In which she went on to face Kalil Hardy after she killed one of the agents called the Black Fox, the man who trained them both in the art of theft, one of her rivals at the behest of the organization, follows Panther Woman towards America in the middle of upon arriving in Golden Valley, when they find out about who he feels needs to avenge his mentor and then turns against Alexander Luther, catching them in negotiations in Luther's building, invading the place.

- So it was you, Luther... - A Black Cat agent.

- You... - But something was don't say, when they threw an anesthetic gas on the place, in addition to paralyzing them making them fall.

The great spy, Big Cat shows her true supernatural dimensions of Faeria: she uses the Nano forge of a special armor in what was a nano technological forge that the villain uses to build his own armor, being that they keep them trapped and tied up while they do. invade your records.

They break into his labs to steal the secrets he creates, plus a secret new costume for herself, setting out to face his ex-girlfriend once and for all.

Tsuki was entering the glider, entering that Mathriuste apparition.

- We were waiting for you, Dragon. – Your contact said.

- The drugs will wear off in a few hours. - They said.

- We have enough we might have to transfer the secrets they took from a last invasion and some alternate reality secrets they stole in a raid. – Tsuki said.

Inserting a spy machine into their computers, while transferring some schematics towards computers, when they started copying patents.

- Come on. – The men then invaded the computers all over the place, transferred information, when Tsuki infiltrated their laboratories, when he transferred some information.

So, they headed towards the parapet, before untying them, putting on a neurotoxic chemical, so they would forget the last hours they invaded the place, then they put them in their respective places.

In which I was simulating having them sit side by side at a negotiating table, when they then organized the venue.

By opening the skylight, instead leaving a counterfeit version of the gem that Panther Woman stole when Tsuki and her associates left in a spaceship.

When they returned to their cave, organizing some documents, and later fired, when he had to commit to presenting some new patents in a job market, which Tsuki supposedly had an intention of leveraging the actions, being one of the creators of leverage the sales of Delphos products, when he needed to organize the company.

About that.

In another part of the time.

In an alternate reality, where Pink Butterfly Knife has become one of his enemies, a murderous villain and one of his most original villains, amidst invading Lovecraft County Asylum, the great enemy he dedicated to a genocidal enterprise, wherever he went, whoever did evil would face a death sentence, he would kill those who crossed his path.

Tsuki had a schoolmate, this man in his teens called Robert Flanagan, nicknamed at school Pink Bobby Butterfly Knife Kyodai, he met this androgynous guy when he was in high school, being that he is one of the most stayed guys on a planet in the world. galaxy of the galactic colonies under the domains of the sect of One-Mu, with satraps under the orders of Darkness before he ever met, when he took notice.

In which originally, when he took Bullying, in which he was not treated well even indoors, for his androgynous ways, in which he saw him being beaten in the street, when in his original life, when Pink Bobby Jenkins, he was very androgynous before it became fashionable.

The whole multiverse made fun of him, that's when one day he followed him, when the boy was coming home from school and some guys caught him, they started beating him, it was an unequal fight in which they took to stay on a planet of galaxy of the galactic colonies under the domains of the sect of Um-Mu, with satraps under the orders of Darkness, but in the midst of the confusion, here comes Tsuki who followed him, helping in the midst of a fight to free the hide of Pink Bobby.

In addition to Pink Bobby, there was a gang leader, it was Baltimore Malcolm Skull who unlike Bobby, he was a one stayed on a planet in the galaxy of galactic colonies under the domains of the sect of Um-Mu, with satraps under the orders of Darkness. , who then, a violent gang leader who practiced violence, Tsuki saw that he beat and stalked other students, destroyed the school's assets, when he literally destroyed everything to control a territory as the owner of a territory.

What the hell! They fought and together alongside Pink Bobby beat up those delinquents in which they had nothing but to flee leaving Baltimore Malcolm Skull when he threatened them both, but they managed every time to face them, until they never no longer challenged or confronted them, even did not tease them any more, never fought them again.

When he asked why I helped him since I didn't talk to him...

So Tsuki said that he didn't care about these things, but it's because I never spoke ill of him, in which after that, they became friends, for many years, they always met as friends, besides demonstrating that he was one of the stylists. and better presenters and actors, but he saw that Skull always caused problems at school, when he faced them he was one of the repeaters at the school they were at.

It was then, that even Baltimore's father was a businessman in the arms business, his son had already gone through more than seven schools, this was the eighth school, when he was expelled for threatening teachers and other students.

In the midst of a faculty meeting, in which they were alleging why Baltimore was kicked out of the school, amidst their group became a gang, spreading threats in every school, everywhere, when they even though even under constant alerts, they paid no attention.

- Mr Baltimore, we've said several times, that your son is a danger to society, you have to do something. – The secretary of education.

- I've tried everything, this is the last school, in an attempt at a normal school. – Lord Baltimore said.

Anyway, just concluding the situation in Baltimore and since many think that "it was for nothing, when the principal and the teachers, among them Suzane who was a threat, her name was Brenda who fled due to the threats of her son, when, the superintendent , Richmond is too busy to deal with the matter, so I will give a final summary of the situation myself.

- I said yesterday that he had been causing confusion and complaints for months, well...

Many already saw how he was always involved in controversial issues in violence attacks, in addition to destruction in which he committed crimes, robberies, using humor to make jokes or provocations. – The woman said. – It was something that was pointed out several times by other students, without any role in the other students and that he simply ignored or summarized as "the other student's stupidity".

Which, over time, only generated the idea of being arrogant, prejudiced, unbearable... while other students complained about the omission of other students, as a whole.

Oh, but he's not racist, he's just annoying."