- Not expecting it, she cheated. – Circe said, pulling the man's face, without the woman taking her father's mouth, pushing the man in a scream towards a mattress conjured towards the floor, placing him with his legs open, without pants, sucking his her nipples, one of them, her legs spread wide with her cunt in her mouth, her juice in her mouth, muffling her moans.
At that time, after a good blowjob, when Dark-Dragon came in her mouth, the woman was pulled out by her hair, when Hecate went to ride on top of him, with his cock being pumped with a quick session of sex, when Hecate was taken away to be replaced by Medea, in which the women were taking turns on his cock, in which Circe came out and her mouth, with a scream, in which they threw themselves upon her, until those minutes had passed.
- Well... - Tsuki said, after a while. “I won't get any harder for now. - He said.