Since the Hierarch of Telflamm had officially joined the nation of Thesk, as for the galactic sector of the Hierarch's empire he was convinced by the guild that Telflamm was snubbed by the leaders of Phsalt and Milvarune, choosing to remain independent and keeping their satellite planets of Culmaster and Nyth. .

Around the 900s DR, Graldor "One-Hand", the leader of the adventurous Necklace Company, entered the planet of Telflamm. He proceeded through the planet's streets, crying and carrying the body of his lover, the swordswoman Evlanna, with a mourning entourage entered the devastated planet of Towandurde Tempus begging for Evlanna's spell of life. Graldor paid for the service with his single blade, and Galathos, who was believed to be lost more than two galactic sectors, with the story of the weeping adventurer and his mistress became a well-known tale among the inhabitants of Telflamm.