

/"I heard what happened, I'm so sorry/" Gigi's voice meets my ears

I turn to face the director only to notice that she is holding a very short nightgown in one of her hands.

/"Hunter was fucking a girl on the couch in my trailer!/" I exclaim, not caring that I am calling her by her real name

/"What sane thinking person does that shit?!/" I continue

I am livid.

Originally I was going to try to mend ties with the actress so that we could have a drama free work environment.

Now all I want to do is chew her fucking head off and throw it in a wood chipper.

/"I hate to do this to you, but the first scene you're doing today is with her/" Gigi informs me

I bring one of my hands up to rest on my forehead, already feeling the urge to scream at the top of my lungs in anger.

/"Which scene?/" I finally ask when I am able to calm myself down a considerable amount

/"Page eighty-eight/" she says