

Genevieve's POV

/"This armor is too big!/" I groan as my metal pants fall down


Good thing I did not take off the clothes that I had on.

/"Lower your voice before someone catches us!/" Vivian hisses as she lifts Victoria up into her arms

If she drops her I am drowning her, I don't care if she's older than me.

That's my daughter in her arms.

/"You only need the armor to get by the guards and cameras, once we find Elaine you can take it off/" Mr. Beckham tells me

I nod my head.

Vivian peaks around the bush that we are hiding behind.

/"All of the exterior guards are in the front watching the gates/" she says

I am one hundred percent sure that all of the guests are inside of the ballroom due to the coronation starting fifteen minutes ago.

At this realization the four of us make our way towards the back of the castle.

We all stay against the wall, not wanting to be spotted right away.