Chapter 100: Last Group Chat

After picking up Sunz and Grace. Sogae took both of them to pick up No Name and Yama from their room without informing them.

*At No Name's room*

Sunz: What are we doing here?

Sogae: To pick up the rest group *knock on door*

No Name opened the door and was surprised to see Sunz, Grace, and Sogae. While the three of them were also surprised to see No Name with messy hair, in her pajama and slurping on cup noodles.

She cut the noodles from her mouth in order to speak "Oh, we're going now. How much time do I have to prepare?"

Sogae: Well, about-

Grace pushed past Sogae and stepped into the room "We'll be down there in 5 to 10 minutes. You two pick up Yama." Then she closed the door between them.

Sunz asked Sogae: Did you forget to tell them the time?

Sogae: I didn't tell anyone the time, I just told them including you that I'm going to pick you all up.

Sunz: Let's just go and pick up Yama then we'll wait for you to get the car.


Sunz: Why are you not moving?

Sogae: From the way you speak it sounds like you know where his room is.

Sunz: This is my first going to others room. The only room I know is mine.

Sogae: Not including Grace's room?

Sunz: No, she always meets me in my room.

*At Yama's room*

Sogae knocks on the door and after a few seconds, Yama answers the door.

Yama: Hi, times to go?

Sunz: Wow, already dressed up, very casual.

Yama: Ah, no. These are yesterday's clothes, I haven't changed out. But am I underdressed? You are wearing a full suit.

Sunz: Don't worry too much, wear what you feel comfortable with. Also, this has become my fighting outfit… but you, aren't you supposed to be relaxing and stuffing your face?

Yama: I've been doing that and other stuff on the side.

Sogae: I can vouch for him, he has been ordering food through room service, a lot.

Sunz: ha, really? You look more skinny than the last time I saw you.

Yama: I've been eating and playing around the last few days, there is no way I lost weight.

Sunz:… Well, not to speculate too much. Just say you are losing weight to impress a girl.

Yama: I'm not, we are just friends that hang out at that gaming building.

Sunz: I won't pry anymore into that but, if you are planning to stick to that skinny form won't you lose at least 50% of your power? You hit stronger when you are fat, combined with your super defense ability. In this form, you are just like us. A fast and annoying bug.

Yama: If I'm not gaining weight here then I will back home. Also, I have another way to temporarily switch forms.

Yama took a deep breath then breathed out, after a few seconds his body puffed up into the fat Yama from before. The form only lasts for 2 seconds before returning Yama to his current weight.


Sunz: Wow, very impressive. That must mean you can also switch into your skinny self.


*staring at them without saying anything and both of his pupils slowly moving to the corner of his eyes*

Sogae: The kid is dazed *grabbed Yama out of his room and locked the door then pushed him onto Sunz*

"He seems light enough for you to carry. Let's start moving."

Sunz: Sur- (wow he is light, the fuck!) Down we go.

After a few minutes Sunz, Yama, and Sogae made it to the lobby.

Sunz tossed Yama onto one of the lounge sofas and sat down on the one opposite of Yama.

Sunz: So are you gonna wait for the girls then get the car or are you doing it now?

Sogae: We can wait… *elevator ding* that must be them.

Two figures walk out of the elevator, but they aren't the people Sunz and Sogae were expecting. They both were wearing a white coat over their clothes and one of them just kept looking at the floor.

The person who keeps looking at the floor seems to be just following the person next to them. They continue to walk in Sogae's direction then stop.

Sunz (Who are these two?)

Sogae: Can I help you?

Face white coat: I thought you already left?

Sogae seems to be familiar with this person: Just waiting for the rest to get ready.

Face white coat: Look like you can just take this one and add him to the group. Don't need me to drive him to the place.

*tap the other person's shoulder*

"Sit down next to Sunz, you can sense aura better now so you probably know which they are."

The face-down person walked toward Sunz and he scooted over in response then they slumped down into the sofa and revealed that it was Jihu, looking all tired with bags under his eyes.

Jihu: Good luck…*fall asleep*

Sunz: What happened and who are you?

Sogae: Well, this is Soju, who is currently in charge of Jihu special training.

Sunz: Ok, nice to meet you.

Soju: You don't remember me, kid? I was the person who gave your group those amazing golden tickets… glad to see that you were all safe after that incident.

Sunz: We only met once and it was brief, so of course I won't remember you. The only person who probably remembers you is the girl that insults you.

Soju: I wouldn't call that an insult.

Sunz: So what kind of training did you have him go through? Never seen him in this state before.

Soju: A lot of reading then testing and combined with not sleeping for a few days without consuming any caffeine. Will turn you into that. Well, I'll take my leave now. Listen to Sogae and don't cause any trouble.

When Soju left, the elevator made another *ding* sound, and coming out of it were Grace and No Name. Grace looked around the lobby until she found the group then pulled No Name to where the group was.

No Name: Sorry we are late, takes quite a while.

Sogae: Don't worry, I'm going to get our car now, so keep yourself company. *leave*

Sunz: So you two are just wearing the same outfit but different colors.

Grace: Yeah, got a problem with that!?

Sunz: No? Just find it funny that the arms are longer when No Name wears your clothes. The other time I thought you had different sizes for one outfit.

Grace: Well, the other time we have time for adjustment and not 10 minutes of rushing… Also what the hell happened here? These two partied without you?

Sunz: No. Jihu studied without sleep for a few days and Yama was knocked out after puffing up.

Grace shifted her eyes between everyone while No Name slumped down on one of the sofas.

Sunz: Looking for something?

Grace: No, just looking… This feels like we are going to a cosplay convention, except for Yama.

Sunz: Huh, you're not wrong.

No Name: So Sunz, how was your training with Archibald?

Sunz:… How did you know that name?

No Name: Grace told me, and I can't believe you didn't tell me about what happened to Grace.

Sunz: I don't have your contact information.

No Name: Fair point. So how was your training, any good improvement?


No Name: Well, you fuck… unless you pull out the cheat you use in our match.

Grace: No! You are not allowed to do that again. I don't want to see you act like an emotionless murderer. That is my order to you!

Sunz: Was that last line necessary? Is it because I'm wearing a butler outfit?

Grace: Yes it's necessary.

No Name: Well, if he doesn't kill him then the other guy will.

Grace: Well, he managed to get here without killing anyone so he might as well end without killing anyone.

No Name: Well, I saw what happened to you guys that night so I'm not that confident in him winning. You were lucky that Sogae was there.

Grace:… of all the people here why are you fighting against me?

No Name: You want him to win, don't you? So are we and that is the best solution.

Sunz: Well, that won't happen because they aren't going to interfere with this battle. I can't always rely on others for everything.

No Name: Wow, feeling confident.

Sunz: No, not at all. Terrified actually. I already know that my strength can't compare to him.

Suddenly he felt a hand placed on his shoulder.

Jihu: You all talk so much, I can't nap properly.

Grace: Well, I just worried about him dying!

Jihu: haha, fine then. I'll ease up the mood. Sunz you're not going to die in this match, so go all out, use any aces that you can think of even if it's going to break your body, because you have the best doctor by your side.

Sunz: Thank you… and it seems that everyone here all thinks that I'm going to lose.

No Name: No doubt.

Grace: I still have some hope, but yeah.

Jihu: You *yaawn* make it this far was quite a miracle. I did see your potential to win this tournament. Well, that was before I knew about No Name, Grimm, and ONE.

Sunz's phone starts ringing: Well that is enough talk for now, let's get going.

As Sunz, Jihu, and No Name stand up, Yama also gets up from his lying position.

Sunz: Hey, finally back on your feet Yama?

Yama: uh, yeah just now tho, blood finally flows through my legs. But I did hear what all of you were talking about. I don't know too much about the person you are fighting against but since you were able to figure out how my ability works and adapted to my fighting style. You'll definitely win!

Sunz (such an optimist kid): Well, looks like the bet is 4 to 1, if I win you are going win a lot of money Yama.

Jihu: *yawn* if you can still joke then that means you think you can win, but I can't pick again.

No Name: My bet still stands since he didn't even win against me.

As everyone walked out of the hotel, Grace held Sunz back for a bit.


Sunz: Something wrong, Grace?

Grace:… *quickly leans in and kisses him on the lips then pulls out with a bright red face* t-t-that is my side bet. If you win you have to pay me-me back.

She then quickly walks past Sunz then holds onto No Name for support.

Sunz: Was she planning on doing that or did the joke speed thing up? *smile* Wasn't that convenient for you, Grace… always attack at the most unexpected moments.