

Vivian's POV

Genevieve hesitates a bit before pressing her lips to Elaine.

To say that the guest downstairs had mixed reactions would be an accurate description.

I have to admit that some of them sort of resemble fishes out of water.

I have to try my best to stifle a laugh at this.

I glance back over towards Genevieve and Elaine only to furrow my eyebrows.

Is- Is Elaine glowing right now?

The sapphire gem on the sword is still glowing bright as ever, but the veins in Elaine's body seem to be glowing a gold color.

The gold light starts from the veins in the Princess's feet before slowly trailing up her body, inevitably reaching her upper body.

Genevieve pulls away from her, her eyes going wide when she realizes that the girl is glowing.

/"W-What's happening?!/" She freaks out as Elaine's veins continue to light up

I myself do not even know the answer to this question.