

Hunter's POV

/"And...cut!/" Gigi calls out

I furrow my eyebrows with confusion when Delaney doesn't immediately move away from me.

What is she doing?

I try my best to peak a look at her face albeit our position not being...the best...for this task.

Upon closer inspection I find out that the brunette is asleep.

How can someone fall asleep standing up?!

I mean I noticed that she looked tired when she got on set today...well...technically it's been all week, but I didn't think she was that tired if she could still have full conversations with people.

I assume that this weird ass 'pop up tour' shit she has going on is making her more tired than normal.

I mean having an eating disorder takes a toll on your body itself, but to be doing more than your body can handle isn't any better.

/"I said 'cut'/" Gigi says once she notices that we haven't got off of the set yet