Being that by allying and inaugurating and founding the Confederation of the Silver Marks of the united galaxies of zunar.
King Marhobrum initially opposed the union of the Dimension between the mystical and dark multiverses of Dabaradar with the Silver Marches confederation, as he saw no benefit in this, even so, it was thanks to negotiations, with that, it was thanks to Emerus Warcrown and Ronebruer. Battle-Duhammer, with the Station Dimension of the empire's planet of Darbaradunar becoming the Confederacy's main source of military ammunition.
One of the bases that was located at one of the dimensional stations in galactic harbors, where it was located on the south shore of Lac Dinneshere, being at the east end of the Eastway leading to Bryn Shander, where originally just a few small galactic stations from the bases of the Galactic Alliance Planets, the construction of the Eastway trade road to Bryn Shander proved to be a boon for the galactic base stations of the galactic alliance planets.
Being that it became some civilizations and natives with it, to the fastest growing in the region with a fishing fleet rivaling that of Caer-Dineval, among the aquatic planets, in which breakwater protected most of the piers that extended to Lake Dinneshere.
They were heading towards the galactic sector of 1281 DR, in which formerly, when Hrothgar mounted an ancient expedition to Kuldahar after a messenger arrived, in which, however, the expedition was ambushed by frost giants at Kuldahar Pass and the only survivors arriving at Kuldahar were a squad of newly arrived priests from the cult of Um-Mu, heading towards the galactic sector 1351 DR, for Akar Seleskessl assassinated his mentor Morkai the Red towards the Easthaven sector.
That's when they headed towards the galactic sector 1356 DR, with the council representative being Glensather, in which he was a respected and balanced adviser, seeing the Ten Galactic Colonies of Bardaruns, as "strong bulwarks against barbarism", and during the Galactic Battle of Dalys Windworld Ice, in which Glensather entered a group of orcs , in which they were killing two, but when he reached Wulfgar, a spear hit his back and ripped his chest, killing him.
Being that they were heading towards the primary dimensions between the dimensional rifts in the days of the Ziaritus Dimension multiverse, even though the nature god Silverluna planted a simple acorn at the foot of the galactic sector of the Northeast between the Zaradon galaxies of the mountain chain of The bases from the temples of Adurar, a subdivision of the cult of Um-Mu, in the cauldron of the universe, towards a passage of the dimensional station of the Multiverse, still, she did not have the strength to rise due to entropy that engulfed the galaxy, being taken over by wild beasts that destroyed everything around them.
When Darkness arrived towards the distress call it would come towards a command center.
Even though the tree grew continuously for several days, in which Tsuki came as the dragon of the end, a draconian beast that was kilometer long, its long body reaching an extraordinary circumference and size, called Silverluna, and it nurtured this tree, called Kuldahar, embedding in her a connection to the primal power of the multiverse so that she would release heat and create a refuge in the frigid subarctic mountains for all life.
Tracing around the galactic sector of 1220 DR, with a Silvanite arch druid he was traveling through the foothills of the South Central Territories of each cauldron between the dimensional stations when he stumbled upon the massive oak of Kuldahar and immediately realized that this was a sacred place for the Father-Guardians-Oak, were under the branches of the great tree, the Arch Druid created a small shrine to Silverluna.
So, when soon, other druids from the druid circles of the galactic sector of the Northeast between the galaxies of Zaradon gathered at the sacred oak, where it was said that they could bathe in the primal power of the multiverse and feel the touch of their god in the supernatural dimensions of Faeria. mortal.
In three furthest sectors, towards the galactic center, when they settled after an arch druid of Silver luna established a shrine to the Father-Guardians-Oak in the wind stations sector of the huge oak known as Kuldahar.
Since it was sacred to the god of nature at the foot of the galactic sector of the Northeast between the Zaradon galaxies of the Spine of the World mountains, many other races that came from other galaxies began to travel to those galaxies, in which all immigrants, refugees were hoping to find warmth and shelter under the branches of the big tree.
They had hoped to partake of the warm haven the precious oak created and find some measure of safety in the inhospitable wilderness of the mountains and the surrounding subarctic region of Icewind Dale , so, following, however, the arch druid Silvanite and the circle of druids that had emerged to caring for the shrine of Kuldahar refused to allow these people to settle near Kuldahar, fearing damage to the oak.
Heading towards the galactic sector of 1256 DR, a new arch druid rose to power to guide all circles of Silver Lunadenite druids from the galactic sector of the Northeast between the Zaradon galaxies and he realized that it was indeed Silverluna's wish that the people who respect nature could revel in the glory of the Father-Guardians-Oak.
Even though he was incarnated in the great tree of Kuldahar. As long as the colonists respected the balance of nature and cared for Kuldahar and kept it healthy, all who wished to would be allowed to settle in the warmth of the great tree, thus when the small planet of Kuldahar was born at the far end of the galactic sector of the Northeast.
Being that it was between the galaxies of Zaradon of the mountains of The bases of the temples of Adurar, a sub division of the cult of Um-Mu, in the cauldron of the universe, towards a passage of the dimensional station of the Multiverse, in which soon after, a A small group of humans, elves and gnomes, all followers of the Father-Guardians-Oak, settled in the small village and Kuldahar became a trading partner of Icewind Dale's Ten Galactic Colonies of Bardaruns.
Around the galactic sector of 1260 DR [ from when? ], this small gathering was just a group of innumerable headquarters in some regions of each city grouped around the great celestial tree. Many of the numerous headquarters in some regions of each city were buried in the ground, reaching the center of the planet, the Storne-Hearth-Shadow Gem.
Being that it was located, in the temple headquarters of the galactic base that was in the sector where the apprentices and guardians, in which the territory of the arch druid was directly to the galactic sector of the Northeast between the Zaradon galaxies of that flanked by a small stream and a house.
Being that it was in a shop it was located by the creek, a forge at the tip of the planet, an inn on the east side and a mage tower on the west end. There was a second part of the planet, the agricultural sector, which was made up of fields with a guard tower in the middle, with the west side of the fields being a landing point for Oswald Fiddlebender's soldiers. airship, along with a cliff at the tip of the galactic sector of the Northeast between the planet's Zaradon galaxies. These buildings were surrounded by thick, healthy grass and wildflowers.
The order's temples were located in the south center Territories of each cauldron between the dimensional stations, always the ones connecting Dark-Star's Crypt Temple and altars, in addition to the ceremonial centers of Valas to the Underground of the alliance planets.
In each of the temples, always to the south, there are three floors for the temples of the order, with the ground floor being the most used floor and the general center of the temples of the order, always when entering the numerous headquarters in some regions of each city, there were an entrance hall where the priests gathered, in which further on was a large combat training area to practice in unarmed combat.
In which there was also a library, which was dedicated to the physical teachings, but many bookshelves around the temples of the order, in which the other rooms on this floor consisted of a storeroom, rooms (of the Archimandrite, the guests and the priests) and a kitchen. , even though each of the lower floors contained a lobby, parked by a few priests and members.