Chapter 71: New Face-Old Face-No Face (Part 2)

*Ben diving down to the bottom floor*

Seeing many swords flying toward him, he widens his arms and slaps them together, sending a huge shockwave to the floor. The amount of force that got released made him hover in midair for a few seconds, and the blast also shattered all of the swords that flew at him, but it didn't cause any property damage.

Ben: Cheap Materials.

After landing softly on the ground to make sure that the building's foundation doesn't collapse. Ben saw two bodyguards bleeding out on the lobby floor and the Strange Figure.

Ben: So you are the Villian that caused all of this. Surrender or Die!

Strange Figure: You and I are the same. A tool to serve our master.

Ben immediately leapt at the Strange-Figure to punch it, but more swords flew out of its body to form a protective barrier. The barrier was shattered immediately by Ben's punch and resulted in thousands of sharp fragments blasting everywhere, along with creating a temporary dust storm.

None of the fragments did any damage to Ben, but for the two bodyguards, the result would be different, and Ben knew that. He quickly dashed back to save both of them, a second before the barrier shattered. But he only managed to protect one of them from being penetrated by bullet-speed fragments.

Strange Figure: Risking a chance to kill me just to save these disposable soldiers. And you couldn't save both of them.


Strange Figure: What's wrong? Cat got your tongue... Oh, I see, you are those. What are they called? Ah, all brawn and no brain.


A bullet got fired from inside the dust storm at the Stange Figure, but it easily dodged with a slight movement of its head.

The dust storm cleared up to reveal Silver with the other bodyguard on his back. Both of their clothes got torn from all of the fragments, and only Silver took some damage from that event. Slashes on his shoulders, arms, and cheeks...

Silver: Sorry Hero! Didn't want to get in your way, but it seems like you need some help.

Strange Figure: A rat saving an insect… how strange.

Silver: If you don't mind, may I have the other body?

Ben gave Silver the other bodyguard's body: This is not a place for you people to be a hero.

Silver: Same goes for you, can't go all out. But that's enough from me. Continue the fight.

Silver ran away to relocate the two bodyguard bodies to the safe zone outside of the Disaster Area.

Strange Figure: Now if you just let me complete my objective, then there would be fewer casualties.

Elevator door opens *ding*

Narae: The next casualty will be you, Villian.

Strange Figure turns around: A new entity has appeared. What are you? Hero? Civilian? Or A Nobody?

Narae clenched her fist with the thump out and gestured a cutting motion across her neck. When the action finished, a stream of water appeared from thin air and decapitated the Strange Figure.

The cloak that the Strange Figure was wearing disappeared and revealed a decapitated wooden puppet with ink flowing out of its neck. Both Heroes got into their ready stances to see if the Vilian was hiding another trick.

The decapitated head started speaking, "I'm going to die either way. So let all die!" while the body twitching itself.

The head then exploded and splattered ink inside the building and on the street. While the body starts crawling across the whole lobby and spilling ink out of its neck. Narae used her skill to stop the ink from splattering on her and Ben.

The body crawls like a headless chicken until it starts hanging upside down from the ceiling. The ink keeps unlimitedly flowing out of its neck like a fountain.

Then, from the ink, swords start flying out like swarms of insects. They aren't targeting Ben and Narae but focusing on other floors of the Tower and nearby buildings.

Ben and Narae: Headquarter! Send many F.P.S teams to this location!

Narae said to Ben, "I'll take care of the outside. You kill that bastard." Then immediately move out of the building and summon a water barrier around the first floor, along with an additional barrier encircling the whole building.

All of the swords that made out of the Lobby got dragged down and destroyed by the second barrier, while many new swords kept spawning from ink to get through the first barrier and kill Ben at the same time.

At the same time, Lucas's bugs managed to get inside the lobby before the first barrier appeared and stick to Ben's outfit to communicate with him.

Lucas: Ben? You ok down there?

Ben: Doing fine. You can see and hear everything clearly, right?

Lucas: Yeah…

Ben: Great. I'm gonna need your help on this. The wooden thing that is drooling ink out of its neck caused all of this, and we need to destroy it and all of its little friends.

Lucas: Why do you need my help? I'm bedrest. Plus, you are powerful. Your skin has no damage, except for your outfit.

Ben: Then watch!

Ben jumped up to attack the puppet, but all of the swords formed a shield to protect it, resulting in all of the swords shattering and all of their fragments being blasted everywhere.


Ben to Narae, "SORRY!" then continue communication with Lucas, "You heard and saw what happened right."

Lucas: But what am I supposed to do?

Ben: Use your ability.

Lucas: Got it, and before we do this. No one can tap in this line, right?

Ben: Only me and you.

Lucas: Ok, this will be the plan. Get a hold of one of the swords and get in position.

Ben: Got it and ready!

All of the swords just swarming around the puppet, waiting for their numbers to go up.

Lucas: THROW!... BOOST!

Ben threw the sword at the puppet, and all of the other swords came together and formed a wall in front of it. Two seconds later, Ben jumped in the direction he threw the sword. The sword didn't do any damage to the wall except shattering itself.

Lucas: GRAB!

Ben immediately grabs the wall, but the puppet knows what he is about to do and disperses the shield formation. Ben manages to grab two swords from the swarm.


Ben threw the two swords behind him to give him a boost that the puppet didn't expect, then he grabbed the puppet and slammed it to the ceiling. And with a flick of his thumb, the wooden puppet burst into flame.

Ben: This will make sure there is nothing left of you.

The puppet grew back its head while burning: My task is 50% completed but it was a good half.

Then all of the swords and ink disappeared while the puppet burned to ash in Ben's hand.

Lucas: That is the end of this, right?

Ben: Yeah… everything is okay now.

Corp reporting to S-class: The F.P.S teams are here.

Ben to Corp: The Villian had been killed. Prepare to move civilians out of the building.

Corp to S-class: Roger That!

Ben to Lucas: So big match in a few hours.

Lucas: Yeah, not like we're going to lose when I'm playing.

Ben: I know you will bring home the trophy.

Lucas: And you will be there above all of us.

Ben: Like always.

Lucas: How about this time you watch the match on the ground? You are their celebrity. They might try to impress you and give me a harder match, or they might just fumble, and you can be there as a consolation prize.

Ben: I will. I'll end the call now.

Lucas: Ok.

*Before the puppet got destroyed - Outside*

The ink that splattered outside and spawning swords everywhere got taken care of by Silver and Narae.

Silver: Need any help, Hero?

Narae: No need. It's better for you to make sure no one enters this area.

A sword arise from the ink and was immediately shattered by Silver's bullet.

Silver: I can do both.

Narae: That is great! Less weight on my shoulder.

A few minutes later, Narae received a message from Corp "The Villian had been killed. Prepare to move civilians out of the building."

Narae removes the barrier: Hey Cop, the crisis is over.

Silver: Nicely done, Hero. What would we do without you!

Narae: You are a lot better than the common cop. Ever think of being a Hero?

Silver: A Hero can be a Cop but the opposite rarely happens.

Narae: I'm not saying you should quit the force. Being a Hero is like a part-time job with valuable benefits while at high rank.

Silver: Well, that's the problem. Best I can reach is probably C tier.

Narae: Your skill shown that you can reach at least A rank.

Silver: All you saw was me destroying swords with bullets.

Narae: And you think that is common?

Silver: In your field, probably.

Narae: I took enough of your time. I'll leave you and your squad to take care of the rest. And make sure to get the benefit.

Silver: I'll consider it.

*Before the puppet got destroyed – Sunz and Grace*

Grace managed to hold down to the last wave of swords and her last rapier. Both her strength and mentality are at their lowest, while Sunz has recovered from what he thinks was information overload.

Sunz grabs one hand onto Grace's shoulder, and she immediately responds: You ok now? These are the last of them… we will be… ok soon.

Sunz heard Grace's heavy breathing in that sentence and saw that she couldn't survive this last wave.

Sunz: You are in no condition to continue.

Grace: Oh, please! I've been through worse. (No I haven't!)

Sunz quickly swiped the ice rapier off Grace's without a problem.

Grace: Hey!...

Sunz: If you can still fight, then I wouldn't have been able to steal this from you.

Grace: Fine… but I'm staying right behind you.

Sunz: But it will reduce my movement.

Grace placing both hands on Sunz's shoulders: Better that than you dropping the rapier. It made out of ice… your hand can't hold it longer than 10 seconds.

Sunz: Can't argue with that. There are only 5 left.

Grace: Five? I can only see three.

One of the swords came straight at Sunz and destroyed the ice rapier and itself. Then the other two visible swords follow up. Sunz crouched down, lunged forward to escape from Grace, and restrained both swords with his hands.

Then, from the rubble of swords that Grace created, two swords came flying at her with malicious intent but were immediately destroyed by Sunz using the other two swords.

Only two evil swords remain, trying to get out of Sunz's grasp, but they slowly stop trying, turn back into ink, and disappear. The same goes for the rubble of destroyed swords.

Sunz (It's over? They are all gone from my vision.)

Grace still has the glasses on, and overhears Narae and Silver's conversation.

Grace: Hey, Sunz! Look like everything is ok now, and rescue is on the way.

Sunz walks back to Grace: You are okay, right?

Grace: Just tired… Thank you for saving me.

Sunz: I should be the one saying that. You were the one keeping us safe first.

Grace: Well, what matters most is… we're still alive.

Sunz: Yeah… that is what matters most.

Grace "but..." leans in to hug Sunz, "I still like to thank you properly." then quickly pulls herself back, "And this too..." then leans in again to kiss Sunz on the lip. The kiss lasts for a few seconds before she pulls herself back, but still has her hands gripping on Sunz's shoulders.

Sunz is in shock at what just happened: Was that also a thank you?

Grace: That one is for me! Since after this tournament, we won't be able to meet again for a while, so I took the shot… I'm also afraid that, in this line of work, every moment we have right now will be our last moment. So I don't want to regret being stagnant.

Sunz: I don't think I can top your speech, but all I can say is. If we always have each other's backs, just like today, the future outcome will be the same.

Grace: I really want to cry, but I think I'm too tired to do that.

Sunz: I also feel the same. Let's finish with a quick hug.

Grace: Agree.

Both Sunz and Grace hug each other for a few seconds, then release.

Sunz and Grace (That's a core memory!)

Sunz: By the way, both my shoulders feel cold and hurt at the same time. What did you do?

Grace: Ummm… in the moment… I might have… I mean definitely have stabbed your shoulders with my fingers, so I froze them to stop the bleeding.

Sunz: Since you hurt me, I must hurt you back.

Grace: What?

Sunz: I really prefer you with glasses.

Grace: ??? You trying to hurt my pride.

Sunz: Exactly!

Grace: Why are you so fixated on glasses? Is my face not good enough?

Sunz: Well, before today, I had only seen your normal face, but when you put on that glasses. My brain just thinks, Perfect!

Grace: You're Moron you know that. You didn't hurt my pride, except given me a weapon to manipulate you. So enjoy this Perfect form of mine because, after today, you won't be able to see it for a long time.

Sunz *sarcastically*: Oh no!

Grace: But seriously, this Bitch will be hang.

Sunz: Welp that suck.

Grace: I think it's about time we regroup.

Sunz: Yeah, let's go.

Both Sunz and Grace walk out of wherever they are, and while walking, Grace tells Sunz something.

Grace: You know, your glasses obsession is kinda similar to my friend's obsession.

Sunz: And who is it?

Grace: You have to meet them to know.

Sunz: Can't wait.

Grace: Oh yeah, one more thing. Selfie!

Grace took a selfie of herself and Sunz while she was wearing Sunz's windbreaker.