Chapter 44: The 2 Pillar (Part II)

Later outside of the Infirmary.

Sunz: This place is a lot bigger than I expected, it even has a map too… But why does a place like this need a map?

Grace: Probably because it's a tourist spot. Look at this! (She shows him an article about their current location.)

On the article: Jeondang or 'Hall of Champions' was once a place in the past where many champions or clans set up tournaments in order to find the best among the best. The tournament itself is a friendly duel but many casualties still happen.

Despite that, countless warriors have been reborn through this trial. And those that win have the most improvement of all, some even become 'Legend' in their own field. The name of these 'Legends' is unknown, but through word of mouth, most of them die while protecting Korea from evil. The scale and destruction of their fight are far more powerful than today's technology.

But nowadays this place has become a popular tourist spot to visit due to the history and the view of Seoul it provides. Some people have also reported that whenever they stand in the arena, their bodies experience some kind of adrenaline rush. There are some explanations for this phenomenon "The spirit of many fighters has sipped into the arena lead to this event.", "Due to the elevation of the location, the adrenaline rush that they felt caused by the strong wind."

Sunz: Well that was a lot to read.

Grace: It said that "This place is a popular tourist spot" so how did the clan have this whole place for the tournament?

Sunz: Probably connection. Sogae told me that the clan works for the government.

Grace: Not that. If this whole place is blocked off then wouldn't some people try to sneak in or spy with drones?

Sunz: I think we don't need to care about that. The clan probably has someone people patrolling right now.

"We were killing each other before and this is what you worried about?"

Grace: It is just based on the circumstances. Let's go grab something to eat while waiting!

Sunz's mind (At least 20-minute waiting.)

They walk around for a bit then they stumble across Grimm near the food stall.

Grace: Go say hi to him, I'll get one for each of us.

Sunz: Sure!

Both of them separate for the next minutes.

Sunz: Hello Mr. Grimm! It's been a while since we last met.

Grimm: It's been like 2 days and congrats on winning the Second rounds.

Sunz: Thank you.

Grimm: So what brings you here? Aren't you supposed to lay dead on the bed, again?

Sunz: I improve, so no need for that anymore… maybe!

Grimm laughs: Improve you did, I say! But do you think you have reached your full potential? I can't wait to punch you legally!

Sunz: Let's just hope that I can pass the next round.

Grimm: Hope? I know that you are weaker than everyone here but your rapid improvement should be the reason for you to become confident.

"You obtain a new skill after each battle and it's your job to evolve, incorporate that skill for the upcoming fight."

Sunz: Yes! It's my job to use what I learn, fix my mistake… But what if I abandon all of that?

Grimm: Well that's the problem you can't really use everything you learn all over the place.

Sunz: That's not what I mean. It's more like… You probably see that I specialize in using 'Elements' and my next opponent is an expert in 'Sword Skills'. So in my match against her, I plan on not using my 'Elements' at all.

Grimm stay silent for a bit… and said

"You are a fool!"

Follow up by "That is what I was thinking too!" from Grace who is holding two cups of Tteokbokki.

Grimm: So you're here too! I thought you were too prideful to walk around after losing.

Grace gives Sunz one of the cups and answers "Just because I look rich doesn't mean I have the personality of one."

Grimm: Not to judge a book by its cover, I get it.

But why did you say, "That is what I was thinking too!"

"Did this idiot tell you about his plan for the next round before me?"

Grace: He did!

She look at Sunz and said: Sunz, I support you but that doesn't mean I don't think what you're going to do is stupid. That's the answer to your Why question! (This is directly at Sunz not at Grimm's question.)

Sunz silently: ok I got it.

Grimm: Be careful of this girl kid. She is moving really fast from your best friend to you. Remember that 'hot pot' night!

Grace: Hey! It's not funny! Don't joke about me like that! I have no interest in Jihu! I was only under the influence of alcohol that night which led to that event.

Grimm: Ok, I'm sorry for joking about that! But it's strange to me, what event lead to this newlywed atmosphere between you two. And this is not for you to answer Sunz, you don't feel like the type to cause this.

Grace: I like him and want to start a relationship.

Grimm: That's an easy answer. Give me a more complex answer. Which will tell us what he looks like to you.

Grace: Fine! I'm sorry if this hurt your feeling Sunz!

"To me, he looks broken. Like a broken toy that no one wants and I can just pick him up with no consequence. And he can't reject me because no one wants him!"

Sunz: That's fair. Pretty spot on I must say. But the last part makes you sound a bit crazy tho.

Grace: I agree! Just trying to make it sound more interesting, but steer it in the wrong way.

Grimm thought (Are kids these days really having that low self-esteem?)

Grimm: Back to what we were talking about before. If you're not going to use your 'Elements' then I hope you succeed or else someone gonna help you. And that is all the time I have, I need to prepare for the next round.

Sunz: Thank you and good luck on winning the match.

Grimm: And you two have fun on your date!

Grace said to Sunz: Is it a date?

Sunz: Maybe, I guess?

Grimm walks away hearing all of that and thought (This is the future of our generation.)

Grimm: Doing stupid thing just to get stronger, remind me of that event.

Flash Back.

Grimm(-4): You want to test out a new type of training?

San: Yeah! Since our first mission, I started to hesitate when fighting against an 'Ice' opponent. Even though I have the advantage, I still lose.

Grimm(-4): That because you were fighting against a veteran, just take your time and train. Sooner or later you'll reach their level.

San: Well about that, I went and talk to 'Kalt' and he gave me some tip and trick to improve.

Grimm(-4): Wow you talk with another villain and he actually gave you tips. Maybe the role has changed.

San: Well Kalt and his brother were pretty sane. The rest of the criminals aren't happy to see heroes in there and to make it worse I'm a female.

Grimm(-4): Yeah no one would voluntarily surrender themselves. So what did he say?

San: "Learn how to create a fire aura around you that can be easily turned on and off. And control it well, invisible fire can cause disaster to its surrounding." And follow up with "Next time you visit. Bring that big boy a tub of ice cream."

Grimm(-4): The tuition is not that expensive. Show me see what training are you planning.

San: Ok! You know that we have a training room that can simulate weather and temperature.

Grimm(-4): I see what your plan is. You want to set the room at the coldest temperature and fight against it head-on.

San: Yeah, that is exactly what I was planning to do. See you and I are the perfect duo.

Grimm(-4): Your plan makes sense but it is stupid. So prepare to wake up on the hospital bed again.

San: Haha you are funny, I don't think a gloomy person like you can joke.

Grimm(-4): Laugh all you want. The result is controlled by you.

They then both made their way to the simulation room where a technician is waiting for them.

Technician: Good day Heroes, who will be the person entering the simulation room?

San: He calls us 'Heroes'.

Grimm(-4): Of course, he has to. He doesn't know us personally. No offense to you man.

Technician: Don't worry it's the norm around here. I rather get 'insulted' than get hit.

Grimm(-4): Great! This girl wants to improve her ability while working in cold conditions.

Technician: Got it please take this communication device and head into the room.

San put on the device and step into the simulation room.

Technician said to Grimm: Lucky that there are two of you. Sometimes people got too confident and things just happen for the worst. You should prepare to stabilize her.

Grimm: Yeah could have guessed this from a mile away.

Technician said into the device: We will start in 3…2…1

"The temperature is slowly being decreased do you have any demand to speed things up."

San "Not yet!" slowly igniting her body, and summoning floating fire around her.

Technician: Changing in the weather, increase high wind and start snowing.

San: I think you can speed up a bit.

Technician: Lound and clear! Weather changing into blizzard and temperature is decreasing faster.

San's mind (This is pretty easy. Not thing will go wro…). Suddenly her arm doesn't feel anything anymore. She starts seeing black spots on her body, then a sudden burst of feeling like someone taking a small hot metal rod and touching its tip all over her body.

Technician stops the simulation and yell at Grimm: Grab The Girl And Take Her To Room A5! Now!

Grimm rushes into the room. Even though the simulation stops the effect still lingers. Grimm feels that he can't stay inside for more than 10 seconds. After locating San he runs toward her to sweep her off the ground.

The pain starts to get worse the longer he stays there but after he grabs San the cold disappears from his body. No time to wonder, his first priority is to take San to room A5.

As he runs to room A5 he hears a weak voice from San "I don't think I'll make it…"

He gives her a light smack on her forehead and said "I didn't save you just to hear that. Now stay quiet!"

He made it to room A5 where a team of doctors already waiting there. He places her on the bed and the doctors tell him to wait outside while they work.

20 minutes later a doctor comes out and tells him that "The girl is fine nothing severe happens to her except frostbite on the skin."

Grimm(-4): That is good to hear.

Doctor: I have some questions do you mind answering them?

Grimm(-4) sighs: Sure what do you want to know?

Doctor: Are you the girl's guardian?

Grimm(-4): I am her 'Senior'. She is in the program "Learn from Your Seniors".

Doctor: How long has she been working as a Hero?

Grimm(-4): 2-3 weeks.

Doctor is surprised: Only that long!

Grimm(-4): Amazing isn't it?

Doctor: Thank you for your time. You can visit the girl now.

Grimm(-4): Thank you.

All of the doctors leave the room.

Grimm(-4): So how do you feel about what happened?

San: Exciting at first then turns into trauma.

Grimm(-4): So what did the doctor say?

San: They told me that I wasn't in any critical condition and only my skin got damaged.

Grimm(-4): Did they explain why? Because I feel like could have died in that room.

San: They said that my fire, instead of being released was being circulated around my body. Which stops the frostbite from doing damage to the inside.

Grimm(-4): I guess you kinda got what you wanted. But gonna need some training to master it.

San: Grimm! Thank you for helping me, I don't think I would be here without you!

Grimm(-4): Don't mention it, kid!

Back to reality.

Sogae announces: The Winner of This Round is Grimm.

"He did it once again! Knocking out his opponent with only his bare hands."

"And that is all folk these 4 winners will face each other in 2 days!"