

As the limousine pulls into the gates I notice a ridiculous amount of photographers inside of it.

What are all of them doing in here?!

I am more than one hundred percent sure that they were not authorized to enter, meaning that they are trespassing.

I glance at Victoria who is currently sitting across my lap.

The toddler has a worried facial expression as she glances at the hoards of paparazzi.

I sigh.

I was hoping that they would take a break.

/"Do you have any extra clothes in here?/" I ask Bane

He furrows his eyebrows at me, not understanding why I am asking such a question.

/"I think that I have a hoodie in the trunk, why?/" The Prince asks

I give him an incredulous facial expression.

/"To protect her privacy and her eyes/" I state

Does he seriously want to blind a child?!

I look of realization flashes in his eyes.

The limousine stops as close as it can to the stairs.