

It is six thirty!

I am late!

I am so late!

I hurriedly unlock the door to my apartment and jog through it.

/"Sean, I know that I am late but I can explain/" I rush out as I close the front door behind me

I am met with a deafening silence.

Oh, he must be running late as well.

I release a sigh of relief at this revelation.

Great! I still have time to take a shower and get dressed.


I zip up the back of my dress before running my hands over the front of it, smoothing it out.

I am dressed in an emerald green dress that stops near my calves. It has a long slit up the side of the dress which I currently do not mind all that much.

The dress has one long sleeve that goes down one of my arms which the other arm is completely bare.

This is okay, I guess.

It is either this dress or the short black one.

I turn around and glance at the dress that is hanging up on my wall.