Chapter 73: Sunz vs No Name – The Winner is Obvious

The night before Sunz vs No Name match, everyone agreed to not bother both of them until the match was over. On the day of the match, Sunz received his Windbreaker back from Sogae, then he, No Name, Grimm, and Fourth contestant all headed to the arena by bus.

The first match will be Sunz vs No Name.

The second match will be Grimm vs Fourth contestant.

Before the first match begins, Jihu, Yama, and Grace meet up with Jun and Soju in the viewing area.

*Jun arrived first and saw Soju breathing smoke out of his mouth*

Jun: Did you relapse again?

Soju: haha, funny joke... No, I'm not.

Jun *looks around*: Narae, aren't here yet?

Soju: She has to go back to work… but you already know that.

Jun: And you are angry about that?

Soju: I am... angry about not spending time with her.

Jun:… You know, I don't know how hard it is for you two to find the time when her schedule and yours are pretty flexible. She has the disguise perfume, and we have three times the energy of a normal person after 8 hours of sleep.

Soju (I can't think of anything): Look, the kids arrived.

Jun turned around, about to say hi to them, but something made her sentence shift.

Jun: What happened with you, Grace?

Grace had no response.

Jihu: She was already like this when we met.

Yama (I don't know these people. I stay quiet.)

Jun: Her appearance looks dead and alive, while her movement is… kind of normal?

Soju lightly pushes Jun aside, then shoves something inside Grace's mouth.

Jun: What are you doing?

Soju: Relax I've seen this many times.

After what Soju just did, Grace's appearance returned to normal.

Soju: What is bothering you?

Grace: I... can't cheer… for them, both. Sunz - No Name.

After saying that Grace's appearance returned to her dead – alive state.

Everyone, including Jun, has no idea what is happening.

Jun: What happened with her?

Soju: She is fine, just indecisive. She didn't know who to cheer on in the next match, which caused stress, and then her appearance was morphed by the aura based on the state of her mind.

Jun: What can we do?

Soju: Nothing. Wait until the match is over, and then that appearance will be gone. Her condition is more of a simple one. Imagine having to choose between two future husbands or wives.

Jun: I understand half of what you said. So she is ok and is under stress… What did you put in her mouth?

Soju pulls out a bag of leaves: One of my medicines." This one is called... Aura-numb. One leaf can suppress the person's aura and make them stoic for a few seconds.

Jun: Isn't that just "Drug"?

Soju: I wouldn't say that. You can't get addicted to this, it doesn't help out in battle, and if normal people eat it, it will have no effect since their aura is weaker than ours.

Jihu: Soju, may I ask. How much do you know about aura?

Soju: I have plenty of knowledge about aura. You want to learn about it?

Jihu: I want to.

Soju: I don't know about that. Don't want to compare you to your sister standing over here, but even she can't learn pass the basic of aura, and she studied law. How can you?

Jihu: She is only the best at fighting and using skills, not at healing. That is what I think learning aura is about. Also, I studied chemistry, which revolves around testing... Plus, I can see aura.

Soju and Jun:… The last five words are more important than the whole sentence.

Jihu: What?

Jun: You think you can teach him? Do you even have any experience in teaching?

Soju: First time for everything. Plus, you are the best at fighting maybe he will be the best at healing. If he isn't, at least I will get more information about aura.

Jihu: Is that a Yes?

Soju: It is. Prepare to be locked in that library for days, where the only person you'll meet is Sogae.

Jun: So that's why you two can't find the time to hang out. It's all your fault.

Soju answers Jun: I see...

Soju said to Jihu: Ok student, your first mission is to observe the two matches, then report any details that are new or strange to you.

*Sogae making an announcement*

Sogae: Hello, lady and gentlemen, welcome to today's match. We are only four matches away from finding the winner of this tournament. Without further ado, here are the two fighters of the first match Sunz and No Name.

*While Sunz and No Name walking on to the arena*

Soju: So who do all of you think is winning this match?

Jun: The girl has a higher chance of winning, but that boy can do unexpected stuff.

Jihu: Well, today there will be no unexpected stuff. He is fighting her without any 'Elements'.

Grace: There is no way for him to win without using 'Elements' such a Moron. The match has already been decided.

Jun: His number 1 fan doesn't even believe that he has a chance.

Soju: I think even he himself knows that. He just using this moment to refine his sword skill. All he has to do is find another "Prize".

Jihu: What "Prize"?

Soju: Just watch, and you'll see.

*On the arena*

Sunz and No Name have drawn their blades, waiting for Sogae to start.

Without a countdown, Sogae immediately disappeared, and both opponents dashed at each other. The clash between both of them last for a few seconds before knocking each other back, and blood starts dripping from the tip of their sword.

From a quick glance, Sunz took a direct hit to his right arm and minor grazes around his body. While No Name has no visible damage on her body.

Sunz put his right arm out of commission, while having a confused look on his face. He clenches his right hand and tightens the grip of his sword on the left.

Sunz (What are you hiding?)

No-Name (You're communicating with me? In my mind… Impossible!)

Sunz (…)

No-Name (…)

Soju (Things are looking a lot more intense after that quick trade): Yo Jihu, he is your friend, right? Do you know why he intentionally took the first hit?

Jihu: I don't know. He doesn't even know himself.

Soju: Make sense… It takes time to know yourself.

Grace (You know you can't control it, so you opt it out… or …, heh, what do I know about controlling element, let alone multiples of them.)

Jihu: Soju, I think you will find this interesting. Sunz's aura has increased to become equal to No-Name's aura. Does that mean he is on an equal footing with her?

Soju: Of course not. What Sunz has is 'Temporary Aura' while No Name has 'Base Aura'. It's only increasing his chance by a little bit.

Jihu: But why did it increase that much?

Soju: I'll explain it more clearly when we train. All I can say now is, he found his new "Prize".