

For this interview I just found out that they need Hunter, Wesley and I instead of just Hunter and I.

I have not seen that asshole since the faux date where he basically manipulated me.

Wesley is the human personification of everything that I hate about Hollywood.

/"Are you going to be okay? I can punch him in the face if you want?/"

I smile at Hunter's suggestion.

/"While I appreciate the offer I am unfortunately going to have to reject/" I tell her as we enter the filming set through a large red door

Hunter and I follow the guard who is currently leading us towards the correct set.

The three of us pass by at least three different film sets before ending up in front of a pink set that has a large white couch with a wooden table inside of it.

/"This is the set where you will be interviewed today/" the security guard tells Hunter and I before rushing off in the direction that we came from