Chapter 29: Playing with emotion (Part 2)

Grace steps closer to Sunz, do the "Kabedon" on him, and ask "So what is your opinion on me now!" while smirking at him.

Sunz: Well from your action just now, I feel like you are straightforward and like to take the initiative. But don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself, we are both young so we still have plenty of time right?

Grace slams her other hand onto the wall trapping Sunz between her arm, lean closer to him and whisper into his ear (Do you really think that low of yourself!). After Grace finished whispering Sunz push her away and both were in shock of what just happened.

Sunz try to reason with Grace: I didn't mean to push you. It's just that the more you get closer to me I feel like, I was invading your privacy and another reason is my body is very sensitive so when you whisper that close into my ear. It makes me feel super uncomfortable like you are touching my whole body.

Grace takes a step back, sits on the bed with her legs dangling off to the side, looks at the floor, and starts explaining herself: I'm also sorry! It's also my fault… I think it was the thrill that make me keep going.

Grace sigh in disappointment of herself: I was raised to be a well-behaved daughter, and now I'm trying to shoot my shot with someone younger than me. I feel like such a whore right now.

Grace now lay on her back and stare at the ceiling. While Sunz just standing there watching everything unfold and thinks to himself (Yep. I have made her go into depression mode.)

Sunz steps closer to Grace's bed and asks: Do you mind if I sit here for a bit?

Grace: Yeah, do what you want.

Sunz sits on the bed next to Grace and tries to comfort her with his word: Have you ever experienced emotion before because right now you're going through a rollercoaster of emotion! The first time we meet you were calm and cool. But today you just go from flirty to depressed.

Grace sits up and glares at Sunz: You sure know how to cheer up someone.

Sunz: Nice! Now that I got your attention, I'll try to cheer you up. You don't have to feel bad about your action just now. You're new to this so your emotions are mixed up. At least you didn't touch me means you still have control of yourself.

Grace: Haizz, can't believe I'm being lectured by you. So answer this for me "Would you be willing to go out with me?" just a simple Yes or No.

Sunz without missing a beat answered bluntly: Yeah I would.

Grace is shocked: Huh! But… you just said before that we need time.

Sunz: Well before, you approach me with an ominous aura so my emotion was on defensive mode. And now after processing all the data about you, I see that being with you is not too bad but you still scare me tho.

Grace: So if I ask you out right now will you accept it?

Sunz answer bluntly: No!

Grace feel irritated so she grab Sunz by the collar: Do you think you can just keep playing with my emotion like this!

Sunz: I know you'll be angry after I said that, but let me explain myself. We have our round coming up in 2 days so I want everything to be mutual on both sides. If I beat you this relationship is dead after it starts.

Grace releases Sunz off her grasp: Fine! You have a point there. So let's have a bet. If I win you become my boyfriend and if I lose…

Sunz cut Grace off: Sure why not. If I win you can decide the reward for yourself.

Grace: You don't really care about the bet at all, do you?

Sunz: The bet is a win-win for me. I lose I get a girlfriend, I win I go further into the round. Plus the bet will make both of us go all out on each other.

Grace: Well then, if I lose I can be your girlfriend how about that!

Sunz: Whatever suits you, I guess. But I think we have been talking long enough. I need to start training again.

Grace: Yeah wouldn't want to see you give up after a few hits. So take care!

Sunz walks over to the door to leave but before leaving he asks Grace one more question: How are you able to wear that suit all this time, doesn't it hot?

Grace: Oh I can manipulate cold air around my body, both inside and outside so I can wear this anytime.

Sunz "Well that is pretty handy. Well then see you next time". Grace "Take care!" both waves each other goodbye then Sunz leaves.

Later Sunz goes down to the lobby to meet Sogae to ask for his sword and luckily she is there.

Sunz: Hi Miss Sogae. I'm here to ask about my sword.

Sogae "Yeah here you go", she gives Sunz back his sword. "And take this as a sorry gift for not preventing last night's incident sooner." She gives Sunz a water bottle.

Sunz accepts her gift and thanks her: But you still come and help us in the end so everything is ok. You don't need to be sorry.

Sogae: If you say that it's not that much of a problem then I should stop beating myself over it. So how was the party, did everyone get along?

Sunz: Yeah... everything is good everyone getting along. Nothing out of the blue happened. (Something did happen!!!)

Sogae: Well then that's good to know. And any question you want to ask me?

Sunz: You know where is Yama?

Sogae: The Japanese kid. He probably having breakfast right now. Why don't you go check the dining area?

Sunz: Ok. Thank you!

Sunz says goodbye to Sogae and makes his way to the dining area (with the sword on his back). Standing outside the dining area he takes a peek to see if Yama is in there or not. And it looks like Yama isn't there. Seeing that Yama is not there Sunz meaning to go train alone but his body reminds him that he needs energy. And because he is in the dining area why not just go grab some food to please his body.

After looking around and choosing his food Sunz goes sit down at one of the tables in the corner that have nobody there. He sits down and enjoys his food while checking if there is anything on the news. A few minutes later he sees Yama waddling in the dining area, so he stops eating and approaches Yama.

It looks like Yama is pretty tired but somehow he is still very coordinated so Sunz helps guiding him to sit at his table. Let Yama sit for a bit Sunz goes back to his meal while keeping an eye on Yama.

After a few minutes combined with the food smell in the air Yama start to regain consciousness. So Sunz asks what he wants to eat. Yama just said "Anything" he is too tired to think. So Sunz goes grab some food for Yama and when he returns with Yama's food. His food is all gone and Yama returns to normal.