Chapter 18: The French Girl

Grace pulls out one of the chairs and sits down. Sunz change his position to crossing both his arm and leg while Grace sit in a formal position

Grace: We'll have fair trade question after question how does that sound?

Sunz: Sure! You go first!

Grace: What is your relationship with Jihu?

Sunz: He is my friend and a parasite that can't be removed.

Grace: So he is still the same as before a kind and caring person.

Sunz: My turn. Why are you wearing such fancy clothes to this event?

Grace: You made me surprise with that question. I thought you were going to ask something different.

Sunz: Information value is different for everyone.

Grace: I was raised with the knowledge of, what you wear is how people judge you.

Sunz: Make sense, my parent tell me to learn guitar so I can get girls but I don't want to and now look at me. Your turn.

Grace: What is your reason for joining this competition?

Sunz: To escape my boring daily life. Simple as that.

Grace: Your reason is far too small for this competition. Your relationship with Jihu is on good terms. Why not ask him for a spot in the clan instead of being here?

Sunz: When you put yourself in dangerous situation you can see yourself improve a lot more. And earning the spot is way better than having someone give it to you.

Grace: You really are here just to waste people's time, aren't you? You know why this competition is important.

Sunz: Tell me what you think!

Grace: For other clans winning this means that their clan will exit longer. But for me, this is to fix the damage that was done by my family.

Sunz: What do you mean by "exits longer"?

Grace: Look like you're a newbie. Interesting! This is a world where only the strong will survive which means weak clans will be erased by other strong clans. So they need someone like the "Water clan" to protect them from danger.

Sunz: What about those superheroes aren't any of you afraid of what they can do?

Grace: They definitely are a threat that we should be cautious of. They have more manpower than all clans combine.

Grace summon a snowflake levitated on her hand and said "Some of us may have their power but we were trained by the art of Sword.", "But that doesn't mean everyone is on the same side. Some will ally with the enemies to ensure their survival."

Sunz: Hmm you know what funny we stop trading questions and now just having a normal conversation.

Grace: Conversation changes when there are different topics brought up. I've got to go now, see you in the 2nd round if you can make it.

Sunz: Gotta say based on your appearance I thought you were some cocky rich kid but you prove me wrong.

Grace stand up to leave and said: Please keep your thought only to yourself.

After Grace leave Sunz said to himself " And you should have kept your element to yourself."

A few minutes later Jihu and Grimm come back. Everyone sits down and finishes their lunch. Jihu and Grimm didn't know about the conversation between Sunz and Grace.

Sunz asks Jihu and Grimm what are they going to do later. Jihu said that he is going to have a clan meeting so they will not see him until dinner. Grimm said that he going to walk around Seoul for a few hours.

Sunz said that he is going to the training facility, then Jihu tell him the access code. After this the three of them part way.

Sunz goes back to his room to get his sword (lightweight katana) and then takes the elevator to the training facility. Down at the training facility, it was quiet no one was there.

Sunz started to have chill running down his spine due to the fact that the place was too quiet.

Sunz: It feels like a ghost town down here. I guess that when your body reached it limit normal training wouldn't improve it any further and that is when real-life battles come into play.

Sunz: First thing I need to do is checking the sharpness of my blade. But how???

Sunz then looks around and spotted a map at the counter. The map display 4 zone: The Lounge(Sunz's current location), The Blade Testing, Sparing, Normal Equipment.

Sunz makes his way to "The Blade Testing" zone and thinks to himself (How does this work? Will it be the traditional ways or some technology shit.)

After a few minutes of walking Sunz make his way to the "Testing" zone. The whole place looks like a normal gun range and it has both melee and range targets.

Sunz gets to one of the booths and a robot voice says "display your blade on the counter". Sunz does as it said then it starts scanning Sunz's sword.

After scanning the computer display these information.


Your blade isn't suitable for inflicting damage!!

We recommend replacing it with a normal katana.

Sunz: Huh??? When Grimm said "It's easy to break" I didn't expect that it couldn't slice.

Sunz: Ughhh what am I supposed to do now? I finally found a suitable weapon but it's horrible for combat. You know what fuck you computer I'm gonna figure this out myself.

A random voice: No need to lash out at a machine that just doing its job. It's just using the information it has to find the best solution for you.

Sunz (this voice is familiar): Who are you? And had we met before?

The person then appear out of one of the booths and said: Can't believe you still remember my voice. It's me Merchant coming to help you once again.

Sunz: I think there is a difference between your help and normal help.

Merchant: How different?

Sunz: It feels like you just keep stalking me and waiting for the perfect moment to appear from another dimension,

Merchant: You got any problem with that if so I can leave!

Sunz: Not really it's just odd, and each time you appear with a different costume. Which makes me wonder why are you helping me.

Merchant: I always hate to say this "It's because you're special" even though you're. You have story that can be explored instead of just being a normal person.

Sunz: Am I a secret ending waiting to be explored?

Merchant shrugs his shoulder: Maybe!!!

Sunz: Sure! I am also curious of how this will go. So please do what you need to do then continue observing.