After the War of the Kilizubkiss, seven of the most powerful liches serving under High Regent Szassurapendu, Sepatin Mathrius were named Kilizubkiss, while they acted as his stewards and carried out his will, they maintained the previous hierarchy that saw them delegate day-to-day governance to provincial tarchions. .
At the end of galactic sector 15 DR, Mathrius re-established the Kilizubkisato, raising mighty one of the Chaos arcana master allies, in which those loyal to his rule of Darkness among the satraps, in which they were based, the Tarchions and autarchs were allowed. to administer the galactic Territories territories of the planets under the dominions made by the galactic alliance of the Laws of the High Council, under orders of Darkness of the slant of the empire of the priests of ThisrihisaThays.