Chapter 35: Fever Dream

After some hours.

Sunz wakes up feeling a bit drowsy, still has the blanket covering his whole body, and doesn't know whether it is night or day.

Sunz remove the blanket off his body and was jumpscare by the presence of Grace sitting in his room while reading a book.

Sunz was startled and let out a weird noise "AKSJDKAJD". Which caught Grace's attention taking her mind off the book.

Grace: Hey there sorry for coming in without notice. did I startle you?

Sunz "Yeah you did! How did you get in here anyway?" then proceed to throw the blanket back on the bed.

Grace: You want to hear the short version or the long version?

Sunz gives out a long yawn still feeling drowsy, "I guess… the long version… Sorry, I'm still a bit woozy after waking up."

Grace: Oh don't worry! I heard what happened. I just hope I didn't ruin your sleep.

Sunz: I wouldn't call that a sleep, more like resting after collapse. Ok enough about me! I want to hear your story and you also mentioned that you heard something about me.

Grace: Yeah Jun told me what happened…

Grace pauses for a bit and asks Sunz "Umm! Why are you still standing there? Aren't you gonna sit down somewhere?"

Sunz: Oh! I don't know, I'm just too tired to sit down.

Grace is just confused with Sunz's answer: Too tired to sit down? Are you ok?

Sunz "I think am fine. Does it make you uncomfortable? If so then I can sit down and listen." Then he proceeded to sit down and cross his legs.

Grace holds her arm out trying to stop him "Oh you don't have to!" but Sunz has already sat down and is waiting for Grace to continue her story.

Grace feels like she just made Sunz do something that he doesn't want to. Then she also proceeds to sit on the floor. But Grace is having difficulty in choosing a sitting position.

Sunz: Um… May I ask! Had you ever sat on the floor before?

Grace: Of course I had! What makes you think that?

Sunz: Well you don't live in Asia and were raised in a formal household so I guess that you are trying to figure out an appropriate sitting position.

Grace starts to blush a bit: Fine! I have never sat on the floor with this kind of clothes before, ok!

Sunz (Wait didn't she sit on the floor while we were having hot pot the other day…): Well! You could try sitting with both of your legs crossed or sit with one leg up… Wait what do you mean "This kind of clothes"

Grace: Today I'm trying suit. I wear dress all the time so I want to try something new. But I didn't expect the pant would be this tight. It feels like I need to be careful when moving around or it will rip.

Sunz said "You know what let's sit somewhere else" while standing up. Then go grab the other chair that was in the room and place it 90 degrees from Grace's chair.

Grace stands up after Sunz and watched him move the chair then she said "Sitting on the floor is fine you don't have to make things more complicated."

Sunz then sit down in his chair and said "Please just go back in your chair. I don't want any accident to happen."

Grace sighed and just follow along with Sunz's shenanigan. She goes back to her chair, sits down, and tries to tease Sunz with her word.

"You know that you can have a better view of me if we were sitting on the floor…"

Sunz: Please don't try to corrupt my mind. I want to do that myself. Weren't you raised in a formal way? Why are you trying to act seductive right now?

Grace: Fine! Just testing your human nature. And yes I was raised to be a polite and charming girl. But that doesn't mean I wasn't taught to manipulate weak-minded men.

Sunz: Ok! I think we are getting sidetracked. Let's return to how you got here.

Grace nodded and continue her story.

An hour ago!

Grace was reading one of her books and looked up at the clock (Oh it's already this late) she thought to herself. Grace then stretch for a bit after sitting on the bed for such a long time.

She then goes to the bathroom and checks herself in the mirror: Hmm do I need to change? Maybe I could wear the suit from this morning.

Grace holds the suit in her hand and giggles "It doesn't hurt me in anyways but it might have some effect on him." She quickly changes into her new outfit, looks in the mirror, and said to herself " I do look pretty good in a suit. But why do the pants have to be this tight."

Grace leaves the room and brings the book that she was reading from before with her. Step into the elevator she starts to think (Would he even be down there at this hour. I know that he said he was training but he could finish early.)

Leaving the elevator Grace encounters Jun and Jihu. They were also heading to the dining room. But it wasn't Grace who notice them. It was Jun, after seeing Grace she rush to her and gives her a big warm hug. While Jihu just stands there and waves at her.

Grace: It's been a long time since you last met me right Jun?

Jun release Grace from her hug: It's been way too long, but I'm so happy to see how much you grow.

Grace: Oh! Thank you, that means a lot to me!

Jun: Oh you are making this big sister tear up! I see that you had became proficient with a new type of weapon, and I think it's a good fit for an elegant person like yourself.

Grace: Thank you! May I ask, are you two heading to the dining area right now?

Jun: We are! Do you wanna join us?

Grace: If it is ok with both of you then I would love to. Also, I would like to ask, do you know where is Sunz?

Jun: I think he must be back in his room hours ago.

Grace: Hours ago? I thought that he was planning to train.

Jun: Well he did but something happened during it. And I advised him to continue tomorrow.

Grace: Can you explain to me what happened?

Jun looks at Jihu like she is asking him "Should I tell her?" and he just nods signaling to her that "It's ok to tell."

Jun then tell Grace everything that she knows.

Grace: So he was being haunted by a lady in purple clothes. So is he ok now?

Jun: I think he is. You want to see him now?

Grace: Can I? I thought that you were going to have some rule that forbids next-round opponents from meeting.

Jun: We do, but I trust that you won't harm him. Now tell her his room number Jihu!

Jihu "Uh ok!? His room number is XXX" and gives her a keycard "This is my card to access his room. Just return it to the front desk after you done meeting him."

Grace accept the card "Thank you!", "Would it be disrespectful of me to reject your dinner offer?"

Jun: Oh don't worry! I have Jihu to keep me company. Besides, it is not disrespectful if you're worrying about someone else.

Grace bowed at Jihu and Jun, thanking them, and bolt up to Sunz's room.

Jun said to Jihu: Your friend, he just hit the jackpot in love!

Jihu: What! You're saying that they are a couple. They've only known each other for two days.

Jun: You boys are clearly blind when it comes to romance. Based on the outfit she was wearing. It means that she was trying to impress him with her new outfit.

Jihu: The issue is not her it Sunz. He never likes anyone and now a girl like him, he is going to think it strange and it should not happen.

Jun: Oh! You guys going to grow out of it soon enough. I also heard that you are dating right now too. Finally, settle on someone after rejecting too many.

Jihu: Can we talk about this at another time!

Jun: Sure…! But I have to say it was smart of you to choose her.

Back to Grace

"Room XPZ", "Room XYZ", " Room XXX here it is". She put the card near the sensor and it works. She creek open the door a bit, seeing that the light was still on so she thought that Sunz was awake.

"Pardon my intrusion," she said before walking into the room and closing the door behind her.

Inside the room, she didn't know where Sunz was but did notice the blanket on the floor. When she goes check on it and flip it open. She nearly got a heart attack after opening it but at least she found him.

Grace then checks his pulse and energy and sees that he is just resting. Then she covers him back with the blanket and sits on one of the chairs waiting for him to wake up.

Back to Present.

Grace: And that is everything.

Sunz: So that's what happened.

Grace: You aren't mad that I break into your room?

Sunz: You were only checking on me so I'll let it sly. I guess we should head down for dinner. I make you wait long enough.

Grace said sarcastically: Aren't going to offer me anything as an apology gift?

Sunz: Uh! I don't have any money but since I have nothing to do. You can drag me anywhere in Seoul…

Grace (Wait did he seriously takes that to heart): Ok then. That also means you aren't allowed to complain Ok!

Sunz: Ok!