Since the founding of Numer Spring Never, the mountainous planet of Nowis Hot has appeared in the bedtime stories and urban legends of the planet 's inhabitants as home to fire giants, the fearsome red dragon Karrundax, and many other fiery beasts.
Arriving in the galactic region of the infamous Alliance empire of Durandur, in sector 1451 DR, a small group of priests rediscovered the ancient dwarf planet of Jymthsgrysm beneath the volcano, when the group, consisting of Dahlia Sin'felle, Korvin Dor'crae, Odhara Dark-Treasures, Athrogate and Regent Priest Xarlejaris Baenre, arrived at the legendary forges, where there, the latter two were betrayed by their allies Thuysarius, with Athrogate hypnotically forced to activate the forge.