Chapter 14 Grimm’s Back Story

Grimm: So your friend here is also joining the tournament too! I didn't expect to meet another German here. Nice to meet you Sunz. (Holding his hand out to skake Sunz's hand)

Sunz accept the handshake and said: Mr.Grimm I'm sorry but I'm Chinese, not German. It might be weird to say this but I can speak and understand every language.

Grimm: Wow that is pretty disappointing for me. Hey, but good for you kid, you can interact with any culture without any problem. And to answer your friend's question I just do what I want to do!

Jihu bow to Grimm then said: Thank you for helping us!

Grimm: No need to be so formal. But gotta say your friend is pretty lucky, that kind of sword isn't being made anymore.

Sunz asks Grimm: Is there any reason why it is not being made anymore? It feels like a pretty solid weapon.

Grimm: You may see it as a good weapon but other see it as the inferior version of the Katana. Due to the blade being easier to break and it's can't bind when fighting make it becomes unpopular to the average swordsman.

Sunz: Then why did you think this sword is better for me than a normal Katana?

Grimm: When I was asking you to show me some of your moves. I see that you have good precision but slow speed and it may be because of the weapon that slows you down.

Something in Sunz's mind just clicks: Yeah! You're right I did feel a lot faster with my sword handling with the new sword. Are you like some kind of blacksmith?

Grimm smile: Well well well, you may be smarter than you look, kid. That's right I'm a blacksmith that also works as a "Hero".

Sunz becomes curious: So what rank are you as a "Hero" and does it pay well?

Grimm said "You planning to join?", instantly after Grimm end his sentence Sunz said "No! It's too boring for me"

Grimm is surprised by Sunz's instant answer: You're an odd kid you know, maybe that's why he likes you (Pointing at Jihu currently talking with Sogae), kinda reminds me of the good old days when we just go back to the smithy and working on all kind of projects but it all changes when he gone and now I just working this "Hero" job to scrape by.

Grimm: Sorry I just got sidetracked and start talking about myself.

Sunz: Oh don't worry I like to hear about people's past and stuff.

Grimm: Ok then answering your questions from before I am an A-rank "Hero" and your salary depends on the job types and how frequent you do the jobs. But sometimes the jobs are horrendous if you're a low-rank, people beg for jobs every day and if you don't have a mission complete each week then you're fired which leads to small fries taking jobs of A or S rank and die. For rank A and above they have the benefit of being alert with the newest mission, and get put on the special contact list (Rich people can pay to choose the "Hero" they want, higher rank is more expensive) for a variety of jobs. But that's only the bright side.

Sunz is interested in Grimm's story: If that's the bright side then the dark side must be like the dark web right?

Grimm just lets out a big sigh: … It's worse than the dark web! If they have their eyes on you dying is the first thing you hope or wish that they get bored of playing with you.

Sunz: So… were you one of the corporation victims?

Grimm becomes silent for a bit: … Those victims would wish they were in my shoes instead, different from them is that I can still live a normal life while being their "audience". Four years ago while I was still a B-rank "Hero" the corp has a new system called "Learn from your Seniors" which was created so new heroes can learn from any heroes that have at least one year working or at least rank A above. This was an optional system and "Seniors" don't have to take in anyone if they don't want to.

There I was just doing my usual routine at corp then I receive a text "Wait at the cafeteria someone wants to meet you". At that moment I was like (what is going on), I then wait at the cafeteria for about 5 minutes, until a girl came up to me with a picture of me and ask to know if I was the person in the picture. I answer "Yes" then she just jump with joy and said that "she had been looking for me".

The girl then introduce herself to me that "Her name was San, 18 years old, and had the ability to control fire. She hopes that I can teach her ways to become the best Hero." In response to her politeness, I then introduce myself.

Grimm(-4): The name is Grimm rank B nice to meet you, I hope we can meet again. You can find the map of the facility at the counter. If you don't have any questions left I may leave.

San: Wait! Can you be my Senior?

Grimm(-4): Miss I have no idea what are you talking about.

San then gives Grimm her phone which has her Hero Id open for him to read: Name age ability check. "Learn from your Seniors" this person has applied for this program and can ask any Heroes to take her under their wing (The Heroes must be at least rank A above or have at least 1 year of working). Note the Hero isn't forced to take this person under their wing!

Grimm(-4) gives San her phone back: I'm sorry Miss but I can't take you under my wing. You should find someone who has the same ability like your and train under their wing.

San's voice gets a bit quavering: But…but I don't want to train under anyone else other than you!

At that moment San feels like she is about to burst. Grimm then slam his palm onto the table and said "Crying is for important moment! Now stop! then we will discuss this (Senior) stuff."

San sniffles a bit and stops herself from crying.

Grimm(-4) sit down and asks San some questions: Why did you choose me as your "Senior"?

San: The first time I saw you was during your interview after you stop a bank robbery. Your answer was "I just do my job" and leave which gave me the impression that you just want to help people without expecting anything.

Grimm(-4): Yeah something is wrong with you!

San: Hey! I'm perfectly normal.

Grimm(-4): Ok next question how good are you at using your ability?

San twiddling her fingers and said: Um… I can only summon fire orbs and throw them…

Grimm(-4): Make sense, when you have such a common ability you also become a low-tier fire bender. On the internet, some have guides to improve the ability like your and did you watch it?

San: I did and I try but nothing works, maybe because they are all so boring or I'm just weird.

Grimm(-4) stand up: Weird or not I don't care but for now, follow me to the training facility.

Grimm(-4) and San make it to the training facility and Grimm gets them a private room so no one sees what they were doing.

Inside the private room

Grimm(-4): Are you comfortable?

San: Yes I'm! So what are we doing first and what with the duffle bag?

Grimm(-4): You know what happens when a man and a woman are in a room together?

San realizes what situation she got herself into and try to cover her body with her arms, she starts shaking in fear, drop to the floor, and mutter: Please… no! Don't violate me!

Grimm(-4): That's right I'm leaving the room!

San is now in a state of fear and confusion but soon the fear takes control over her emotion so she curls up and start crying.

Later Grimm(-4) comes back with a fire extinguisher, and he sees that San is still crying in the corner. He then comes closer to her, gives her a head pat, and tells her "Stop crying or we can't start your training." San mumbled "No violate please"

Grimm(-4): I just say that so I can check your emotional level. But seriously I have to get out while you are training, there are clothes in the duffle bag in case you burn your while training.

San gets the hang of herself, wipes tears off her face, and asks Grimm "What is my first task".

Grimm(-4) then gives San a combat knife and gives her instructions on what she needs to do, " I'm gonna need you to imagine hurting yourself with this knife."

San: Is that all if I do it then I will improve my ability?

Grimm(-4): It's depends on how you react to it. This is your body, not mine. If you have no more questions then I'll wait outside.

Before Grimm can even stand up San blurt out "WAIT!", "Please don't leave! I want you to stay here watch my progress and tell me what I did right and wrong". Grimm put the fire extinguishers next to him aiming at San and tell her "Let's begin."

With the knife in hand, San slowly shut her eyes and start imagining. But only one second in San drops the knife, her eyes are wide open, she starts having hyperventilation, and the arm she was imagining on start to shake uncontrollably, as she tries to speak her voice become more quaver "I.. saw myself …bleeding out on the floor…with NO ONE beside to help!"

Grimm stand up, cover San's eyes with his hand, and said "This is not the moment to cry! Go back, let your mind flow, and tell me what you see."

San with her quavering voice: I see myself lying on the floor with a bleeding arm…But the arm is healing itself and releasing a trail of smoke traveling across my body.

Grimm sees that San's arm has stopped shaking: "Tell me how does the smoke feel?"

San: It's feels like it transferring pain all across my body, but for some reason, it feels warm… and I can touch it with the tip of my finger.

Grimm(-4) said "Now activate your ability" and step back.

San do as Grimm said and her body burst into flame. When San opens her eyes she was so surprised of what she is capable of and was jumping with joy. But when she looks at Grimm his eyes were closed and he not even looking at her either. Then San curiously asks "Why aren't you looking at me? You help me improve so you should admire your work"

Grimm(-4) sighs "Fine" and looks at San "Gotta say you did a great job, now your whole body can activate your ability instead of only your hands but now you need to make sure what body part is using the ability or else you'll end up naked after every battle."

San deactivate her ability, looks downs, and said "Oh! Look at that I'm naked."

Grimm with a stern voice tells San "Good! Now go put on some clothes!" and leaves the room.

San is now putting on the clothes from the duffle bag that Grimm had prepared for her. Alone in the room, she thinks to herself "Why was I being so comfortable with him just now? Before this I thought he was a bad person but this time I feel like I was in the wrong. I should apologize to him!"

A few minutes later

San walks out of the room with the duffle bag and she sees that Grimm is sparing against a robot while wearing a trench coat. She waits for Grimm to finish and waves at him to signal that she finish. Grimm then gets off the arena and signal San to go back to the room.

A few minutes later

Grimm(-4) comes back to the room and he sees that San is sitting on the bench while twiddling her finger. "Something wrong?" Grimm asks.

San: "I just want to say I'm so sorry for putting you in such an awkward situation. I don't know why but in that moment you being here make me feel comfortable."

Grimm(-4) pat San on the head and said "It's good that you understand yourself and the situation we were in." He then sits down on the bench and speak with a stern voice "But because you're now working as a hero so you need to be on high alert. If the higher up have their eyes on you they will make you their toy.

San is getting nervous: But I have special ability so they won't try to target me and if they try I can burn them to death.

Grimm sigh: I wish it was that easy! You have ability but they also have their own hero to do their dirty work, and these heroes are definitely on the S rank or have some abilities that let them take control of your body.

San lunged at Grimm and started sobbing in his arm "I don't want it to happen to me…but I don't want to leave this job either. I just want to help other people."

Grimm starts to comfort San "I know you don't want to leave so I'll do my best to keep you safe and we both have to get stronger too. So I'll be taking you in as my student!"

San stops sobbing but still sniffles "Really! I'll make sure to make you proud".

Grimm smiles "Glad to hear that! So let's continue this tomorrow. Ok?".

San: Ok!

Back to present

Grimm: That is all I can tell you for now kid. If you want to hear more then make sure to pass the first round.

Sunz: I will Mr! But after hearing the first part I think I know what happens. So after winning this tournament my next task is to help you!

Grimm stand up and said, "Then I'm eager to see how you grow throughout this tournament kid." Then leave the area and go back to his room.

Later in Grimm's room

Grimm pulls out a picture of him and San. And think to himself "I'm getting too comfortable with new people again!"