Chapter 07/08


"Hmmmm" Sarah moaned as she came to. She must have slept off; she thought, until it hit her, and she came to realize just where she was and how she got there. She was thankful though, that she still lived, as it seemed evident that her assailants wanted to harm her.

Her face was wet, and her body felt like she was being carried. She was in a car. The back seat of a rather big car, and was strewn over the seat like a forgotten rag that had no worth to its owner. Her lips felt parched and her tongue was most likely dry from her earlier 'exercise'.

"where am I?" Sarah managed to ask no one in particular.


"where are you taking me" She tried again.


"Please I need some water..." She pleaded. A bottle of water was given to her from the front... more like it was 'flung' at her.

she tried to open it, but found that her hands were bound. She sighed and gave up. Her captors then laughed and one of them turned to look at her from the front where they were seated.

"You thought we would leave those hands free, with you seating behind us?" One of the men spoke at her. He was shouting the words and her head felt like they were going to explode. They kept the drive on, and she didn't even know for how long they were driving. They were on a freeway, and had no oncoming vehicles, or vehicles in front of them. She was alone, and she felt alone. Now the thirst became unbearable, and she tried once more.

"Please, I need some water, and seeing as I'm still alive, you need me" she added in a strong voice

"Alive, no mean okay" the driver answered her... indicating he didn't speak good English. His accent was rather funny also, he had an accent which could be easily placed as Mexican, but he pronounced his 'okay' as 'Uh key'. This confused Sarah, but she couldn't be much bothered by it, as her thirst was making her feral now.

She lounged forward, and bit unto the driver's ears, drawing blood. He yelped, and the car swerved dangerously towards the side of the road. She felt a hard substance hit her head, and she let go of his ear. The other man had used the hilt of his gun- A Taurus PT111 G2- on her. Her head now hurt, with a parched throat, and most likely a shattered rib. Her body felt broken, and she now spoke to the men like she was crazy.

"At least let me have a bit of air" they had shut every window on the car, a Toyota SUV, and was speeding along alone on the road. their only companion was the woods on either side of the road, and they seemed to not have heard her.

"HELP! HELP ME!! ARHHHHH!!!" She began to scream and both men ignored her, the driver just put on the car radio, and the other man sent her a death stare. the radio was set to a local station, letting Sarah know that they were still in her county at least. The voice over the radio was saying "...and Just the other day, the Ambassador of Dustin; Gary Thompson was murdered in his office on the 13th of..." Sarah felt a sting as she was directly affected by the incident. She needed air, and she was going to get it.

"I need to go" She said to no one in particular.

"Do it there..." the somewhat chatty one replied her. He had a hard look, a scar on his left cheek and a dark mane for hair; this gave him a somewhat feral look, but his sea blue eyes were captivating. How can you think that...? Sarah chastised herself for such straying thoughts, and she told herself that it was because they were the only company she'd had in days.

"I really need to go, and my hands are tied." She tried to reason with him. He sent her a look, and tapping the glove compartment of the car, told the driver to 'gun it down'. the radio was now playing a song now, and the song was much like her situation.

I'm not gonna give up on me...'

"Thanks..." the car came to a stop on the side of the road, and a way off the roadside; dark hair came down and went to the back seat to let her out, and Sarah stretched her hands out behind her. He hesitated, and She spoke "You're invited to watch... if you want, but you can't help me do my business"

He hurriedly untied the knot, and she felt her hands slide down to her side. what a relief. Now what to do?

She went into the woods, and before she could go further, out of sight completely, the driver spoke up 'Headin' far ain't do you gud, you'no... we'll onle follah ye"

She stopped, turned around, and gave him the finger. Locating a large tree, a giant sequoia, she went behind it, and bent down. staying like she was for a few seconds before checking to see if they'd really followed her, she got up and started forward slowly so as not to alert them. She kept going forward into the woods, and turned right and ran straight through some trees for a little while before going at full throttle away from her captors.

Back at the car, Jose called to his companion, "go check the chit... she may av ditched ya..." Mr. chatty came round to the tree and found no one there. the ground was even dry and that meant one thing: she never intended to pee, she duped us... she duped me "She ain't here..." He called back from the trees and started to run round the tree and farther away from the car.

"Shit!... Funkin bitch." Jose had had enough "...tricked tha lotta us, did she?" he asked no one in particular. He hurriedly got down from the car, and ran straight ' towards his second. There was no sign of the 'wench' anywhere; and both men headed in the general direction of the east, which was behind the tree from where they stood earlier. Chatty ran forward, holding out his hand for Jose to follow in another direction so as to cover more ground without alerting their prey: if it were still nearby. They had no Idea that She had left almost immediately she got out of their sight. They were sure however, that she could not have gotten far.

Chatty, or Jason; as that was his alias this past week, headed deeper into the forest and found a footpath.

'She must have taken one of these' he thought to himself. But which one? There were about three paths to follow, and all led in random wet and therefore footprint-devoid paths due to the dampness of the woods they were in. She was clever He admitted that, and so he tried to think like she would. He chose the forward path; as that would be the most unlikely to look if one was being chased and needed to loose their pursuer.

Hiding in plain sight huh? Sneaky bitch!! He thought again, and headed straight down, half running and walking at intervals to catch his breath and to check on his companion who seemed to have gotten lost in the woods, and had headed back to the parked car to keep watch in case she returned jus to trick them over again.

"She could do us one better is that happened, and the boss wouldn't be thrilled to get such return from two of his closest goons." This was Jason's explanation to Jose for his sending him back to the abandoned vehicle after he got the first reply to his question on Jose's whereabouts and His reply was 'Somewhere east'...

How did the boss ever think to send him out with such a dummy; and worse, a seeming half wit who couldn't even tell his location? Jason sighed as he continued on his path, heading east until another cross road confronted him, and he knew He too was going to be in trouble soon. It was getting dark.