
After leaving Claire unconcise, Daru covered her with a blanket and walked down.

When he reached down, Haley suddenly came and cornered him.

"what were you doing." She asked him with squinted eyes and a face that screamed that she knew the answer to the question she was asking.

"I don't know…"

"hey mister, don't lie to me, I say you… you and … mom."

Haley pointed her finger to his face as she confronted him.

"I thought you and Alex were going out, from how close you acted before."

"and I am…" Daru said rubbing the back of his head, smiling.

"you…" Haley didn't know what to say there.

She thought a 100 different ways this conversation was supposed to go, but when it came to be she was just speechless.

She didn't know what to do, should she call her father, and maybe all the others, or just ignore this all like it never happened.

If she had not been influenced by the dark side cockies, she might have made a more reasonable decision (if there was any for a situation like this), but now it was the drool that was leaking down her leg that guided her actions.

Haley pulled Daru by his arm down to her room, dragging him away from the kitchen.

Down inside her room, she slams him into the wall before he can say anything and then starts to make out with him.

Daru was surprised and Haley tried to clarify the situation, by saying it was not really clear.

"Now that mom crossed the boundary first. I don't have to hold back too."

Daru wondered if there were any cockies left after Claire, and Haley had eaten those or if was she always this… brazen, to put it mildly.

No skin on his back so he didn't ask for any clarification. With Claire in her bedroom passed out. And it still being too early for any other person to come Daru let it go, even though the screen of reward after having done Claire was still there and his curiosity for what it might get him was burning.

It was not as much as the heat in his lions rising.

So he reciprocated the lust Haley was trying to shove in his mouth.

Bit of lip locking then a battle of tounges halley parted and felt up Darus's peck and abs. not that she wasn't during the kiss, but now that she had made his cheek bare during the exchange, she wanted to get the visuals of what was reading so much heat towards him.

Taking in his sweating body which she knew how it came to be so sweating she licked the middle of his chest like a cat her milk.

Her hand held the edge of Darus's pants as he unbuckled his belt and then panted.

Right after she crouched down and with her eye level on the prize then pulled them down.

Haley marvelled at his dick then licked at the base the kissed the crown, she licked and licked and sniffed, Daru let her do as he brushed her hair, and massaged into her scalp with a feather touch.

Covering his whole penis in layers of her spit Haley took his whole dick into her mouth and started bobbing her head to the limit every few bobs she tried to take it deeper than before.

Daru loved it as Haley took his dick not knowing what part of her mother it had relished, she might not have been able to see Dew to the angle and not that he is gonna clarify as he just groaned in satisfaction.


Not long her passion seem to call in Daru too as he held her head and started thrusting his dick more and more in and to his delight Haley didn't show any gag reflex.

After some deep throating, Daru took Haley pulled her up and took her to the bed, he then pushed her onto her back,

Dropping his pants while Haley took her top off, and then Daru took her pants off.

"taste me." There was a certain firmness to Haley as she spoke to him.

Daru's only reply was a smile ozing eagerness in having her.

Lifting her ass up Daru, went down to lock his lips with her bottom lips.

Laping at her folds and sucking Daru took Haley through a ride of pleasure, it took him some mins to have her break into her first orgasm.

Then Daru got up took Haley's legs and laid them on his chest, now they were in the mating position with Daru's hands to the sides of Haley.

Haley then took Daru's dick in her hand guided it to her pussy and help him aim.

Daru didn't take a sec then to plunge in the warm insides of Haley.

He couldn't imagine the day.

First Claire and now Haley, while Claire was in his plans, Haley was that pleasant surprise that there were complementary desert in a restaurant.

Daru then ploughed Haley's tiny pussy while kissing her constantly to muffle the sound.

But the sound of their sex's making slouching sounds was just that loud and raunchy that further fuelled their lust.

If Alex was the sensitive type, Gloria the Queen, and Claire the all-down type, Haley was the seductress cat that loved to play with her mate.

She kegled her cunt, clawed his back, and bit into his lip.

It was like this that Haley and Daru spent their first ever fuck.


Daru might have known William a bit too well, as he had called Sora's boss and found out that Daru had survived, just like he predicted.

From then the whole organization was on a hunt, while Daru was preying on the Dunphy women.

And for all his incompetence, surprisingly it was Jasson who found a clue about Daru.

He went to meet Hassan, the guy who Daru had trusted and helped be what he is today.

But unfortunately, the world is a cruel place filled with rats, not angels.

He snitched.

He told them of the only person who might have any clue.

Sana, the mother of a disabled child, works as a nurse and a stripper.

The last to see Daru.

Jason took his goons and went to find this sana.

And inside her home on a rare holiday, she rested.

Only for these people to come knocking.

First, they threatened, then they beat her.

But Sana didn't budge.

She would never snitch on Daru.

But then when her son came back, and then screamed looking at her getting beat up.

Jason and his shit bags, took him down and now when they threatened her with his son.

Sana caved in.

No matter who, she could never see her son get hurt, more than life has already done.

When she said the only thing she knew of was that Daru was going to meet his sister.

Jason was royally pissed. He was sure she knew where he exactly was, that was why she was hesitating, not that she knew hardly anything.

But what he failed to see, Willam and Paul the lawyer were not so blind, rather they were hawks that could find a needle in a haystack.

Soon each mobilised every resource to find this sister of Daru.

And it is to say that the empire and connections William has made are not to waste, as he found out the address of Gloria's house.

Jason and his cohorts made their way to Gloria's house with intent, only to discover it deserted upon arrival. However, their attention was swiftly drawn to the sight of two women storming past the front gate, their expressions seething with anger. Without hesitation, Jason ordered his men to intercept them.

Chaos ensued as Mother Reverie and Sonia fiercely resisted, grappling with the assailants, determined not to be taken down easily. Amid the scuffle, Mother Reverie managed to land a solid punch on Jason's stomach, momentarily stunning him. Yet, Jason retaliated swiftly, brandishing his firearm, forcing the two women to relent. As Sonia emitted a low growl of defiance, Jason responded with a harsh slap across her face, a cruel reminder of their current predicament.


[An: damn smh…]