I never publicly said anything about her extra appendage. Why would I? It is an invasion of privacy! Plus the both of us still publicly disliked each other at this point in time.
/"I had been thinking about apologizing to you for the longest time, so imagine my surprise when the day I actually plan to go through with said apology this video is all over my timeline/" Hunter says
I scroll down a bit only to notice a video.
The thumbnail of the video is a photo of a younger Bea and I exiting a jewelry store.
Still nothing comes to mind about this day.
I click 'play' on the video. It loads for a second before the sound of camera clicks and cars driving by enter my ear drums.
/"Delaney! Delaney! Delaney!/" The guy behind the camera continuously calls out
If I am being honest he is giving me a headache.
/"How'd you react to finding out that McKenna King has a penis?!/"
I furrow my eyebrows.