Chapter 1 Reason

Living in a world where people have special ability is considered interesting but being able to have an ability in the same world now that is lucky and fortunate enough I also have an ability.

Teacher: Wu Sunz

Sunz: Here

Sunz's mind: But having an ability is just like being gifted in an area like music, sport, or acting. You already have a road you can walk on and if you continue to walk the road without getting into any serious trouble you are guaranteed fame and fortune. Sometimes life is just complicated some don't want to walk the path they were given, all because they have no passion, harsh working environment, or they just don't know what they want to do or just live a simple life.

I am also the same never know what I want to become so my parent planned out the best path that is within my reach.

Bell ring

A random student approaches Sunz and taps him on the shoulder: Hey Sunz It's raining outside wanna go out and see if anyone decided to bolt home?

Sunz: Sure man. (this guy's name is Han Jihu my best friend even though we only know each other for nearly 2 years)

While Sunz and Jihu walking out of class the class rep shouted at them: Hey if you two have no business here then go home and don't cause any trouble around the school.

Sunz answered with an annoyed tone: don't worry we know

Jihu answered with a calm and respectful tone: As you know it's raining so we just gonna wait out in front of the exit, you can check on us if you like.

Class rep goes back to her work satisfied with the answer

Sunz and Jihu continue the conversation while walking toward the exit.

Sunz: Why whenever I am with you, she just appears out of nowhere just to give us a warning.

Jihu: Probably because we both have an ability so she just being more cautious with us…

Sunz: you keep going with the obvious answer. I think why she keeping a close eye on us because the details of my ability aren't clear and I am allowed to keep this wooden sword in my backpack because it is related to my ability and for self-defense. I also became friends with you on our first day at school.

Jihu: you surely keep your theory long and confuse

Sunz sighs: Hey it's not my fault that I was born with speech level 1

Suddenly lightning struck and startled both of them

Sunz and Jihu mind: Fuck why was it so loud.

Sunz: Did the lightning start to get closer to our school?

Jihu: Looks like it struck close to the gate and you can see students just scatter everywhere and one just fainted

Sunz rushed to the exit with curiosity and excitement. By the time he got to the door Jihu already there waiting for him. Sunz put his hand on Jihu's shoulder to catch some breath and as he looked up he saw chaos around the schoolyard. He tells Jihu "This… does put a smile on my face"

Jihu smiled at Sunz and said: For someone who has good leg strength you have pretty bad stamina.

Sunz: Stop mocking me. So are you standing or sitting? I'm gonna stand, need to fix my posture.

Jihu: I'm going to sit and perfectly synchronize raindrops with the rhythm game.

While checking to see if he left anything in class Sunz tells Jihu that: I don't understand the stuff you do. Is there a goal for why you do it?

Jihu: It is like a unique hobby that I like to improve.

Sunz: Having a hobby sounds pretty convenient!

Jihu: Are you saying that because you start to think that you might live a boring life?

Sunz sighs: you're right

Sunz pulls out his sword and starts ranting: Being born in a world where people have special abilities and I myself am one of the special ones, but what do I have, a sword and an unknown ability that is related to the sword.

Jihu: you should know that talent comes at a young age but the moment for that talent to bloom is late

Sunz: was that one of your motivational quotes?

Jihu: Just want to lighten up the mood

Sunz smile: look like you got what you wanted!

Jihu: Hell yeah

Suddenly something ran past Sunz and Jihu at extreme speed out into the rain and just stood there.

Sunz and Jihu think: What was that?

Suddenly a shout out of nowhere " HEY YOU COME BACK HERE". Sunz looked to his side to see it was class rep who was shouting, and she suddenly looked at him.

Class rep noticed Sunz holding his sword: I said no fighting in the school

Sunz sheathes his sword: We just talking not fighting, think before you talking pls!

Class rep is annoyed with Sunz's answer but calmly asks if Sunz and Jihu can help her bring the student dancing in the rain.

Sunz pointing at a butler holding an umbrella running toward the dancing student: I think someone gonna take care of him for us

Suddenly lightning strikes between the boy and the butler launching part of the ground toward Sunz at extreme speed, Jihu faster than light takes Sunz's sword and protects him from getting hurt shattering the rock into pieces. The butler hands his umbrella to the strange boy and runs toward Jihu to check if he and his friend are ok, he also gives Jihu his business card and says "Pardon for our action, we own you an apology, so you can call us for any favor but only once." then he escorts the boy home.

Jihu looked at the card and said: Wow that was strange… Here your sword back."

Sunz takes the sword and answers in an unsurprised tone: Yeah strange it was.

Jihu: You make it sound regular for you

Sunz: Living in a world like this there are things to be expected.

Jihu: I guess you are right, where is Class rep?

Sunz looks around: she probably went inside after the event

Jihu: I have something really awesome to tell you. My grandpa gonna host a sword tournament in Korea this summer wanna come?

Sunz: Sure but are you gonna take care of the flight?

Jihu: don't worry we got a favor from the butler, I'm just gonna ask for 2 tickets to Korea.

Sunz: looks like we got everything planned just text me a week before we fly.

Jihu: Ok

Both of them continue to wait out the rain and then Sunz's father comes to pick him up and Jihu walks back home. However, while they were talking class rep was eavesdropping on their conversation during the student council meeting. She said to herself "Grandson of water sword clan located"