Why is Love so Difficult?

"Good morning residents of Eden!" my television greets me as I lay on my couch. "As all of the soulmate testers know, the results are out! I could tell there was love in the air just from my walk to the company station!" she jokes. "But I hope all is well for everyone and their newly discovered partners!"

'So, it wasn't a dream...' Not that I dreamt any last night. I don't know how anyone could sleep soundly at the news of three potential wives after being single their whole life. I look at the messages again and groan. 'I really have three potential partners? And one of them being Yunasa-sensei nonetheless.' Out of the names who that I received last night, Yunasa's was the only one I recognized.

I slowly sit up on the couch, still wrapped up in a cozy, midnight blue blanket. "Well, no matter what I do, this is the situation I'm in now." I get up and walk to the kitchen. "I wonder what Sensei's reaction to her message was..." After pausing at that thought, I grab my favorite mug from the cabinet and brew a cup of coffee.

For what it's worth, it's still early in the morning... at least for me. It's rare for me to get up before 9 A.M. however here I am, struggling to walk around the kitchen at 6 A.M. After my coffee finishes brewing, I sit back down on the couch. The TV is still going on about the soulmate test and how a lot of places are offering discounts for new couples. 'They are really hammering down on relationships now.' I know it's the company's way of helping the newly formed couples to go out and do stuff, but it seems really forced. That's why I prefer locations that are free and easy to access, which would explain the locations I've been given to meet the girls.

After finishing my cup of coffee, I go through my normal morning routine and shoot Jay a message. 'I've only been thinking about my situation, but I wonder what happened with Jay.' I assumed he would've messaged me last night about his new partner, but alas, I never got a message.

Today is a school day, but there's nothing wrong with going in early every so often. The school is about a thirty-minute walk from my apartment complex which isn't so bad. I could take a bus to school, but walking is a good way to relieve stress and free the mind. Plus, I get to see the great scenery this island has to offer. My apartment is near the coast, so my walk to and from school is very aesthetic. The pathway takes me along the coastline where I can see the endless blue waters the Pacific Ocean has to offer. Seagulls can be heard squawking above and far. Palm trees are scattered everywhere along with oak, pine, and cedar spread throughout the island. The Japanese government even allowed the growth of some cherry blossoms on the island, but only in some of the larger parks and near the capitol building. Everything here is colorful and vivid which only makes everything here look that much more beautiful.

I get a response from Jay after about ten minutes of walking:

"Hey Kousei! I was way too excited last night after I got the text! I couldn't sleep a wink, and could you believe it? She's a girl in our class! Anyways, I'm already on my way to school so I'll see you when you get here!"

Seems like he's okay and full of energy despite not getting any sleep either. I wonder what girl in class he matched up considering he's so excited. Either she's one of the prettier ones or he's just genuinely happy he's got a girlfriend. Regardless, I wish I had his energy today.

Eventually I arrive at this island's university. The university is made up of a gymnasium and four different buildings, all of them being four stories tall. Three of the buildings house the common core classes like English, Math, and Science. The other building is for extracurricular classes and club rooms. The gymnasium has a track and a field for other sports like soccer. There's a cafeteria on the first floor of the four main buildings, and I usually head there when I decide to come to school early, but not today.

Instead, I walk straight to the English building and walk to my homeroom class. The campus is usually pretty empty at this time, but there are a lot of people here early. It's mostly guys and I can kind of figure as to why they are early. There are a few women here and there, but not to the extent of guys. Everyone looks either extra nervous or extra happy, no in between.

As I walk into the classroom, almost all the guys are already there, sitting at their desks anxiously. 'Geez, are guys really so simple?' I ponder as I walk to my desk. Jay is sitting next to me at his desk and gazes at his phone, but his expression shows a more trance-like state. I pull the phone out of his hands, but he doesn't even flinch in response. "So, you got matched with Noeri Nishikigi." Upon hearing her name being spoken, Jay jolts back to life.

"Nishikigi-san?! Where's she at?!" Jay jumps up, looking around the room. After a few seconds, he finally realizes I'm holding his phone with a smirk on my face. "Oh, it's just you, Kousei."

"Woah, what do you mean it's just me?! I don't know why, but I feel offended now," I respond with a hand on my chest while taking a step back.

That managed to get a chuckle out of Jay. "Haha, sorry about that. I'm just super excited to meet her. Well, not really meet her since she's been in the same homeroom as us for the past year, but you know. I get the chance to finally know who she is instead of just admiring from a distance. Things can only go up from here!" I had to cover my eyes from the shining light Jay was emitting. Sometimes his optimism is too much for me and I get blinded by his happiness and kindness. "I mean, how lucky am I to get matched with one of the prettiest girls on campus?!"

Noeri Nishikigi is one of the most well-known girls on campus. She's incredibly smart and nice. Her appearance is nothing to overlook either. With her long, silver hair and her gray eyes that glisten like stars melted in platinum. She usually sports formal wear which only exudes her feminine appeal more. There are some baseless rumors going around like how she's been passed around by all the guys, but I think it's just because she's never accepted anyone's confession.

I sigh as I sit down in my seat. "I'd say you're extremely lucky, but I think I've got you beat by a mile," I mutter as I rest my head on my desk.

"What do you mean by that? Nishikigi-san isn't just some normal girl, she's a top three on any guy's list here! There are only one or two that would happen to be ahead of her and there's no way you got one of them," Jay proclaims pridefully. "Here, lemme see your phone," he motions with his hand.

"I'll let you see it, but you have to promise not to react okay. I mean it, I don't want this to turn into a big deal," I whisper as I stare into his deep blue eyes. I think my seriousness got across because he nodded with a serious expression in return. He opens my messages and stands there for a few moments. He slowly creaks his head toward me, and I breathe a sigh of relief to see him wearing a blank expression. However, I can see his hands beginning to shake and sweat building up on his forehead. 'Man, he's really trying to keep it together.' I stand up and take my phone back. "Hey, how about we go enjoy the weather on the roof? We've still got some time before class starts."

We make our way to the rooftop and luckily, no one is there at the time. The rooftop is accessible to anyone at any time, and the reason is because of the safety fence that outlines it. From the rooftop, you can see the other buildings and the people on it, but they are just far enough away so you can't hear their conversations. You can also overlook the rest of the campus and parts of the island. A really romantic spot if you ask me.

Once the door closes behind us and make sure no one is around, Jay lets loose. "YOU ARE PARTNERED WITH YUNASA-SENSEI?!" I'm sure if there were people on the rooftops, they would've heard him. "HOW DID YOU GET MATCHED WITH HER?! SHE DIDN'T EVEN TAKE THE TEST!" Jay continues.

I hold my hand up. "First off, stop shouting. We are on the rooftop, but this place ain't exactly 100% soundproof. Also, why are you so focused on Yunasa-sensei? I'd thought you'd react more to the fact that I got three matches."

Jay opens his mouth and I give him a look that you'd give to a toddler to not do what they are about to do. He laughs and takes a deep breath. "Yes, I am jealous you have three matches, however that just seems extremely stressful to go through. Especially since you HAVE to eliminate one after a year, then another after two." He crosses his arms and looks at me jealously. "But seriously, you got Sensei? Is that why you said you were luckier than me?"

I cover my face with the palm of my hand. "I don't know how you look over the three partners thing so well. That's all I've been thinking about, but it seems for you, the only one of them that's on your mind is Sensei." I sit down and look up the clear sky. "I don't know what to do now. Like aren't matches supposed to mean that you are meant to be? Won't that mean I'll love all three of them?"

Jay sits down across from me with his legs crossed. "Perhaps, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. From the way I see it, you are given three correct answers. Any of them are right, but maybe one is a slightly better answer to you. You've just got to find out which one of them that slightly better answer is." He points at me sternly. "Remember, these girls were AI-picked for you and you alone."

There goes Jay with his optimism. Somehow always looking at that grass that's greener. But he's right, these girls were picked based on my preferences their preferences. But that doesn't change the fact that two of these women are gonna be left alone when all this is said and done.

"Yeah, I get that we were all picked for each other, but I don't wanna leave two of them alone. Like, if I were in their shoes and I wasn't picked, I would be devastated." I look down at the ground. "Having your soulmate picked out for you, just to have them not want you even though you are made for each other..."

Jay gets up and sits down next to me. "I won't say I understand what's going on in your head because I don't. But what I do know is that life is never this easy." He puts a hand on my slumped head. "You know, no matter who you pick, I don't think any of these girls will hold it against you. Hell, we don't even know who two of them are right now," he exclaims as he ruffles my hair. "Now come on, you've still got a year to decide. You don't really know any of them right now, so your first goal should be to get to know them better." He stands up and holds his hand out for me. "Get up, a wise person said, 'If you run, you gain one. If you move forward, you gain two.'"

I repeat that line in my head a few times and eventually a smile curls on my face. 'Just how optimistic can this guy be?' I grab his hand and stand alongside him. "You're right. I don't know anything about any of them, except Sensei. And who knows, maybe there'll be a clear winner in my head from the beginning!"

Jay smiles and smacks me on the back. "There's the energy! Also, maybe be a little more openminded for the first six months, don't want to close the doors to an opportunity too early," he remarks with a little worriedness in his tone.

"It was just a little joke," I laugh. I walk to the fence where I can see people walking in from the front gate. I squint my eyes and see a woman who I believe a certain someone has been dying to see. "Hey Ja-" I turn around and all that's left is a small cloud of dust. "Not even a 'See you later!' huh?"

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. At times like these when you're stressed out, the best thing to do is breath. At least that's what a lot of people online say. I take in the sunlight for a moment, and head back to the classroom. It's still a little early, but a lot more students have rolled in since we went to the rooftop. When I make it back to the classroom, it's not just guys anymore. Almost everyone has arrived and decided to come in early.

There's a small circle around one desk and I can only assume who I think is in the middle of it. I don't even bother to check as the desk next to mine is vacant. 'I'll ask how that went a little later.' Suddenly, the image of the girl who tested with Jay and I flash in my mind, well not so much her face but the bow she wore. 'That's right, I feel like I've seen her before in class.' I scan the classroom for the bow or any girl who looked like the one I remembered. But much to my dismay, my eyes couldn't find the bow.

As I pull out my phone to try and pass the time, I notice someone sit in the other vacant desk next to me. They set their bag on their desk and sit down. Either I'm oblivious or extremely unobservant because I don't remember someone sitting to my right. I am curious as to who they are, so I keep my eyes glued to my phone, but use my amazing peripheral vision to try and see them without making it obvious. I lean back in my chair and slightly turn to the right but keep my phone in front of me. I know my acting skills aren't that of a professional, but I feel like they would get a passing grade. As I begin to slowly get them into a vision, I am greeted by a pair of eyes looking at me as if I'm some sort of alien. If I could describe it, it looks like a mixture of confusion, disgust, and disappointment.

Their unexpected expression catches me off guard which causes me to cough and panic. In doing so, I lean back a little further than my chair intended, and I immediately hit the floor. 'Why am I like this...' The entire class goes silent, and I can feel the entire classroom's eyes focus their attention to guy laying on the floor. My fight or flight instincts kick in almost immediately. 'I wonder how fast I could make it to the rooftop if I full on sprint.'

Just as I was getting up, I see a pair of eyes looking down on me directly from above. "Are you okay?" It's the same pair of eyes that were looking at me seconds before my idiotic tumble. The purple hue of which their eyes give off make me feel like I'm falling under a witch's spell. "Hello? Earth to Shimazaki-kun."

I quickly get up at the sound of my name and fix my chair. I slowly sit down and act like nothing happened. 'If I act like nothing happened, then nothing truly happened.' That's how I've always believed society acts when small blunders happen.

Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. "You never answered my question. Are you alright? Do you need to go to the nurse?" I finally get a clear picture of who is talking to me. She's squatting next to my desk and is surveying me with concerned, royal, purple-colored eyes.

"Uhh, yeah! I'm fine. Just saw a bug fly across my face and it startled me a little," I lie, trying to keep what little pride I have left.

She tilts her head slightly. "Bug? I didn't see any bug fly across your face. Or maybe it was one so small I couldn't see it?"

Either this girl doesn't know how to read people or she's a bit ditzy. I scratch the back of my head and decide to keep lying and keep my pride. "Yeah, it was like a little gnat or something. I'm not quite sure what it was."

"I've never seen someone panic so much from a gnat before. Wait, do you just have a fear of flying insects?!" she asks like she had figured out the answer to all of the Earth's issues.

I give up. This girl is too ditzy for her own good. "No, I just panicked from you looking at me," I confess, hanging my head down dejectedly.

The girl sits there quietly for a moment before going back to her desk next to me. She begins stroking her hair and slowly breathing. "Oh, okay. Well, I'm sorry to have scared you," she apologizes sincerely.

If there's one way to make a guy feel bad, just apologize for something that they know they are at fault in. "You don't have to apologize. If anything, I should apologize since I was the one being weird." I'm not gonna say that I was trying to look at her with my peripherals because that is extremely weird.

As she continues to stroke her hair, I notice a bow wrapped around her wrist. 'That's the purple bow I saw on the day of the test!' I look back up at her face and it is indeed the same face I remember. "Hey, were you and I in the same testing room yesterday?"

Her cheeks flush red and she strokes her hair more quickly. "Uhh, I think so?" she barely squeaks out.

"Oh, well..." My mind goes into disarray. What do I say?! Talking to women doesn't seem difficult in the books I read! "Uhh..." She looks over at me as I panic and start sweating bullets. "Umm..." My eyes wonder back to the bow. "Uhh, I think your bow is really cute! It really compliments your hair color!"

After a brief pause and me nervously sweating, she touches the bow with her other hand and smiles. "Thank you. I've had it for years as a gift from my mother."

There aren't many times in life where I've just stopped thinking and have just taken in what sight is in front of me. This is one of those rare times as nothing was filling my brain except the picture of this girl's gentle, warm smile. There aren't enough words in my vocabulary that I can use to describe the sight I'm currently seeing.

I shake my head and bring my consciousness back. "Oh, I see. Well, your mother has good taste in accessories," I bashfully comment. Man, there's a good mood going here, I should probably get her name while I can. Maybe we can become good friends! "Hey, so wha-"

I get interrupted by the chime of the class bells, signaling the start of homeroom. I sigh and sit down at my desk. 'Things were going so good too...' I pull out my textbook and wait for the teacher to walk in.

"Alright class, open up your textbooks to page 135," Yunasa declares. I know some of you are still excited about getting a partner, but this is still school. We will continue like normal so make sure you guys stay focused. We also have a test next week so be sure to take plenty of notes." She walks around the classroom to make sure everyone is paying attention and following along. As she walks by my desk, she runs her hand gently along the edge. "I'm excited to talk to you on Wednesday..." she whispers in a voice soft with affection. Guess that answers my question on how she feels about me being a potential partner.

She walks by and I couldn't help but follow her with my eyes. It's as if she was a black hole because my eyes just kept getting pulled up by the gravity it had. "Hey Kousei, you're gonna burn a hole in her ass if you keep staring at it that hard," I hear from my left.

I awkwardly look at Jay, and he's just sitting there staring at Yunasa with me. "Hey, I don't wanna hear that from the guy who is also going to burn a hole in her ass." Seems like Jay was affected by the black hole's gravity too.

The rest of the school day without a hitch. Jay would try and talk with Noeri any time he could. I couldn't find the time to talk to the girl next to me though. I lied, that's just an excuse for me not talking to her because I'm a wuss. As the saying goes, "Fear is an awkward feeling that rouses spirit, but creates hesitation." With a good night's rest, the hesitation will subside and the thirst of curiosity will take over.

My alarm goes off which prompts me to begin my morning routine. "Alright Kousei! Today is the day you get the girl's name!" I burst as I eat my breakfast. "Oh, I almost forgot. Today is the day I meet two of my partners!" After school today, I meet one of them in the classroom and one at the park near my apartment. I look at my phone to look at the names again. "So, I got Ai Kudou first. I wonder what kind of girl she is." If we are meeting in the classroom, I assume she goes to school too. Whether or not she's in my class is a different story.

On my leisure walk to school, I notice a familiar looking girl walking alone. Her silver hair is a standout feature for sure. 'So Nishikigi-san walks to school too.' I'm not extremely judgmental, however I did assume someone would drop her off at school from a car. Someone of her stature and feminine prowess give off that kind of rich, spoiled girl vibes.

"Nishikigi-san!" I hear a man shouting from behind me. "Wait for me!"

I turn my head around and see a singular man sprinting as if the world was disappearing behind him. He was running so fast, the people he ran by were flying out of the way and getting thrown into the dust cloud behind him. 'I don't think I've ever seen him run this fast in my life.' He runs right by me and straight to Noeri.

She continues walking when he catches up to her. "Good morning, Shindou-kun," she greets him.

"Good morning, Nishikigi-san. Quite the lovely weather we have today," Jay greets back. His hair is completely messed up, but he pays it no mind because he's entranced by Noeri's presence.

I turn around to check on the people he ran by and most were either groaning or looking around confused. Luckily, I was close enough to Noeri that he was in the process of slowing down when he ran by me. I still got a little bit of dust in my hair, but not the extent of those behind me. Seeing Jay's burst of energy isn't a shabby way to start the morning, so I think I can kind of get used to seeing this every so often.

As the school day went forth, the end of the school day soon came upon us, as did the first meeting of Ai Kudou, the first of my three potential partners.