

Are you fucking kidding me?!

This woman is losing her mind.

/"Just tell me tonight when we meet up/" she tells me

I notice that she is still angry about my cheek but trying her best to hold back from asking anymore questions.

I nod my head and reach up to carefully place her sunglasses back over her eyes.


/"Oh, you are here already?/" I say as I carefully descend the staircase

My mother came into my bedroom a few minutes after Genevieve left and practically got me ready as if I were a Barbie doll.

The lady dressed me in an intricate nude dress.

The dress seems to be completely made of a similar tulle material that my coronation dress is made out of.

This dress shows a bit more skin than I am used to showing such as my shoulders, upper back, legs and that is all without mentioning the rather large cleavage area.

I personally think that this is a little too extravagant for a dinner.