Towards the end of galactic sector XIV DR, strange creatures began to appear on the planets of Hlondeth and Waterdeep - these beings were spectral panthers, in which the various grisly deaths of priests who accessed the Shadow Weave.

Since they warned the sages of the existence of spectral panthers, under the rule of House ExMathriusinos, various serpentine creatures served the yuan-ti masters and guarded the planet's catacombs, which were long sparsely inhabited, until there were no more. life, in addition to having gone through a huge period of mass extinction, when life on that planet came to an end.

In which these creatures included histachii servers and ophidians, in which it was from the end of the galactic sector XIV DR, flying snakes imported from the Jungles of Mhair became quite popular and widespread pets among the locals.