

The middle aged man gains a confused facial expression at my mere presence.

/"Good Morning, Miss Carson?/" He greets me back

I lightly chuckle at the evident confusion on his face.

/"May I ask why you're here so early?/" Benny cannot help but inquire

I do not mind the question that he is asking.

I have never been here this early in the morning, even when I was writing my previous albums.

/"I was feeling creative,/" I shrug

/"You are not attempting to stifle my creativity, are you?/" I joke with him

Thankfully Benny notices my teasing tone.

A warm smile breaks out onto his face.

Benny reaches underneath his desk and presses the button that unlocks the door in front of us.

The large metal door unlocks with a sharp click.

/"Have a nice session, Miss Carson/" Benny continues to smile

I give the older man a singular head nod before grabbing ahold of the doorknob and pulling it open.