

/"Hunter and I are not dating!/" I practically yell out

Nicole quickly stands up from her desk.

/"Why not?! 'Enemies to lovers'! It's a foolproof plan!/" She exclaims

I give the woman an appalled facial expression.

/"We do not like each other!/" I say as if it is not obvious enough

Nicole scoffs.

/"That video of you two at the mall shows otherwise/" she says

I groan out with annoyance at the words that leave her mouth.

Ugh! Not her too!

I have had no peace this week!

Every time I leave my apartment complex I am instantly swarmed with paparazzi.

Yesterday I went out around two in the morning to go to the recording studio and I was barely able to do that without being swarmed.

How did they even find the location of my recording studio?!

/"The video is clearly biased/" I stress