

I cannot believe that I am actually going to be in a movie.

Not only that, but I am going to be playing a Princess.

This amazing sense of euphoria crashes down upon me at this realization.

I awkwardly stroll up to the gate of the filming lot.

Whoa! This place is huge!

/"Name?/" A man asks from inside of a small white booth

/"Delaney Carson/" I smile at him

His eyes briefly scan over a piece of paper on a clipboard before he scribbles something down with a pen.

I patiently wait as he does this, staring around at everything like a kid at Disneyland for the first time.

/"Your first time on a film set?/" He asks

I turn to face him only to notice that he is staring at me now.

I chuckle awkwardly at this.

/"Is it that obvious?/" I joke

He teeters his head from side to side as he pretends to think of an answer.

/"It's pretty obvious,/" he admits