Lust's Unique Ability

"Congratulations on discovering a unique ability," sounded the system.

"Huh?" Jake thought, tilting his face.

The neon blue panel emerged again before him, blocking the view of Alea's exposed body. Although he wanted to stare at her oozing ass a little longer, the contents of the panel quickly caught his attention.

You've unlocked Lust's unique ability: [Sovereign's Intimacy] - Learn one ability of choice with anyone you've had sexual intercourse with. The learned ability's level correlates to the level of Sovereigh's Intimacy. This ability has a 7-day cooldown per person.

Please choose from the list below:

[Immunity Vision]

[Venoumous Volleys]

[Antidote Aura]

[Poison Infusion]


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"Learn any ability? Eh… What was the balancing team thinking? Isn't this a little too overpowered?" he thought, scrolling through her abilities. He was already familiar with most of her abilities from his previous experience. All of them were related to the poison element.

[Toxic Tincture], [Arcane Manipulation], [Poisomorph], [Magic Enhancement]... The list seemed to stretch endlessly, a never-ending scroll containing even rarer abilities.

"Geez, how many abilities does this girl have?" he wondered, beginning to count. "104, 105, 106, 107 in total?!"

He looked at her in awe, unsure if the system was malfunctioning. Although the number of abilities didn't directly correlate to strength, even 80 abilities took him years of grinding. At that point, he had already gotten godlike status, wiping dungeons and bosses with ease.

"So this cute girl, I utterly railed is some super important character?"

Alea had gotten up to her knees again, looking at him with a blushing face of affection.

"Hey, Alea, you're a mage right?"

"Yeah. Why'd you ask?" She replied, licking the cum off her fingers and even rolling it around her tongue. "Mmm, so creamy and rich! I see how it binded to my magic so well."

"Ahh, just wondering how strong you were. I got surprised to see your poison melt through those magic resistant crabs."

"No, no, it wasn't just me. It was thanks to your quick thinking and magic-binding semen I could pull it off in the first place," she said and stood up, slapping the sand off her perfect asscheeks.

"But I supposed I'm still a higher-ranked mage," she giggled, sticking her tongue out and winking. "Anyway, we need to clean up the mess. I need to find my bikini."

Jake reached out in the sand, picking up her pussy-juice soaked underwear. "Here ya go. Sorry they got a little sand in there."

"No worries." She dusted the sand off and slid them on. "Mind if I keep your cum inside? It has the same properties as liquid mana, so maybe I could infuse some into my staff at home."

The thought alone nearly awakened Jake's weenie for round three. He almost wanted to go again but decided it was best to save his energy for later.

"Of course, but I'm not entirely sure how it works yet," he answered. "I'd love to help if you need assistance."

"Really? That would be fantastic! Then, let's go back to my place, and I'll show you around," she said while tieing her bikini. "Right… I forgot where I put my clothes. I can't just go back to Ludron dressed like this, especially if your cum begins to drip out. I'm not that lewd either, you know."

Jake nodded and looked down at his starter clothes. He vaguely remembers they used to grant a tiny bit of armor but had been shifted to cosmetics purposes in the latest patch, mostly because players would swap them out after visiting their first blacksmith.

He took his fabric tunic off and handed it to Alea. "Here, you can wear this," he comforted. "It's big enough to cover your bikini panties."

She hesitated for a bit before accepting his kindness and wearing it. "It's comfortable," she smiled. "I'll make sure to pay you back later."

Jake dusted the sand off his pants and tugged them on. "By the way, I'm new to this region, so could you lead the way?"

She held her hand up and pointed at the forest in the opposite location Jake came from. "Ludron is that way. It shouldn't take more than a 30-40 minute walk."

In reality, Jake knew this place as if it was his second home, but he realized it was for the best not to treat this game the same as the old one. A lot of things had changed, not to mention his progress had been reset to zero.

As they began walking down the forest path, Jake scrolled through Alea's ability panel again, analyzing which would be the most beneficial.

He looked for four primary factors—rarity, power, difficulty, and synergy. In general, the rarer the ability was, the more powerful it was, so those factors could be combined. The difficulty of the ability was absolutely crucial as well since they didn't activate with the touch of a button; you had to perform the physical movement. And finally, he'd look for synergy with his other abilities, which was challenging to decide with just the 2 abilities he currently had.

Antidote Aura certainly proved useful if he ever fought alongside Alea, supporting her with his magical semen. He wouldn't have to worry about getting drops of acid on his cock if they decided to perform their thighjob-cock gun combo again since he'd be unaffected by it. But there was no way to tell whether they'd fight together in the future, and he'd rather have his energy for intimate times on a bed.

Most of the other abilities, like Sludgefire and Poisomorph, could be self-harming without a poison immunity passive. He continued scrolling until something odd emerged from the list.

With a sudden jolt, Jake's gaze fixated on the blue interface, his expression contorting with shock.

"Hmm? What's up? Why did you stop?" Alea asked, looking over her shoulder.

"[Poison Nova's Descent] - Unique Ability," it read. He had never heard about it before, so it must've been an addition to this game. It was even a unique ability at that.

"Erm, well," he scratched the back of his head, wondering whether it was alright to ask about her unique ability. "What is Poison Nova's Descent?"

To his question, Alea's face immediately shifted to a serious expression. "How do you know about that?"

"To tell you the truth, you seemed to awaken a unique ability in me," he responded, surprised by her sudden question. "It allows me to learn any ability with a person I've had sex with, which allowed me to view your abilities."

She then thought for a second and spoke. "We can go over all my abilities together, but you mustn't learn Poison Nova's Descent for your own sake."