” Why does she keep coming in my mind? Her thoughts woke me like an owl. We haven’t talked since I left her. What If I called her now? Maybe her voice calms me.


Uhh.. coming outside from my bedroom I sit in the library for reading a book. Placing one book in front of me I try to concentrate on the words. Fifteen minutes passed and my eyes still kept running on one line. My mind trying to understand what’s the fuck write here?

“Sir.” Neil entered in the library. Maybe he saw the lights on that’s why?

“What?” My words are a little hard for him.