

/"Do you have any three's?/" The girl across from me asks

I briefly scan my deck before shaking my head.

/"Go fish/" I sigh out

The girl groans as she reaches over to pluck a card from the deck of cards in between us.

/"Carson, Delaney!' I hear a manly voice yell out from one of the entrances to the minimalistic game room

At the sound of my name being called I turn around in the uncomfortable metal chair that I am sat in so that I can face the man.

/"You're being released,/" is all that he says

I immediately stand up at this announcement.

I'm not usually one to complain, or I just prefer not to do it at least, but these have by far been the hardest months of my life.

I place my cards down on the table and bid goodbye to the girl I was playing with before making my way over to the employee.